by Stathis Souris
- ...a mature and extensive hardware independent platform.
- ...evolving very, very slowly
- ...a platform for many programming languages:
- Java, Scala, Kotlin, Ceylon, Frege, Groovy, Fantom, Gosu, ...
- Groovy, Clojure, JRuby, Jython, Golo
- Change threatens backward compatibility
- Change enabled new knowledge, new techniques, new tools
- How do we make SF easier and nicer for ourselves
- Where would we be if we didn't embrace change (Machine language?, Assembly?)
enough with the philosophy
Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia (the comes from Kotlin Island, near St. Petersburg).
- Open source under Apache 2.0
- Expressive
- Null Safety & Immutability
- Type Inference, Smart Casts
- Java Interoperability
- String templates
- Open programming styles
- Lamdas feel at home (nuff said)
- Data class
- Default values for function parameters
- Extension Functions
- when expression (switch on steroids)
Library | Jar Size | Dex Size | Method count | Field count |
kotlin-runtime-0.10.195 | 354 KB | 282 KB | 1071 | 391 |
kotlin-stdlib-0.10.195 | 541 KB | 835 KB | 5508 | 458 |
Library | Jar Size | Dex Size | Method count | Field count |
scala-library-2.11.5 | 5.3 MB | 4.9 MB | 50801 | 5820 |
groovy-2.4.0-grooid | 4.5 MB | 4.5 MB | 29636 | 8069 |
// val = immutable object
val aString : String = "Lorem ipsum" // no semicolons
aString = "Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum" // compiler error
// var = mutable obect
var mutableString :String = "Lorem ipsum"// underlined by IDE
val anInt = 42 // compiler infers type to Int
val someString = "Lorem Ipsum"
fun add(left: Int, right: Int): Int {
return left + right
fun sayHi(hello: String = "Hello",
world: String = "World") {
println("$hello, $world!")
sayHi() // Hello World!
sayHi(hello = "Stathis") // Hello Stathis!
sayHi(hello = "Stathis", // Stathis lorem ipsum!
world = "lorem ipsum")
fun getResult(condition: Boolean): String {
val result = null
if (condition) {
result = "Service OK"
} else {
result = "Service Failure"
return result
fun getResult(condition: Boolean): String {
return if (condition) {
"Service OK"
} else {
"Service Failure"
fun getResult(condition: Boolean) =
if (condition) "Service OK" else "Service Failure"
val customer = Customer("Stathis", "Souris")
fun main (args: List<String>) {
println("Name is ${customer.firstName}")
// or if i want the toString I just omit the properties
println("Name is $customer")
fun Date.isTuesday() : Boolean {
return day == 2
val epoch: Date = Date(1970, 0, 0)
if (epoch.isTuesday()) {
println("The epoch was a Tuesday.")
} else {
println("The epoch was not a Tuesday.")
// decomposing parameters
val (name, email, id) = Tuple("Stathis", "[email protected]", 1);
val (firstName, lastName) = Customer("lorem", "ipsum")
val countryAndCity = mapOf(
Pair("Madrid", "Spain"),
"Paris" to "France"))
for ((city, country) in countryAndCity) { ... }
// ranges
for (numer in 1..100) { .. }
1..100.filter { e -> e % 2 == 0 }.map { ... }
// classes by default final, add `open` to inherit from
open class Person { }
class Employee(val vacationDays: Int): Person() {}
class Contractor: Person()
fun validateVacations(person: Person) {
if (person is Employee) {
// casting is inferred by the compiler (smart cast)
if (person.vacationDays != 20) {
println("You need to take some more time off!")
val customer: Customer = ...
val customer: Customer? = ...
println(customer?.firstName) // if customer null then prints null
// elvis operator
val l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else -1
val l = b?.length ?: -1
// Spring 5 FunctionRouter registration in kotlin
"/posts".nest {
GET("/{id}", blogHandler::getBlogPost)
GET("/", blogHandler::getBlogPosts)
accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM).nest {
GET("/match", blogHandler::matchClock)
typealias MapOfStringsToObjects = HashMap<String, Object>
val validNumbers = arrayOf(100, 42, 5566, 234)
when(x) {
in 1..10 -> print("x == 1")
in validNumbers -> print("x is valid range")
!in 10..20 -> print("x is ouside range")
is ClassName -> ... (smart cast also works here)
else -> print("None of the above")
public String foo(String name, int number, boolean toUpperCase) {
return (toUpperCase ? name.toUpperCase() : name) + number;
public String foo(String name, int number) {
return foo(name, number, false);
public String foo(String name, boolean toUpperCase) {
return foo(name, 42, toUpperCase);
public String foo(String name) {
return foo(name, 42);
fun foo(name: String,number: Int = 42, toUpperCase: Boolean = false) =
(if (toUpperCase) name.toUpperCase() else name) + number
fun useFoo() = listOf(
foo("b", number = 1),
foo("c", toUpperCase = true),
foo(name = "d", number = 2, toUpperCase = true))
public void sendMessageToClient(
@Nullable Client client,
@Nullable String message) {
if (client == null || message == null) return;
PersonalInfo personalInfo = client.getPersonalInfo();
if (personalInfo == null) return;
String email = personalInfo.getEmail();
if (email == null) return;
sendMessage(email, message);
fun sendMessageToClient(
client: Client?, message: String?) {
client?.personalInfo?.email ?: return,
message ?: return );
class Client (val personalInfo: PersonalInfo?)
class PersonalInfo (val email: String?)
class CopyPrinter(copier: Copy, printer: Print) : Copy by copier, Print by printer
interface Copy {
fun copy(page: Page): Page
interface Print {
fun print(page: Page)
public final class CopyPrinter implements Copy, Print {
private final Copy $$delegate_0;// $FF: synthetic field
private final Print $$delegate_1;// $FF: synthetic field
public CopyPrinter(@NotNull Copy copier, @NotNull Print printer) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(copier, "copier");
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(printer, "printer");
this.$$delegate_0 = copier;
this.$$delegate_1 = printer;
public Page copy(@NotNull Page page) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(page, "page");
return this.$$delegate_0.copy(page);
public void print(@NotNull Page page) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(page, "page");
Defining restricted class hierarchies
sealed class Expr {
class Num(val value: Int): Expr()
class Sum(val left: Expr, val right: Expr): Expr()
fun eval(e: Expr): Int =
when (e) {
is Expr.Num -> e.value
is Expr.Sum -> eval(e.right) + eval(e.left)
- Devoxx UK 2017 - Russel Winder
- Jake Wharton pitch
- Spring Framework support