PGSQL/PostgresSQL is supported since phpstandba 0.2.26
While the phpstandba
engine requires pdo-pgsql
at analysis time, the codebase being analyzed can either use Doctrine DBAL or PDO.
Note: "Record and Replay" is not yet supported on the PGSQL driver
<?php // phpstan-dba-bootstrap.php
use staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\RuntimeConfiguration;
use staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\PdoPgSqlQueryReflector;
use staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\QueryReflection;
use staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\RecordingQueryReflector;
use staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\ReflectionCache;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cacheFile = __DIR__.'/.phpstan-dba.cache';
$config = new RuntimeConfiguration();
// $config->debugMode(true);
// $config->stringifyTypes(true);
// TODO: Put your database credentials here
$pdo = new PDO(..)
new RecordingQueryReflector(
new PdoPgSqlQueryReflector($pdo)
For custom/non-standard PGSQL query APIs the PHPStan rules shipped with phpstandba
can be configured.