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$5 a month
SelectNewbie programmer
You are brave enough and jumped into programming. Bad people will tell you that OOP is cool and you should learn JS, Python, or Java.
Don't listen to them!
Take your time to read more about functional programming, try a few languages (both OOP and functional) before committing to one, and also decide to join any open-source project community.
- Get a Sponsor badge on your profile
- Logo or name in my project README
$10 a month
SelectBased backend programmer
You are learning new cool languages like Rust, and trolling JS and Python nerds. You are also trying to contribute to open-source projects and know that Agile is trash. You are probably using ECS for your games.
Keep going.
- Get a Sponsor badge on your profile
- Logo or name goes in my project README
- Access to closed alpha/beta tests of my projects
$15 a month
SelectAlpha functional programmer
People like your code and functional programming style. You can easily troll the average OOP user.
You embrace data immutability, always sanitize your code before release, and write tests.
Many people want to be like you.
- Get a Sponsor badge on your profile
- Logo or name in my project README
- Access to closed alpha/beta tests of my projects
- Prioritization of your issues/feature requests
$25 a month
SelectSigma programmer
You are the true sigma programmer, who likes functional programming and clean code. Your wisdom allows you to choose the right programming language and paradigm to achieve your project goals. You are fluent in a few programming languages and easily can learn a new one.
You do what you like to do and program not for money. In your spare time, you contribute to Linux and other FOSS projects.
Most people will never be like you, you are indeed unique.
- Get a Sponsor badge on your profile
- Logo or name in my project README
- Access to closed alpha/beta tests of my projects
- Prioritization of your issues/feature requests
- Private help with my projects