+ $spoiler.hover(function() {
}, function() {
@@ -564,17 +619,14 @@
if (!sox.user.loggedIn) return;
function addReplyLinks() {
- // Delay needed because of https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/379#issuecomment-460001854
- setTimeout(() => {
- $('.comment').each(function () {
- if (!$(this).find('.soxReplyLink').length) { //if the link doesn't already exist
- if (sox.user.name !== $(this).find('.comment-text a.comment-user').text()) { //make sure the link is not added to your own comments
- $(this).find('.comment-text').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
- $(this).find('.comment-text .comment-body').append('
↵ ');
- }
+ $('.comment').each(function () {
+ if (!$(this).find('.soxReplyLink').length) { //if the link doesn't already exist
+ if (sox.user.name !== $(this).find('.comment-text a.comment-user').text()) { //make sure the link is not added to your own comments
+ $(this).find('.comment-text').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
+ $(this).find('.comment-text .comment-body').append('
↵ ');
- });
- }, 100);
+ }
+ });
$(document).on('click', 'span.soxReplyLink', function() {
@@ -607,13 +659,20 @@
const href = this.href.replace(/https?:\/\//, '').replace(/www\./, '');
if (!href) return;
- const siteName = sox.helpers.getSiteNameFromLink(href);
+ const sitename = sox.helpers.getSiteNameFromLink(href);
const questionID = sox.helpers.getIDFromLink(href);
// if it is a bare link is to a question on a SE site
- if (questionID && siteName && isQuestionLink.test(href) && this.innerText.replace(/https?:\/\//, '').replace(/www\./, '') === href) {
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('questions', questionID, siteName, FILTER_QUESTION_TITLE, (json) => {
- this.innerHTML = json.items[0].title;
+ if (questionID && sitename && isQuestionLink.test(href) && this.innerText.replace(/https?:\/\//, '').replace(/www\./, '') === href) {
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'questions',
+ ids: questionID,
+ sitename,
+ featureId: 'parseCrossSiteLinks',
+ cacheDuration: 10, // Cache for 10 minutes
+ }, items => {
+ this.innerHTML = items[0].title;
@@ -628,7 +687,8 @@
if (window.location.href.indexOf('questions/') >= 0) {
$(window).bind('beforeunload', () => {
- if ($('.comment-form textarea').length && $('.comment-form textarea').val()) {
+ const textarea = document.querySelector('.comment-form textarea');
+ if (textarea && textarea.value) {
return 'Do you really want to navigate away? Anything you have written will be lost!';
@@ -639,33 +699,36 @@
sortByBountyAmount: function() {
// Description: For adding some buttons to sort bounty's by size
- if ($('.bounty-indicator').length) { //if there is at least one bounty on the page
- $('.question-summary').each(function() {
- const bountyAmount = $(this).find('.bounty-indicator').text().replace('+', '');
- if (bountyAmount) {
- $(this).attr('data-bountyamount', bountyAmount).addClass('hasBounty'); //add a 'bountyamount' attribute to all the questions
- }
- });
+ // Do nothing unless there is at least one bounty on the page
+ if (!document.getElementsByClassName('bounty-indicator').length) return;
- var $wrapper = $('#question-mini-list').length ? $('#question-mini-list') : $wrapper = $('#questions'); //homepage/questions tab
+ [...document.getElementsByClassName('question-summary')].forEach(summary => {
+ const indicator = summary.querySelector('.bounty-indicator');
+ const bountyAmount = indicator ? indicator.innerText.replace('+', '') : undefined;
+ if (bountyAmount) {
+ summary.setAttribute('data-bountyamount', bountyAmount);
+ summary.classList.add('hasBounty'); // Add a 'bountyamount' attribute to all the questions
+ }
+ });
- //filter buttons:
- $('.subheader').after('
sort by bounty amount: largest first smallest first ');
+ // Homepage/questions tab
