JS linter based on complexity report results
crlint [options] <files...>
Use --fn.option.min, --fn.option.max or --module.option.min, --module.option.max for restrictions.
Alternatively, use --config <file.json>
and define
"fn" and "module" restriction objects there
Available restrictions:
{ sloc:
{ physical: 'Number of physical lines of code',
logical: 'Number of logical lines of code' },
cyclomatic: 'Cyclomatic complexity',
{ length: 'Total number of operations and operands',
vocabulary: 'Number of distinct operations and operands',
difficulty: 'Difficulty measure',
volume: 'Volume measure',
effort: 'Effort measure',
bugs: 'Estimated number of bugs',
time: 'Estimated time to write' },
params: 'Number of (function) parameters',
maintainability: 'Microsoft maintainability index (0 < m < 100)' }