gulp-steps : 03 - advanced (pt-Br)
Advanced usage of Gulp
- Spreading Gulp
- tasks into multiple files inside ./gulp/tasks
- each gulp tasks file needs to require
(ex.: ./gulp/tasks/clean.js)- settings defined on file ./gulp/config.js
- utilities defined on file ./gulp/$.js
- gulp plugins loaded with gulp-load-plugins at ./gulp/$.js line 2
- gulp settings loaded at ./gulp/$.js line 16
- gulpfile.js
- gulp tasks files loaded with requireDir at gulpfile.js line 7
- gulp ultilities
loaded at gulpfile.js line 3- gulp default and main tasks defined at gulpfile.js lines 12-26
- used lazypipe to share and reuse pipeline
- jshint at ./gulp/tasks/jshint.js line 7
- lintspaces at ./gulp/tasks/lintspaces.js line 7
defined on utilities ./gulp/$.js line 21
Must have Git installed
Must have node.js (at least v0.10.x) installed with npm (Node Package Manager)
Must have Gulp.js node package installed globally.
sudo npm install -g gulp
Must have bower node package installed globally.
sudo npm install -g bower
Enter the following commands in the terminal
git clone
cd gulp-steps/03
npm install
run gulp
npm start
- development workflow
- build (production version)
gulp release
- preview builded
gulp preview
npm init
npm install \
require-dir \
del \
jshint-stylish \
browser-sync \
lazypipe \
gulp-load-plugins \
gulp \
gulp-util \
gulp-sequence \
gulp-cached \
gulp-jshint \
gulp-lintspaces \
gulp-rev \
gulp-rev-replace \
gulp-useref \
gulp-filter \
gulp-uglify \
gulp-csso \
gulp-minify-html \
touch gulpfile.js
bower init
bower install \
jquery \
[GitHub] aseemk / requireDir - Node.js helper to require() directories.
[GitHub] sindresorhus / del - Delete files/folders using globs
[GitHub] BrowserSync / browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
[GitHub] OverZealous / lazypipe - Lazily create a pipeline out of reusable components. Useful for gulp.
[GitHub] jackfranklin / gulp-load-plugins - Automatically load in gulp plugins
[GitHub] gulpjs / gulp - The streaming build system
[GitHub] gulpjs / gulp-util - Utilities for gulp plugins
[GitHub] wearefractal / gulp-cached - A simple in-memory file cache for gulp
[GitHub] spalger / gulp-jshint - JSHint plugin for gulp
- [GitHub] sindresorhus / jshint-stylish - Stylish reporter for JSHint
[GitHub] ck86 / gulp-lintspaces - A Gulp plugin for lintspaces
[GitHub] teambition / gulp-sequence - Run a series of gulp tasks in order
[GitHub] sindresorhus / gulp-rev - Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames: unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css
[GitHub] jamesknelson / gulp-rev-replace - Rewrite occurences of filenames which have been renamed by gulp-rev
[GitHub] jonkemp / gulp-useref - Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets.
[GitHub] sindresorhus / gulp-filter - Filter files in a vinyl stream
[GitHub] terinjokes / gulp-uglify - Minify files with UglifyJS
[GitHub] ben-eb / gulp-csso - Minify CSS with CSSO.
[GitHub] murphydanger / gulp-minify-html - A Gulp plugin that minifies html with Minimize