+ const wrapper = document.getElementById('question-mini-list') || document.getElementById('questions');
- //Thanks: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14160529/3541881
- $('#largestFirst').css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', () => { //largest first
- $wrapper.find('.question-summary.hasBounty').sort((a, b) => {
- return +b.getAttribute('data-bountyamount') - +a.getAttribute('data-bountyamount');
- }).prependTo($wrapper);
- });
+ // Filter buttons:
+ $('.subheader').after('
sort by bounty amount: largest first smallest first ');
- //Thanks: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14160529/3541881
- $('#smallestFirst').css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', () => { //smallest first
- $wrapper.find('.question-summary.hasBounty').sort((a, b) => {
- return +a.getAttribute('data-bountyamount') - +b.getAttribute('data-bountyamount');
- }).prependTo($wrapper);
- });
- }
+ // Thanks: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14160529/3541881
+ $('#largestFirst').css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', () => { // Largest first
+ [...wrapper.querySelectorAll('.question-summary.hasBounty')].sort((a, b) => {
+ return +b.getAttribute('data-bountyamount') - +a.getAttribute('data-bountyamount');
+ }).prependTo($(wrapper));
+ });
+ $('#smallestFirst').css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', () => { // Smallest first
+ [...wrapper.querySelectorAll('.question-summary.hasBounty')].sort((a, b) => {
+ return +a.getAttribute('data-bountyamount') - +b.getAttribute('data-bountyamount');
+ }).prependTo($(wrapper));
+ });
isQuestionHot: function() {
@@ -686,7 +749,7 @@
const hnqJSONUrl = 'https://stackexchange.com/hot-questions-for-mobile';
const requestUrl = proxyUrl + hnqJSONUrl;
- $.get(requestUrl, (results) => {
+ $.get(requestUrl, results => {
if (sox.location.on('/questions/')) {
$.each(results, (i, o) => {
if (document.URL.indexOf(o.site + '/questions/' + o.question_id) > -1) addHotText();
@@ -694,7 +757,7 @@
} else {
$('.question-summary').each(function() {
const id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[2];
- if (results.filter((d) => {
+ if (results.filter(d => {
return d.question_id == id;
}).length) {
$(this).find('.summary h3').prepend('
@@ -794,14 +857,21 @@
$('.showCommentScore').css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', function() {
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('comments', this.id, sitename, COMMENT_SCORE_FILTER, (json) => {
- this.innerHTML = WHITESPACES + json.items[0].score;
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'comments',
+ ids: this.id,
+ sitename,
+ useCache: false, // Single ID, so no point
+ }, items => {
+ this.innerHTML = WHITESPACES + items[0].score;
- sox.helpers.observe('.history-table', addLabelsAndHandlers);
+ const target = document.getElementById('mainbar-full');
+ if (target) sox.helpers.observe(target, '.history-table', addLabelsAndHandlers);
answerTagsSearch: function() {
@@ -819,50 +889,48 @@
- const sitename = sox.site.currentApiParameter;
- const questionIDs = [];
- // questionID: [tagArray, insertedTagDOM]
- // second element is for caching, in case more than
- // one answer in the search list belongs to the same question
- let questionID;
const tagsForQuestionIDs = {};
const QUESTION_TAGS_FILTER = '!)8aDT8Opwq-vdo8';
+ const questionIDs = [];
+ const answers = [...document.getElementsByClassName('question-summary')].filter(q => /answer-id/.test(q.id));
- // get corresponding question's ID for each answer
- $('div[id*="answer"]').each(function() {
- questionID = getQuestionIDFromAnswerDIV(this);
- // cache value for later reference
- this.dataset.questionid = questionID;
+ // Get corresponding question's ID for each answer
+ answers.forEach(answer => {
