Spress is a static site generator built with Symfony components.
License: MIT.
- Linux, Unix, Mac OS X or Windows.
- PHP +7.4.
- Composer.
- Documentation: spress.yosymfony.com.
- Mention @spress_cms on Twitter.
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When Contributing code to Spress, you must follow its coding standards. Spress follows PSR-2 coding style.
Keep in mind the golden rule: Imitate the existing Spress code.
- Fork the Spress repository.
- Create a new branch for each feature or improvement.
- New features: Send a pull request from each feature branch to master branch.
- Fixes: Send a pull request to 2.1 branch.
All pull requests must be accompanied by passing unit tests. Spress uses phpunit for testing.
We are using Box Project for generating the .phar
$ cd spress
$ box build
You can run the unit tests with the following command:
$ cd spress
$ composer test