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162 lines (128 loc) · 4.15 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (128 loc) · 4.15 KB

Contributing to HaxePunk

There are a few ways you can contribute to this project. The first is to simply create an issue clearly defining the problem you are having and any examples that might help us recreate it. The second is to fork the project, make changes, and submit a pull request following the guidelines listed below.

Making a Pull Request

Follow the steps below to make changes and submit a pull request.

  • Create a local branch using git checkout -b <my branch name>
    • Not required but will allow you to submit multiple changes and leaves the master branch untouched
  • Make changes and test
  • Commit the changes to your new branch
  • Push to your repository git push origin <my branch name>
  • Create a pull request and point it to the appropriate branch for HaxePunk

Testing HaxePunk

It is suggested that you test your changes on Flash and Neko if making updates to cross-platform code. There are unit tests that can be run by typing ant unit on the command line. It's also good to run the full suite, with examples, by typing ant. This may require you to install Ant unless you already have it on your computer.

Programming Guidlines

The following are guidlines on how to format the code you submit to HaxePunk. In the end just use good judgement and try to match the styling of the other classes.

A space should be placed after if, for, while, and switch. No space before or after the parentheses. Statements within blocks should be indented using a tab.

for (item in list)

Curly braces should be on their own line. This is to improve visual scanning of a document.

if (testCondition)

class MyClass extends AnotherClass
	public function new()

// BAD
if (performCheck(first,
	third)) {
} else {

Put spaces between operators and after commas. It makes code easier to scan.

var x = 10 + (52 / m) - z.q;

function (a:Int, b:Float, c:String)

// BAD
var x=10+(52/m)-z.q;

// BAD
function (a:Int,b:Float,c:String)

Types only need to be included on variables that are not explicitly defined in a statement. Multiple vars may be created by connecting them with commas.

var a = new Array<String>(),
	str = "my string";
var i:Int = 0;
var foo:Array<Dynamic> = [1, "hi", b];

// BAD
var i = 0; // float or int?
var a = new Array<String>(), str = "my string", other:Int = 39, i, j, k; // split into multiple lines

Function declarations should always include the parameter types. Public functions should return Void if not returning a value and should have doc styled comments. Optional arguments should use a ? if expected to be null or = if assigning a value.

 * My class
class MyClass
	 * A function to do things
	 * @param val1  The first value of this function
	 * @param val2  This can be set to null
	 * @param val3  This value defaults to 1
	public function doThings(val1:Int, ?val2:String, val3:Int=1):Void

	 * Returns an array
	 * @return An array of strings
	private function createArray():Array<String>

Put public variables at the top of your class and private variables at the bottom. This was a style brought from FlashPunk. The exception is properties which should be placed together with their getter/setter functions (which should be private).

class MyClass
	public var index:Int = 0;

	public function new()

	@:isVar public var prop(get, set):Bool;
	private function get_prop():Bool { return prop; }
	private function set_prop(value:Bool):Bool
		return prop = value;

	private function doSomething():Int
		return 0;

	private var map:Map<String, Int>;

Additional suggestions

Please delete trailing whitespace on save
Most editors have this as an option. It makes commits less cluttered with whitespace changes.
Please document new functions and classes
This helps others understand how to use the added functionality. We may request that you add this before merging your pull request.