+ const questionID = getQuestionIDFromAnswerDIV(answer);
+ // Cache value for later reference
+ answer.dataset.questionid = questionID;
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('questions', questionIDs.join(';'), sitename, QUESTION_TAGS_FILTER, (json) => {
- const items = json.items;
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'questions',
+ ids: questionIDs,
+ sitename: sox.site.currentApiParameter,
+ limit: 60,
+ sort: 'creation',
+ featureId: 'answerTagsSearch',
+ cacheDuration: 10, // Cache for 10 minutes
+ }, items => {
const itemsLength = items.length;
- let item;
for (let i = 0; i < itemsLength; i++) {
- item = items[i];
- tagsForQuestionIDs[item.question_id] = [item.tags, null];
+ const item = items[i];
+ tagsForQuestionIDs[item.question_id] = item.tags;
- $('div[id*="answer"]').each(function() {
- const $this = $(this);
- const id = +this.dataset.questionid;
- const tagsForThisQuestion = tagsForQuestionIDs[id][0];
- let currTag;
- let $insertedTag = tagsForQuestionIDs[id][1];
+ answers.forEach(answer => {
+ const id = +answer.dataset.questionid;
+ const tagsForThisQuestion = tagsForQuestionIDs[id];
for (let x = 0; x < tagsForThisQuestion.length; x++) {
- currTag = tagsForThisQuestion[x];
- $insertedTag = $this.find('.summary .tags').append('
' + currTag + ' ');
+ const currTag = tagsForThisQuestion[x];
+ const $insertedTag = $(answer.querySelector('.summary .tags')).append('
' + currTag + ' ');
- }, 'creation&pagesize=60');
+ });
stickyVoteButtons: function() {
@@ -872,6 +940,7 @@
$('.votecell > .js-voting-container').css({ //.votecell is necessary; e.g., the number of votes of questions on the Questions list for a site uses the .vote class too
'position': '-webkit-sticky',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-keys
'position': 'sticky',
'top': parseInt($('.container').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt($('body').css('padding-top'), 10), //Seems like most sites use margin-top on the container, but Meta and SO use padding on the body
@@ -881,33 +950,41 @@
// Description: For showing the new version of a title in a diff separately rather than loads of crossing outs in red and additions in green
function betterTitle() {
- sox.debug('ran betterTitle from titleEditDiff');
- const $questionHyperlink = $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').clone();
- const $questionHyperlinkTwo = $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').clone();
- const link = $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').attr('href');
+ sox.debug('titleEditDiff: running betterTitle');
+ const $questionHyperlinkOriginal = $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink');
+ const $questionHyperlink = $questionHyperlinkOriginal.clone();
+ const $questionHyperlinkTwo = $questionHyperlinkOriginal.clone();
+ const link = $questionHyperlinkOriginal.attr('href');
const added = ($questionHyperlinkTwo.find('.diff-delete').remove().end().text());
const removed = ($questionHyperlink.find('.diff-add').remove().end().text());
- if ($('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').find('.diff-delete, .diff-add').length && !($('.sox-better-title').length)) {
- if (!$('.sox-better-title-toggle').length) $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').before('
- $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').addClass('sox-original-title-diff').hide();
- $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').after('
' + removed + ' ' + added + ' ');
+ if ($questionHyperlinkOriginal.find('.diff-delete, .diff-add').length && !($('.sox-better-title').length)) {
+ if (!$('.sox-better-title-toggle').length) {
+ $('.summary h2 .question-hyperlink').before('
+ }
+ $questionHyperlinkOriginal.addClass('sox-original-title-diff').hide();
+ $questionHyperlinkOriginal.after('
' + removed + ' ' + added + ' ');
