# Project information site_name: 'Horologist' site_description: 'A group of libraries to help write Wear OS apps.' site_author: 'Google' site_url: 'https://google.github.io/horologist/' edit_uri: 'tree/main/docs/' remote_branch: gh-pages docs_dir: docs-gen # Repository repo_name: 'Horologist' repo_url: 'https://github.com/google/horologist' # Navigation nav: - 'Overview': index.md - 'API': api/ - 'Auth': - 'Overview': auth-overview.md - 'Sample apps': auth-sample-apps.md - 'Auth Composables lib': auth-composables.md - 'Auth UI lib': auth-ui.md - 'Auth Data lib': auth-data.md - 'Auth Data Phone lib': auth-data-phone.md - 'Token sharing guide': auth-tokenshare-guide.md - 'Google Sign-In guide': auth-googlesignin-guide.md - 'Audio': - 'Audio Guide': audio.md - 'Audio UI Guide': audio-ui.md - 'Composables': - 'Guide': composables.md - 'Compose Layout': - 'Guide': compose-layout.md - 'Compose Material': - 'Guide': compose-material.md - 'Data Layer': - 'Guide': datalayer.md - 'App Helpers': datalayer-helpers-guide.md - 'Phone UI': datalayer-phone-ui.md - 'Sample': datalayer-sample.md - 'Media': - 'Overview': media-toolkit.md - 'Simple app guide': simple-media-app-guide.md - 'Media UI lib': media-ui.md - 'Media Domain lib': media.md - 'Media Data lib': media-data.md - 'Media3 Backend lib': media3-backend.md - 'Media sample app': media-sample.md - 'Stateful PlayerScreen Guide': media-playerscreen.md - 'Network Awareness': - 'Guide': network-awareness.md - 'Tiles': - 'Guide': tiles.md - 'Snapshots': using-snapshot-version.md - 'Contributing': contributing.md - 'Maintainers': - 'Update guide': updating.md # Configuration theme: name: 'material' language: 'en' logo: logo/logo-white.svg palette: primary: 'black' accent: 'deep orange' font: text: 'Roboto' code: 'JetBrains Mono' # Extensions markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - codehilite: guess_lang: false - footnotes - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.betterem - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed - pymdownx.details