Our goal is to provide a space where it is safe for everyone to contribute to, and get support for, open-source software in a respectful and cooperative manner.
We value all contributions and want to make this organization and its surrounding community a place for everyone.
As members, contributors, and everyone else who may participate in the development, we strive to keep the entire experience civil.
Our community standards exist in order to make sure everyone feels comfortable contributing to the project(s) together.
Our standards are:
- Do not harass, attack, or in any other way discriminate against anyone, including for their protected traits, including, but not limited to, sex, religion, race, appearance, gender, identity, nationality, sexuality, etc.
- Do not go off-topic, do not post spam.
- Treat everyone with respect.
Examples of breaking each rule respectively include:
- Harassment, bullying or inappropriate jokes about another person.
- Posting distasteful imagery, trolling, or posting things unrelated to the topic at hand.
- Treating someone as worse because of their lack of understanding of an issue.
Enforcement of this CoC is done by the members of the hyprwm organization.
We, as the organization, will strive our best to keep this community civil and following the standards outlined above.
If you believe an incident of breaking our standards has occurred, but nobody has taken appropriate action, you can privately contact the people responsible for dealing with such incidents in multiple ways:
We, as members, guarantee your privacy and will not share those reports with anyone.
Depending on the severity of the infraction, any action from the list below may be applied. Please keep in mind cases are reviewed on a per-case basis and members are the ultimate deciding factor in the type of punishment.
If the matter would benefit from an outside opinion, a member might reach for more opinions from people unrelated to the organization, however, the final decision regarding the action to be taken is still up to the member.
For example, if the matter at hand regards a representative of a marginalized group or minority, the member might ask for a first-hand opinion from another representative of such group.
If your message is found to be misleading or poorly worded, a member might edit your message.
If your message is found inappropriate, a member might give you a public or private warning, and/or delete your message.
If your message is disruptive, or you have been repeatedly violating the standards, a member might mute (or temporarily ban) you.
If your message is hateful, very disruptive, or other, less serious infractions are repeated ignoring previous punishments, a member might ban you permanently.
This CoC shall apply to all projects ran under the hyprwm
organization and all official communities
outside of GitHub.
However, it is worth noting that official communities outside of GitHub might have their own, additional sets of rules.