- betterTitle();
- sox.helpers.observe('.review-status, .review-content, .suggested-edit, .post-id', betterTitle);
- $(document).on('click', '.sox-better-title-toggle', function() { //https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/166#issuecomment-269925059
- if ($('.sox-original-title-diff').is(':visible')) {
+ // https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/166#issuecomment-269925059
+ $(document).on('click', '.sox-better-title-toggle', function() {
+ const $soxOriginalTitleDiff = $('.sox-original-title-diff');
+ if ($soxOriginalTitleDiff.is(':visible')) {
- $('.sox-original-title-diff').hide();
+ $soxOriginalTitleDiff.hide();
} else {
- $('.sox-original-title-diff').show();
+ $soxOriginalTitleDiff.show();
+ betterTitle();
+ const target = document.querySelector('.review-content');
+ sox.helpers.observe(target, '.review-status, .review-content, .suggested-edit, .post-id', betterTitle);
metaChatBlogStackExchangeButton: function() {
@@ -958,30 +1035,29 @@
//Do not run on meta, chat, or sites without a meta
if ((sox.site.type != 'main' && sox.site.type != 'beta') || !$('.related-site').length) return;
- var NEWQUESTIONS = 'metaNewQuestionAlert-lastQuestions';
- var favicon = sox.site.icon;
- var metaName = 'meta.' + sox.site.currentApiParameter;
- var lastQuestions = {};
- var $dialog = $('
', {
+ const NEWQUESTIONS = 'metaNewQuestionAlert-lastQuestions';
+ const favicon = sox.site.icon;
+ const metaName = 'meta.' + sox.site.currentApiParameter;
+ const FILTER_QUESTION_TITLE_LINK = '!BHMIbze0EQ*ved8LyoO6rNk25qGESy';
+ const $dialog = $('
', {
id: 'metaNewQuestionAlertDialog',
'class': 'topbar-dialog dno new-topbar',
- var $header = $('
', {
+ const $header = $('
', {
'class': 'header',
', {
text: 'new meta posts',
href: `//meta.${sox.site.url}`,
style: 'color: #0077cc',
- var $content = $('
', {
+ const $content = $('
', {
'class': 'modal-content',
- var $questions = $('
', {
+ const $questions = $('
', {
id: 'metaNewQuestionAlertDialogList',
'class': 'js-items items',
- var $diamond = $('
', {
+ const $diamond = $('
', {
id: 'metaNewQuestionAlertButton',
href: '#',
'class': '-link',
@@ -1000,6 +1076,7 @@
', {
d: 'M8.4.78c.33-.43.87-.43 1.3 0l5.8 7.44c.33.43.33 1.13 0 1.56l-5.8 7.44c-.33.43-.87.43-1.2 0L2.6 9.78a1.34 1.34 0 0 1 0-0.156L8.4.78z',
+ let lastQuestions = {};
$diamond.html($diamond.html()); //Reloads the diamond icon, which is necessary when adding an SVG using jQuery.
@@ -1008,12 +1085,12 @@
'top': $('.top-bar').height(),
- 'right': $('.-container').outerWidth() - $('#metaNewQuestionAlertButton').parent().position().left - $('#metaNewQuestionAlertButton').outerWidth(),
+ 'right': $('.-container').outerWidth() - $diamond.parent().position().left - $diamond.outerWidth(),
if ($('#metaNewQuestionAlertButton').length) $('.js-topbar-dialog-corral').append($dialog);
- $(document).mouseup((e) => {
+ $(document).mouseup(e => {
if (!$dialog.is(e.target) &&
$dialog.has(e.target).length === 0 &&
!$(e.target).is('#metaNewQuestionAlertButton, svg, path')) {
@@ -1028,8 +1105,14 @@
lastQuestions = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(NEWQUESTIONS));
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('questions', false, metaName, FILTER_QUESTION_TITLE_LINK, (json) => {
- const items = json.items;
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'questions',
+ sitename: metaName,
+ sort: 'activity',
+ limit: 5,
+ featureId: 'metaNewQuestionAlert',
+ }, items => {
const latestQuestion = items[0].title;
// Make diamond blue if there's a new question
@@ -1052,7 +1135,7 @@
$diamond.click(() => {
GM_setValue(NEWQUESTIONS, JSON.stringify(lastQuestions));
- }, 'activity&pagesize=5');
+ });
function addQuestion(title, link, seen) {
const $li = $('
@@ -1081,7 +1164,7 @@
function addCSS() {
$('.js-vote-up-btn, .js-vote-down-btn, .js-favorite-btn').addClass('sox-better-css');
