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API Documentation Demo

Jim Beach edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

How to use the Specify API as a generic webservice.

This is a simple introduction to accessing the Specify API using the curl command line utility. For legibility, JSON output is piped through a pretty-printer provided by the Python json library. It is hoped that these examples illustrate how the API could be utilized by any environment which supports HTTP and JSON.

These examples illustrate use with a demo server on localhost. Substitute an apropriate hostname as necessary.

Logging in

To prevent unauthorized access to the API the browser session is tracked with a session cookie that must be associated with a logged in user.

A GET request to the login URL provides the available collections.

curl -i -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -X GET http://localhost:8000/context/login/
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 21:54:55 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.10
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0
Vary: Cookie
Expires: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 21:54:55 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Last-Modified: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 21:54:55 GMT
Set-Cookie:  csrftoken=8BetyLjqobHb; expires=Thu, 12-Apr-2018 21:54:55 GMT; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/

{"username": null, "password": null, "collections": {"KUFishtissue": 32768, "KUFishvoucher": 4}, "collection": null}

To log in as a user of the API for one of the listed collections issue a PUT request to the same URL. The csrftoken from the previous response must be passed as a header. The Referer header must be included when using HTTPS, but may be omitted when using HTTP.

curl -i -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -X PUT \
    --data '{"username":"sp7demofish","password":"sp7demofish","collection":4}' \
    -H "X-CSRFToken: 8BetyLjqobHb" \
    -H "Referer: http://localhost:8000/" \
HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 22:14:02 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.10
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0
Vary: Cookie
Expires: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 22:14:02 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Last-Modified: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 22:14:02 GMT
Set-Cookie:  csrftoken=b9SUdhWCbMGG; expires=Thu, 12-Apr-2018 22:14:02 GMT; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/
Set-Cookie:  sessionid=44kms3gdg6; httponly; Path=/
Set-Cookie:  collection=4; expires=Fri, 13-Apr-2018 22:14:02 GMT; Max-Age=31536000; Path=/

Note that a new CSRF token is generated when logging in and should be used in subsequent data modifying requests.

The currently logged in user can be queried from the following resource:

curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -X GET http://localhost:8000/context/user.json \
    | python -m json.tool
    "accumminloggedin": null,
    "agent": {
        "abbreviation": "tcu",
        "addresses": [],
        "agentattachments": [],
        "agentgeographies": [],
        "agentspecialties": [],
        "agenttype": 1,
        "collcontentcontact": null,
        "collectors": "/api/specify/agent/?agent=3",
        "colltechcontact": null,
        "createdbyagent": null,
        "dateofbirth": null,
        "dateofbirthprecision": 1,
        "dateofdeath": null,
        "dateofdeathprecision": 1,
        "datetype": null,
        "division": "/api/specify/division/2/",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "firstname": "Test",
        "groups": [],
        "guid": "f2fec95a-7699-45f2-a794-337040b5bbc8",
        "id": 3,
        "initials": null,
        "instcontentcontact": null,
        "insttechcontact": null,
        "interests": null,
        "jobtitle": null,
        "lastname": "User",
        "members": "/api/specify/agent/?member=3",
        "middleinitial": "C",
        "modifiedbyagent": null,
        "organization": null,
        "orgmembers": "/api/specify/agent/?organization=3",
        "remarks": null,
        "resource_uri": "/api/specify/agent/3/",
        "specifyuser": "/api/specify/specifyuser/1/",
        "suffix": null,
        "timestampcreated": "2012-08-09T12:29:16",
        "timestampmodified": "2012-08-09T12:29:16",
        "title": "mr",
        "url": null,
        "variants": [],
        "version": 3
    "agents": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?specifyuser=1",
    "available_collections": [
    "createdbyagent": null,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "id": 1,
    "isadmin": true,
    "isauthenticated": true,
    "isloggedin": true,
    "isloggedinreport": false,
    "logincollectionname": "KUFishtissue",
    "logindisciplinename": "Ichthyology",
    "loginouttime": "2017-04-11T16:03:08",
    "message_set": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?user=1",
    "modifiedbyagent": null,
    "name": "Sp7demofish",
    "resource_uri": "/api/specify/specifyuser/1/",
    "spappresourcedirs": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?specifyuser=1",
    "spappresources": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?specifyuser=1",
    "spquerys": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?specifyuser=1",
    "tasksemaphores": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?owner=1",
    "timestampcreated": "2012-08-09T12:29:16",
    "timestampmodified": "2012-08-09T12:29:16",
    "usertype": "Manager",
    "version": 349,
    "workbenches": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?specifyuser=1",
    "workbenchtemplates": "/api/specify/specifyuser/?specifyuser=1"

Logging out of the session is accomplished using the login URL with the username and password set to null.

curl -i -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -X PUT \
    --data '{"username":null,"password":null,"collection":4}' \
    -H "X-CSRFToken: 44kms3gdg6" \
    -H "Referer: http://localhost:8000/" \

Making API requests

Once a logged-in session has been established and stored in the cookie.txt file, making API requests is easy. Let's fetch the collection object with id 12.

