GitHub Webhook app. Receives messages from GitHub and sends them to a message broker. Part of the deployment pipeline example
For more information please read the guides.
Go to your ~/.m2/settings.xml
and add the server with id docker-repo
<email>[email protected]</email>
First create and push the docker image
$ ./mvnw package docker:build -DpushImage
$ minikube start
Start Kubernetes Dashboard
$ minikube dashboard
Create this deployment on the cluster using kubectl
$ kubectl create -f deployment.yml
Check if deployment is there
kubectl describe deployment github-webhook-deployment
Create a service to expose the pod to the outside world
$ kubectl create -f service.yml
Check if service has properly been created
$ kubectl describe service github-webhook-service
Retrieve the URL from minikube
$ minikube service github-webhook-service --url
Or go directly to the URL
$ minikube service github-webhook-service