- $('head').append('
+ $('head').append('
$('#hmenus').css('-webkit-transform', 'translateZ(0)');
@@ -1091,110 +1174,143 @@
standOutDupeCloseMigrated: function() {
// Description: For adding cooler signs that a questions has been closed/migrated/put on hod/is a dupe
- // for use in dataset
- // used for hideCertainQuestions feature compatability
+ // For use in dataset, used for hideCertainQuestions feature compatability
const QUESTION_STATE_KEY = 'soxQuestionState';
const FILTER_QUESTION_CLOSURE_NOTICE = '!)Ei)3K*irDvFA)l92Lld3zD9Mu9KMQ59-bgpVw7D9ngv5zEt3';
+ const NOTICE_REGEX = /\[(duplicate|closed|migrated|on hold)\]$/;
- function addLabel(index, question) {
- // don't run if question already has tag added
- if (question.dataset[QUESTION_STATE_KEY]) return;
- const $anchor = $(question.querySelector('.summary h3 a'));
- const text = $anchor.text().trim();
- const id = sox.helpers.getIDFromAnchor($anchor[0]);
- //https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/181
- $('.question-summary .answer-hyperlink, .question-summary .question-hyperlink, .question-summary .result-link a').css('display', 'inline');
- $('.summary h3').css('line-height', '1.2em'); //fixes line height on "Questions" page
+ function addLabels() {
+ const questions = [];
+ const questionSummaries = [...document.getElementsByClassName('question-summary')];
+ questionSummaries.forEach(question => {
+ // Don't run if tag has already been added to question
+ if (question.dataset[QUESTION_STATE_KEY]) return;
- const noticeRegex = /\[(duplicate|closed|migrated|on hold)\]$/;
- const noticeMatch = text.match(noticeRegex);
- const noticeName = noticeMatch && noticeMatch[1];
- const queryType = 'questions';
- if (!noticeName) return;
- $anchor.text(text.replace(noticeRegex, ''));
- question.dataset[QUESTION_STATE_KEY] = noticeName;
- switch (noticeName) {
- case 'duplicate':
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI(queryType, id, sox.site.currentApiParameter, FILTER_QUESTION_CLOSURE_NOTICE, (data) => {
- const question = data.items[0];
- const questionId = question.closed_details.original_questions[0].question_id;
+ const anchor = question.querySelector('.summary h3 a');
+ const id = sox.helpers.getIDFromAnchor(anchor);
+ const text = anchor.innerText.trim();
- //styling for https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/181
+ const noticeMatch = text.match(NOTICE_REGEX);
+ const noticeName = noticeMatch && noticeMatch[1];
- //NOTE: the `data-searchsession` attribute is to workaround a weird line of code in SE *search* pages,
- //which changes the `href` of anchors in in `.result-link` containers to `data-searchsession`
- //See https://github.com/soscripted/sox/pull/348#issuecomment-404245056
- $anchor.after('
duplicate ');
- });
- break;
- case 'closed':
- case 'on hold':
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI(queryType, id, sox.site.currentApiParameter, FILTER_QUESTION_CLOSURE_NOTICE, (data) => {
- const question = data.items[0];
- const details = question.closed_details;
- const users = details.by_users.reduce((str, user) => str + ', ' + user.display_name, '').substr(2);
- const closureDate = new Date(question.closed_date * 1000);
- const timestamp = closureDate.toLocaleString();
- const closeNotice = (details.on_hold ? 'put on hold' : 'closed') + ' as ';
- const closeText = details.on_hold ? 'on hold' : 'closed';
- const cssClass = details.on_hold ? 'onhold' : 'closed';
- $anchor.after('
' + closeText + ' ');
- });
- break;
- case 'migrated':
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('questions', id, sox.site.currentApiParameter, FILTER_QUESTION_CLOSURE_NOTICE, (data) => {
- const question = data.items[0];
+ // Don't run if the question is still open
+ if (!noticeName) return;
+ questions.push({ element: question, noticeName, text, anchor, id });
