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Generating Extremely Long Sequences in JAX

Sasha Rush (@srush_nlp) with Sidd Karamcheti

Based on research by Albert Gu, Karan Goel, and Christopher Ré.



Talk Goals

Caveat: Not a research talk, there will be bugs 🧑‍🔬

    1. Learn about a new ML architecture.
    2. Understand how JAX supports it.

JAX: Pros and Cons


    • Debugging is still hard
    • No NN standard
    • Hard to reason about (for me)


    • Seperate math from NN (facilitates testing)
    • JIT is really impressive
    • Lifted transformations are magic

Problem Context

Sequence Modeling

Birds-Eye: Learning over a list of elements (discrete or sampled signal)

  • Classification

    Is the dog a good boy?

    • Yes
  • Generation

    The dog is a good _____

The Transformer


Transformer Dominance


The Transformer Weakness


  • Scales $O(L^2)$ with length $L$.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

  • Scales $O(L)$ with length $L$.

Long Range Arena

  • A benchmark of extremely long sequence tasks (up to 16k tokens)


Linearized Images




  • Classification problem on linearized (one pixel at a time) image sequence.


Albert Gu, Karan Goel, and Christopher Ré.



  • The model is quite mathematically complicated (want to test)
  • Core operations required external libraries in Torch
  • Follow-up work uses similar structure


  • A concise pedagogical JAX / Flax implementation.

Image Generation

Speech Generation


Part 1: SSM

State Space Models (SSM)

  • A state space model maps a 1-D input signal $u(t)$ to an $N$-D latent state $x(t)$ before projecting to a 1-D output signal $y(t)$.

$$ \begin{aligned} x'(t) &= \boldsymbol{A}x(t) + \boldsymbol{B}u(t) \\ y(t) &= \boldsymbol{C}x(t)\\ \end{aligned} $$

  • $\boldsymbol{A}$, $\boldsymbol{B}$, $\boldsymbol{C}$ are parameters; $u$ input, $y$ output, $x$ state
def random_SSM(rng, N):
    a_r, b_r, c_r = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
    A = jax.random.uniform(a_r, (N, N))
    B = jax.random.uniform(b_r, (N, 1))
    C = jax.random.uniform(c_r, (1, N))
    return A, B, C


  • To discretize input sequence $(u_0, u_1, \dots, u_{L-1})$ need a step size $\Delta$ representing $u_k = u(k \Delta)$.

  • One choice for discretization is a bilinear transform.

$$ \begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} &= (\boldsymbol{I} - \Delta/2 \cdot \boldsymbol{A})^{-1}(\boldsymbol{I} + \Delta/2 \cdot \boldsymbol{A}) \\ \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} &= (\boldsymbol{I} - \Delta/2 \cdot \boldsymbol{A})^{-1} \Delta \boldsymbol{B} \\ \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} &= \boldsymbol{C}\\ \end{aligned} $$

def discretize(A, B, C, step):
    I = np.eye(A.shape[0])
    BL = inv(I - (step / 2.0) * A)
    Ab = BL @ (I + (step / 2.0) * A)
    Bb = (BL * step) @ B
    return Ab, Bb, C

Discretized SSM as RNN

  • Once discretized with step $\Delta$, the SSM can be viewed as a linear RNN,

$$ \begin{aligned} x_{k} &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} x_{k-1} + \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_k\\ y_k &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} x_k \\ \end{aligned} $$

def scan_SSM(Ab, Bb, Cb, u, x0):
    def step(x_k_1, u_k):
        x_k = Ab @ x_k_1 + Bb @ u_k
        y_k = Cb @ x_k
        return x_k, y_k

    return jax.lax.scan(step, x0, u)

Tangent: A Mechanics Example

  • Example from mechanics, mass on a spring

    • forward position $y(t)$
    • force $u(t)$ is applied to this mass
    • parameterized by mass ($m$), spring constant ($k$), friction constant ($b$)

$$ \begin{aligned} my''(t) = u(t) - by'(t) - ky(t) \end{aligned} $$

Tangent: A Mechanics Example [Matrix form]

$$ \begin{aligned} my''(t) = u(t) - by'(t) - ky(t) \end{aligned} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{A} &= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \ -k/m & -b/m \end{bmatrix} \\ \boldsymbol{B} & = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \ 1/m \end{bmatrix} & \boldsymbol{C} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \\ \end{aligned} $$

def example_mass(k, b, m):
    A = np.array([[0, 1], [-k / m, -b / m]])
    B = np.array([[0], [1.0 / m]])
    C = np.array([[1.0, 0]])
    return A, B, C

Tangent: A Mechanics Example (with force)

@partial(np.vectorize, signature="()->()")
def example_force(t):
    x = np.sin(10 * t)
    return x * (x > 0.5)
def example_ssm(L=100):
    ssm = example_mass(k=40, b=5, m=1)

    # L samples of u(t).
    step = 1.0 / L
    ks = np.arange(L)
    u = example_force(ks * step)
    y = scan_SSM(*ssm, u)

Training SSMs

  • Our Goal: Train a neural network with SSMs
  • SSM RNNs: Fast for generation, but slow for training