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:8000/api/specify/collectionobject/12/ \
    | python -m json.tool
    "accession": "/api/specify/accession/614/",
    "altcatalognumber": null,
    "appraisal": null,
    "availability": null,
    "catalogeddate": "2006-06-13",
    "catalogeddateprecision": 1,
    "catalogeddateverbatim": null,
    "cataloger": "/api/specify/agent/66/",
    "catalognumber": "000038407",
    "collectingevent": "/api/specify/collectingevent/8868/",
    "collection": "/api/specify/collection/4/",
    "collectionmemberid": 4,
    "collectionobjectattachments": [],
    "collectionobjectattribute": {
        "bottomdistance": null,
        "collectionmemberid": 4,
        "collectionobjects": "/api/specify/collectionobjectattribute/?collectionobjectattribute=42336",
        "createdbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/1/",
        "direction": null,
        "distanceunits": null,
        "id": 42336,
        "modifiedbyagent": null,
        "number1": null,
        "number10": null,
        "number11": null,
        "number12": null,
        "number13": null,
        "number14": null,
        "number15": null,
        "number16": null,
        "number17": null,
        "number18": null,
        "number19": null,
        "number2": null,
        "number20": null,
        "number21": null,
        "number22": null,
        "number23": null,
        "number24": null,
        "number25": null,
        "number26": null,
        "number27": null,
        "number28": null,
        "number29": null,
        "number3": null,
        "number30": null,
        "number31": null,
        "number32": null,
        "number33": null,
        "number34": null,
        "number35": null,
        "number36": null,
        "number37": null,
        "number38": null,
        "number39": null,
        "number4": null,
        "number40": null,
        "number41": null,
        "number42": null,
        "number5": null,
        "number6": null,
        "number7": null,
        "number8": null,
        "number9": null,
        "positionstate": null,
        "remarks": null,
        "resource_uri": "/api/specify/collectionobjectattribute/42336/",
        "text1": null,
        "text10": null,
        "text11": "45-51mm SL",
        "text12": null,
        "text13": null,
        "text14": null,
        "text15": null,
        "text16": null,
        "text17": null,
        "text18": null,
        "text2": null,
        "text3": null,
        "text4": null,
        "text5": null,
        "text6": null,
        "text7": null,
        "text8": null,
        "text9": null,
        "timestampcreated": "1999-10-25T12:32:15",
        "timestampmodified": null,
        "topdistance": null,
        "version": 0,
        "yesno1": null,
        "yesno2": null,
        "yesno3": null,
        "yesno4": null,
        "yesno5": null,
        "yesno6": null,
        "yesno7": null
    "collectionobjectattrs": [],
    "collectionobjectcitations": [],
    "conservdescriptions": [],
    "container": null,
    "containerowner": null,
    "countamt": 1,
    "createdbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/1/",
    "deaccessioned": false,
    "description": null,
    "determinations": [
            "addendum": null,
            "alternatename": null,
            "collectionmemberid": 4,
            "collectionobject": "/api/specify/collectionobject/12/",
            "confidence": null,
            "createdbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/1/",
            "determinationcitations": [],
            "determineddate": "2006-06-13",
            "determineddateprecision": 1,
            "determiner": "/api/specify/agent/66/",
            "featureorbasis": null,
            "guid": "df1929e3-1ed3-11e3-bfac-90b11c41863e",
            "id": 41841,
            "iscurrent": true,
            "method": null,
            "modifiedbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/1514/",
            "nameusage": null,
            "number1": 212.0,
            "number2": null,
            "preferredtaxon": "/api/specify/taxon/11486/",
            "qualifier": null,
            "remarks": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/specify/determination/41841/",
            "subspqualifier": null,
            "taxon": "/api/specify/taxon/11486/",
            "text1": null,
            "text2": null,
            "timestampcreated": "1999-10-25T12:32:15",
            "timestampmodified": "2006-09-19T10:37:01",
            "typestatusname": null,
            "varqualifier": null,
            "version": 1,
            "yesno1": false,
            "yesno2": null
    "dnasequences": [],
    "exsiccataitems": [],
    "fieldnotebookpage": null,
    "fieldnumber": null,
    "guid": "db192e8c-1ed3-11e3-bfac-90b11c41863e",
    "id": 12,
    "integer1": null,
    "integer2": null,
    "inventorydate": null,
    "leftsiderels": "/api/specify/collectionobject/?leftside=12",
    "modifiedbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/1514/",
    "modifier": " ",
    "name": null,
    "notifications": null,
    "number1": null,
    "number2": null,
    "objectcondition": null,
    "ocr": null,
    "otheridentifiers": [],
    "paleocontext": null,
    "preparations": [
            "collectionmemberid": 4,
            "collectionobject": "/api/specify/collectionobject/12/",
            "countamt": 4,
            "createdbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/1/",
            "deaccessionpreparations": "/api/specify/preparation/?preparation=35011",
            "description": null,
            "exchangeinpreps": "/api/specify/preparation/?preparation=35011",
            "exchangeoutpreps": "/api/specify/preparation/?preparation=35011",
            "giftpreparations": "/api/specify/preparation/?preparation=35011",
            "id": 35011,
            "integer1": null,
            "integer2": null,
            "isonloan": false,
            "loanpreparations": "/api/specify/preparation/?preparation=35011",
            "modifiedbyagent": "/api/specify/agent/66/",
            "number1": null,
            "number2": null,
            "preparationattachments": [],
            "preparationattribute": null,
            "preparationattrs": [],
            "preparedbyagent": null,
            "prepareddate": null,
            "prepareddateprecision": 1,
            "preptype": "/api/specify/preptype/2/",
            "remarks": null,
            "reservedinteger3": null,
            "reservedinteger4": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/specify/preparation/35011/",
            "samplenumber": null,
            "status": null,
            "storage": null,
            "storagelocation": null,
            "text1": null,
            "text2": "Jar",
            "timestampcreated": "2002-07-29T13:38:25",
            "timestampmodified": "2006-06-13T10:13:09",
            "version": 0,
            "yesno1": null,
            "yesno2": null,
            "yesno3": null
    "projectnumber": null,
    "remarks": null,
    "reservedinteger3": null,
    "reservedinteger4": null,
    "reservedtext": null,
    "reservedtext2": null,
    "reservedtext3": null,
    "resource_uri": "/api/specify/collectionobject/12/",
    "restrictions": null,
    "rightsiderels": "/api/specify/collectionobject/?rightside=12",
    "sgrstatus": null,
    "text1": "known",
    "text2": null,
    "text3": null,
    "timestampcreated": "1999-10-25T11:53:37",
    "timestampmodified": "2006-09-19T10:37:01",
    "totalvalue": null,
    "treatmentevents": [],
    "version": 1,
    "visibility": 0,
    "visibilitysetby": null,
    "yesno1": null,
    "yesno2": null,
    "yesno3": null,
    "yesno4": null,
    "yesno5": null,
    "yesno6": null