+ });
+ sox.debug('standOutDupeCloseMigrated questions to request API for', questions);
- const migratedToSite = question.migrated_to.other_site.name;
- const textToAdd = 'migrated to ' + migratedToSite;
+ // https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/181
+ $('.question-summary .answer-hyperlink, .question-summary .question-hyperlink, .question-summary .result-link a').css('display', 'inline');
+ $('.summary h3').css('line-height', '1.2em'); // Fixes line height on "Questions" page
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'questions',
+ ids: questions.map(q => q.id),
+ sitename: sox.site.currentApiParameter,
+ featureId: 'standOutDupeCloseMigrated',
+ cacheDuration: 10, // Cache for 10 minutes
+ }, items => {
+ questions.forEach(question => {
+ sox.debug('standOutDupeCloseMigrated adding details for question', question);
+ question.anchor.innerText = question.text.replace(NOTICE_REGEX, '');
+ question.element.dataset[QUESTION_STATE_KEY] = question.noticeName;
+ const questionDetails = items.find(d => d.question_id === question.id);
+ if (!questionDetails) return;
+ switch (question.noticeName) {
+ case 'duplicate': {
+ const questionId = questionDetails.closed_details.original_questions[0].question_id;
+ // Styling for https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/181
+ // NOTE: the `data-searchsession` attribute is to workaround a weird line of code in SE *search* pages,
+ // which changes the `href` of anchors in in `.result-link` containers to `data-searchsession`
+ // See https://github.com/soscripted/sox/pull/348#issuecomment-404245056
+ $(question.anchor).after('
duplicate ');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'closed':
+ case 'on hold': {
+ const details = questionDetails.closed_details;
+ const users = details.by_users.reduce((str, user) => str + ', ' + user.display_name, '').substr(2);
+ const closureDate = new Date(questionDetails.closed_date * 1000);
+ const timestamp = closureDate.toLocaleString();
+ const closeNotice = (details.on_hold ? 'put on hold' : 'closed') + ' as ';
+ const closeText = details.on_hold ? 'on hold' : 'closed';
+ const cssClass = details.on_hold ? 'onhold' : 'closed';
+ $(question.anchor).after('
' + closeText + ' ');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'migrated': {
+ let textToAdd;
+ if (questionDetails.migrated_to) {
+ const migratedToSite = questionDetails.migrated_to.other_site.name;
+ textToAdd = 'migrated to ' + migratedToSite;
+ } else if (questionDetails.migrated_from) {
+ const migratedFromSite = questionDetails.migrated_from.other_site.name;
+ textToAdd = 'migrated from ' + migratedFromSite;
+ } else {
+ sox.warn('standOutDupeCloseMigrated: unknown migration state');
+ }
- $anchor.after('
migrated ');
+ $(question.anchor).after('
migrated ');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- break;
- }
+ });
- // Find the questions and add their id's and statuses to an object
- $('.question-summary').each(addLabel);
+ addLabels();
- sox.helpers.observe('#user-tab-questions, #question-mini-list', () => { //new questions on homepage, or for on user profile page
- $('.question-summary').each(addLabel);
- });
+ const targetMainPage = document.getElementById('question-mini-list');
+ const targetQuestionsPage = document.getElementById('questions');
+ sox.helpers.observe([targetMainPage, targetQuestionsPage], '#questions, #question-mini-list', addLabels);
editReasonTooltip: function() {
// Description: For showing the latest revision's comment as a tooltip on 'edit [date] at [time]'
- function getComment(url, $that) {
- $.get(url, (responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) => {
- sox.debug('SOX editReasonTooltip URL: ' + url);
- sox.debug('SOX editReasonTooltip text: ' + $(XMLHttpRequest.responseText).find('.revision-comment:eq(0)')[0].innerHTML);
