This app uses Gradle as build tools, therefore to run it, use Gradle's tasks.
- You don't need to download gradle, just use the wrapper in this project.
./gradlew build
The build has a customization to let us use either H2 or MySql version
Running with h2
./gradlew bootRunH2
Build for H2
./gradlew buildH2
Running with MySQL
./gradlew bootRunMySQL
Build for MySQL
./gradlew buildProduction
Running it locally, the port used is: 8080 (with empty context)
After building for production, some environment variables need to be mapped for the DB configuration. Check it bellow
Docker image may be prepared using gradle as well.
Run one of the tasks:
- buildH2
- For H2 version
- buildProduction
- For MySQL version
The API definitions is available on: /manager/describe
On the UI, there's a special parameter to access it: {host}/swagger/o/b?self-describe=true
Abstract below
Used for oaBoard frontend app
/test [Use it initaly to checking] /manager [Main endpoint - multiple paths]
For the other ones, check the *Resource classes
Used to feed this app. As a REST endpoint, it may be called regardless of programming language:
/agent [PUT]
This endpoint requires 2 extra parts on the path:
- [namespace]/[name]
These are strings indicates the names of a given namespace and the app name.
* 200 - OK
* 400 - Bad request: Usually indicates that there are problems with the arguments (wrong types, missing, order...)
* 409 - Conflict: Some validation has failed. For example, an app is in a given state that shouldn't be changed
There are 3 default roles, which are needed:
- Needed to use the frontend application (reading operations)
- Needed to make changes using the frontend application and manage subscriptions
- Needed to push new app definitions, usually to be done by a client
Further roles support TBD
This backend application is based on Kotlin over JVM, and uses mostly Java Web standards/frameworks.
The app itself is not big, so it's kept in a single module.
The base language is Kotlin, over the JVM
(it is compiled into Java bytecode; therefore it runs on the JVM and most Java Frameworks/libraries can be used) -
Spring Boot App
- Spring JPA
- Spring Security
Jax-RS and OpenAPI/Swagger
JWT Token for logged users
It uses standard SQL. It's ready to run/ be built with either H2 or MySQL.
Its model probably also fits well in a NoSQL DB. A SQL was chosen as it was quicker to start with and it fits better JPA
On the kube config, an additional Spring configuration is mapped. The following configuration is required:
server-address: http://this server reference
mail-notification-enabled: true
main-namespace: Production
key: someSecretKeyHere
# Optional:
host: localhost
port: 1025
username: oab_server
password: superSecret
protcol: smtp
# - name: mail.smtp.auth
# value: true
- name: mail.smtp.starttls
value: true
Besides that, any standard Spring configuration may also be used.
In addition, the following configs are required as environment variables:
- db_url
- db_username
- db_password