Key Properties

  • SSM CNNs: Slow for generation, but fast for training
  • Initilization

SSMs as wide CNNs

  1. "Unroll" the RNN representation

$$ \begin{aligned} x_{k} &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} x_{k-1} + \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_k\\ y_k &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} x_k \\ \end{aligned} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} x_0 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 & x_1 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 & x_2 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^2 \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 + \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_2 & \dots \\ y_0 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 & y_1 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 & y_2 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^2 \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_2 & \dots \end{aligned} $$

SSMs as wide CNNs

  1. Form a $L$-length kernel

$$ \begin{aligned} y_k &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^k \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^{k-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 + \dots + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_{k-1} + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_k \\ \end{aligned} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{\overline{K}} \in \mathbb{R}^L = (\boldsymbol{\overline{C}}\boldsymbol{\overline{B}}, \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}\boldsymbol{\overline{A}}\boldsymbol{\overline{B}}, \dots, \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}\boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^{L-1}\boldsymbol{\overline{B}}) \end{aligned} $$

def K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
    return np.array(
        [(Cb @ matrix_power(Ab, l) @ Bb).reshape() for l in range(L)]

SSMs as wide CNNs

  1. Apply as a (non-cicular) convolution

$$ y = \boldsymbol{\overline{K}} \ast u $$

def non_circular_convolution(u, K, nofft=False):
    if nofft:
        return convolve(u, K, mode="full")[: u.shape[0]]
        ud = np.fft.rfft(np.pad(u, (0, K.shape[0])))
        Kd = np.fft.rfft(np.pad(K, (0, u.shape[0])))
        return np.fft.irfft(ud * Kd)[: u.shape[0]]
  • $O(L \log L)$ training through FFT

Initialization with HiPPO

  • Fast training, but random init does terribly. MNIST classification benchmark $50%$.
  • HiPPO initialization of $\mathbf{A}$ improves this number to $98%$
def make_HiPPO(N):
    def v(n, k):
        if n > k:
            return np.sqrt(2 * n + 1) * np.sqrt(2 * k + 1)
        elif n == k:
            return n + 1
            return 0
    mat = [[v(n, k) for k in range(1, N + 1)] for n in range(1, N + 1)]
    return -np.array(mat)

HiPPO Intuition Sketch

  • Recall $x_k$ is an $N$-dimensional hidden representation of an $L$-step signal
  • HiPPO approximates state as $N$ Legendre coefficients representing $u$.


def example_legendre(N=8):
    u = (np.random.rand(N) - 0.5) * 2
    t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
    x = numpy.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(u)(t)

Tangent: Neat JAX things.

  • Everything is a modular testable function
  • So far - no parameter, batches, NN nonsense
  • In fact, mostly scalar modeling.

SSM Network Layer

  • SSM layer with Flax (still scalar!)
class SSMLayer(nn.Module):
    A: np.DeviceArray  # HiPPO
    N, L: int

    def setup(self):
        self.B = self.param("B", lecun_normal(), (self.N, 1))
        self.C = self.param("C", lecun_normal(), (1, self.N))
        self.step = np.exp(self.param("log_step", log_step_initializer(), (1,)))

        # Conv created each time during training
        self.ssm = discretize(self.A, self.B, self.C, step=self.step)
        self.K = K_conv(*self.ssm, self.L)

    def __call__(self, u):
        return non_circular_convolution(u, self.K) 

Lifting SSM Layer

  • Lift to $H$ copies
    layer, in_axes=1, out_axes=1,
    variable_axes={"params": 1}, # New Params
    split_rngs={"params": True},
  • Over $B$ batches
    layer, in_axes=0, out_axes=0,
    variable_axes={"params": None}, # Shared Params
    split_rngs={"params": False},
  • Put into a stack of layers (similar to Transformers)


  • Alternative SSM layer with Flax Caching
class SSMRNNLayer(nn.Module):
    A: np.DeviceArray  # HiPPO
    N, L: int

    def setup(self):
        self.B = self.param("B", lecun_normal(), (self.N, 1))
        self.C = self.param("C", lecun_normal(), (1, self.N))
        self.step = np.exp(self.param("log_step", log_step_initializer(), (1,)))
        self.ssm = discretize(self.A, self.B, self.C, step=self.step)
        self.x_k_1 = self.variable("cache", "cache_x_k", np.zeros, (self.N,))

    def __call__(self, u):
        x_k, y_s = scan_SSM(*self.ssm, u[:, np.newaxis], self.x_k_1.value)
        if self.is_mutable_collection("cache"):
           self.x_k_1.value = x_k
        return y_s.reshape(-1).real + self.D * u

Part 2: S4

Issue: Calculating $K$

  • Unfortunately, this step is a problem.
def K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
    return np.array(
        [(Cb @ matrix_power(Ab, l) @ Bb).reshape() for l in range(L)]
  • Main contribution of S4 is to fix this function.

  • Today: quick sketch of how it works

Two S4 Tricks

See blog post for full details. Here are two neat JAX tricks.

  • Instead of computing $\boldsymbol{\overline{K}}$ directly, S4 evaluates its truncated generating function.

