- Integrated vSphere Persistent Volumes
- Test Auto Scaling
- Simple Network Policy
- Basic container health / liveness check
- Jobs and Crons
- Init containers
- MetalLB Layer 2 and BGP integration
- ECMP ingress routing
- Sidecar containers
- Secrets (i.e. https://kubernetesbyexample.com/secrets/ )
- re-deploy cluster, and write steps also for installing ingress (and check docker params)
- re-deploy cluster, using HAProxy as API load balancer (see: https://github.com/sguyennet/terraform-vsphere-kubespray )
- worker down detector
- verify ingress HA and real load balancing / service ECMP routes for
only kind of service - verify ingress autoscaling
- check differences between community and official nginx ingress
- Traefik ingress
- HAProxy ingress
- Kong ingress
- Health check from Ingress (??)
- Read more about Calico (and Kubespray config for it)
- keep in mind integration with MetalLB
- Read and try existing "Operators":
- MongoDB replicaset
- MySQL Cluster
- PostgreSQL Cluster
- ElasticSearch
- KubeDB Operators
- KIND mini cluster
- Kustomize
- Multus CNI
- Cilium CNI
- Nokia DANM CNI
- Envoy Ingress
- KubeVirt / KubeEdge
- K8S and VRF segmentation
- Cluster with multiple overlay/underlay
- Geo clustering, clustering interconnect (federation?)
- K8S and EVPN
- Use of IPVLAN and MACVLAN with Multus
- Kubeless Serverless framework
- Custom External Load Balancer (example: F5)a
- AWS: deploy EKS with CFN
- AWS: deploy K8S with Kops, and try Lyft cni-ipvlan-vpc-k8s