SVG-application to visualize network topology & automate your network changes
Available actions:
- Create/destroy items
- Connect/disconnect items
- Save result as an svg file with edit logic
- Latest Firefox/Chromium browser
Check how the project is working right here:
- Current master multifile main.svg
- Latest good bundle build netGraph.svg
The netGraph.svg could work as is - just open the main.svg from the repository in your browser.
When you opened the SVG file in the first time, you will see nothing, but empty space. Click secondary mouse button on the empty space and you will see the menu items available.
When you created the graph, relations & connections - you can save it. Right click on the empty space and select Save SVG. It will save results of your work.
You can put your node/connector objects into data.js in the root directory and svg will load it during startup.
- Right Mouse Button - context menu with actions
- Left Mouse Button - select / move
- Ctrl - create link
- Delete/Backspace - remove item / link
You can compile the source files into one svg file. Sources will be minified and the file will be really handy to use.
- d3js - The svg manipulation framework
- Ross Kirsling - Initial work - Modal Logic Playground
- Rabit
- Save result as r/o svg file
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
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