    • This becomes a functional vmap in JAX.
  • In order to evalute the generating function it computes a Cauchy kernel $\frac{1}{\omega_j - \zeta_k}$.

    • This is intractable in Torch, but is jitted out in JAX.

Trick 1. SSM Generating Functions

The truncated SSM generating function at node $z$ with truncation $L$ is

$$ \hat{\mathcal{K}}L(z; \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}, \boldsymbol{\overline{B}}, \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}) \in \mathbb{C} := \sum{i=0}^{L-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^i \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} z^i $$

def K_gen_naive(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
    K = K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L)
    return lambda z: np.sum(K * (z ** np.arange(L)))

Trick 1. SSM Generating Functions

We can recover the kernel ${\cal K}$ through a z-transform at the roots of unity $\Omega = { \exp(2\pi \frac{k}{L} : k \in [L] }$ and inverse fourier transformation.

def conv_from_gen(gen, L):
    Omega_L = np.exp((-2j * np.pi) * (np.arange(L) / L))
    atRoots = jax.vmap(gen)(Omega_L)
    return np.fft.ifft(atRoots, L).reshape(L).real

Trick 1. SSM Generating Functions

Simplifying the generating function allows us to avoid calling K_conv $$ \hat{\mathcal{K}}L(z) = \sum{i=0}^{L-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^i \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} z^i = \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} (\boldsymbol{I} - \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^L z^L) (\boldsymbol{I} - \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} z)^{-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} $$

def K_gen_inverse(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
    I = np.eye(Ab.shape[0])
    Ab_L = matrix_power(Ab, L)
    Ct = Cb @ (I - Ab_L)
    return lambda z: (Ct.conj() @ inv(I - Ab * z) @ Bb).reshape()

Trick 2. Exploiting Structure

Under a diagonal assumption on $\mathbf{A}=\Lambda$ you can further reduce the generating function to the following kernel form,

$$ \begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{\hat{K}}_{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}(z) & = c(z) \sum_i \frac{\tilde{C}i B_i} {(g(z) - \Lambda{i})} \ \end{aligned}$$ where $c$ is a constant, and $g$ is a function of $z$.

  • However the transform of this function is memory and compute-intensive.

    • $L=16,000$ different $z$, $N$ different $i$
    • Instantiating full tensor is intractable
    • Libraries like KeOps avoid this issue

Trick 2. Exploiting Structure

In JAX we can rely on the JIT to take care of this for us.

  • JIT handles the fusion of the sum term
@partial(np.vectorize, signature="(c),(),(c)->()")
def cauchy_dot(v, omega, lambd):
    return (v / (omega - lambd)).sum()
  • JAX remat handles cases of very long sequences.

Part 3: S4 in Practice

Training S4

  • So far: tested code for training S4 as a CNN and running it as an RNN.
  • MNIST classification and CIFAR classification (by pixel) are strong.



  • Generate extremely long sequences.

  • Expreriments on MNIST, QuickDraw, SpeechCommands

S4 Model

Training to Generate by Pixeal

Code to sample from the RNN

def sample(model, params, prime, cache, x, start, end, rng):
    def loop(i, cur):
        x, rng, cache = cur
        r, rng = jax.random.split(rng)
        out, vars = model.apply(
            {"params": params, "cache": cache},
            x[:, np.arange(1, 2) * i],

        def update(x, out):
            p = jax.random.categorical(r, out[0])
            return[i + 1, 0].set(p)

        x = jax.vmap(update)(x, out)
        return x, rng, vars["cache"].unfreeze()

    return jax.lax.fori_loop(start, end, loop, (x, rng, cache))[0]

Generating by Pixel

Prefix Generation

Experiments: QuickDraw

Experiments: Sound

Conclusion & Future Work

Conclusion (on JAX)

  • JAX really signs at modular mathematical code.

  • JAX JIT makes some hard code trivial.

  • Lifting in Flax

# Replaces Part 2.
def complex_softmax(x, eps=1e-7):
    def reciprocal(x):
        return x.conj() / (x * x.conj() + eps)

    x2 = x - x[np.argmax(x.real)]
    e = np.exp(x2)
    return e * reciprocal(np.sum(e))

def dss_kernel(W, Lambda, L, step):
    P = (step * Lambda)[:, None] * np.arange(L)
    S = jax.vmap(complex_softmax)(P)
    return ((W / Lambda) @ S).ravel().real

def dss_ssm(W, Lambda, L, step):
    N = Lambda.shape[0]
    Abar = np.diag(np.exp(Lambda * step))
    b = jax.vmap(lambda l:
                 1 / (l * (np.exp(l * np.arange(L) * step)).sum()))
    Bbar = b(Lambda).reshape(N, 1)
    Cbar = W.reshape(1, N)
    return (Abar, Bbar, Cbar)

Thank You

  • Huge thanks to Albert Gu and Karan Goel, who were super helpful in putting this together. Their paper and codebase.

  • Ankit Gupta for helping with his DSS model

  • Thanks to Conner Vercellino, Laurel Orr, Ankit Gupta, Ekin Akyürek, Saurav Maheshkar