The result is a JSON representation of the requested object. The first thing to notice is that related objects can either be referenced by links to their resources or have their data included in line in the parent resource.

The URIs for resources take the form /api/specify/TABLE/ID/. To retrieve a collection of resources use URIs of the form /api/specify/TABLE/.

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:8000/api/specify/collectionobject/ \
    | python -m json.tool

By default a maximum of twenty rows will be returned when requesting a collection. The limit query parameter can be used to adjust the amount. Using limit=0 returns all rows.

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:8000/api/specify/taxon/?limit=2 \
    | python -m json.tool

The offset query parameter can be used along with limit to implement paging.


Often it will be necessary to retrieve a collection of resources that meet certain criteria. The API implements basic filtering for this purpose. E.g. to retrieve all preparation records for collection object with id 12:

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:8000/api/specify/preparation/?collectionobject=12 \
    | python -m json.tool

Collection requests can also be filtered by domain, which means that only records which are in the same collection context as the user will be returned.

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:8000/api/specify/taxon/?domainfilter=true \
    | python -m json.tool


Resources can be updated by making PUT requests to the corresponding URI. Because the API implements optimistic locking, it is necessary to obtain the current version of the resource before attempting an update.

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:8000/api/specify/agent/3/ | grep -o '\"version\": [0-9]*'

If the output is, for example, "version": 3, then the resource could be modified as follows:

curl -b cookies.txt -X PUT \
    -H "X-CSRFToken: 44kms3gdg6" \
    -H "Referer: http://localhost:8000/" \
    --data '{"version": 3, "remarks":"test"}' \
    http://localhost:8000/api/specify/agent/3/ \
        | python -m json.tool

The response will be the data of the updated resource.

If the version if is omitted, the server will return a 400 Bad Request. If the version does not match the current version in the database, 409 Conflict will be returned.

Resource creation

Resources can be created by issuing a POST request to the collection URI representing the target table. To create a new collection object:

curl -b cookies.txt -X POST \
    -H "X-CSRFToken: 44kms3gdg6" \
    -H "Referer: http://localhost:8000/" \
    --data '{"collection":"/api/specify/collection/4/"}' \
    http://localhost:8000/api/specify/collectionobject/ \
        | python -m json.tool

The response will be the complete representation of the newly created resource.

Resource deletion

Delete resources by issuing DELETE to the resource's URI. Because no data is included in a DELETE request, the version information is placed in the If-Match HTTP header:

curl -b cookies.txt -X DELETE \
    -H 'If-Match: 0' \
    -H "X-CSRFToken: 44kms3gdg6" \
    -H "Referer: http://localhost:8000/" \

where 0 and 123456789 are replaced with the appropriate values. Again, if the version info is missing or out of date, an error will be returned.

Swagger UI API Pages

Within every instance of Specify 7, there is API documentation using Swagger UI. This allows the REST API to be easily visualized and interacted with.

View our demo here: (Login and password is sp7demofish) - Tables API - Operations API

To view your instance's API, replace the base URL with your Specify 7 installation's hostname. (For example, would be replaced

On the Tables API page, you can view and test the parameters associated with each supported database table as well as modify and view the responses.

On the Operations API page, you can view and test the system operations endpoints requests and responses.