- sox.debug('SOX editReasonTooltip: adding to tooltip');
- $that.find('.sox-revision-comment').attr('title', $(XMLHttpRequest.responseText).find('.revision-comment:eq(0)')[0].innerHTML);
- sox.debug('SOX editReasonTooltip: finished adding to tooltip');
- sox.debug('SOX editReasonTooltip: tooltip is now: ' + $that.find('.sox-revision-comment').attr('title'));
- });
- }
- function loopAndAddTooltip() {
+ function addTooltips() {
+ const ids = [];
+ const $posts = [];
$('.question, .answer').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.post-signature').length > 1) {
+ $posts.push($(this));
const id = $(this).attr('data-questionid') || $(this).attr('data-answerid');
- $(this).find('.post-signature:eq(0)').find('.user-action-time a').wrapInner('');
- const $that = $(this);
- getComment(location.protocol + '//' + sox.site.url + '/posts/' + id + '/revisions', $that);
+ ids.push(id);
+ if (!ids.length) return;
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'posts',
+ childEndpoint: 'revisions',
+ sitename: sox.site.url,
+ filter: '!SWJaL02RNFkXc_we4i',
+ ids,
+ featureId: 'editReasonTooltip',
+ cacheDuration: 5, // Cache for 5 minutes
+ }, revisions => {
+ $posts.forEach($post => {
+ const id = $post.attr('data-questionid') || $post.attr('data-answerid');
+ const revision = revisions.find(r => r.revision_type === 'single_user' && r.post_id === +id);
+ if (revision) {
+ const span = sox.helpers.newElement('span', {
+ 'class': 'sox-revision-comment',
+ 'title': revision.comment,
+ });
+ sox.debug(`editReasonTooltip, adding text to tooltip for post ${id}: '${revision.comment}'`);
+ $post.find('.post-signature:eq(0)').find('.user-action-time a').wrapInner(span);
+ }
+ });
+ });
- loopAndAddTooltip();
- $(document).on('sox-new-review-post-appeared', loopAndAddTooltip);
+ addTooltips();
+ $(document).on('sox-new-review-post-appeared', addTooltips);
addSBSBtn: function(settings) {
@@ -1319,14 +1435,16 @@
const numAnchors = anchorList.length;
const itemIDs = [];
- for (var i = 1; i <= numAnchors - 2; i++) { //the first and last anchors aren't answers
+ for (let i = 1; i <= numAnchors - 2; i++) { //the first and last anchors aren't answers
//event listeners for adding the sbs toggle buttons for editing existing questions or answers
- for (i = 0; i <= numAnchors - 2; i++) {
- sox.helpers.observe('#wmd-redo-button-' + itemIDs[i], SBS);
+ const targetQuestionCells = document.getElementsByClassName('postcell');
+ const targetAnswerCells = document.getElementsByClassName('answercell');
+ for (let i = 0; i <= numAnchors - 2; i++) {
+ sox.helpers.observe([...targetAnswerCells, ...targetQuestionCells], '#wmd-redo-button-' + itemIDs[i], SBS);
@@ -1338,15 +1456,6 @@
- alwaysShowImageUploadLinkBox: function() {
- // Description: For always showing the 'Link from the web' box when uploading an image.
- sox.helpers.observe('.image-upload', () => {
- const toClick = $('.image-upload form div.modal-options-default.tab-page > a');
- if (toClick.length) toClick[0].click();
- });
- },
addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications: function(settings) {
// Description: To add the author's name to inbox notifications
function setAuthorName(node) {
@@ -1383,14 +1492,20 @@
sox.debug('addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications: ', node, id);
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI(apiCallType, id, sitename, filter, (json) => {
- sox.debug('addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications JSON returned from API', json);
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: apiCallType,
+ ids: id,
+ sitename,
+ filter,
+ useCache: false, // Single ID so no point
+ }, items => {
+ sox.debug('addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications JSON returned from API', items);
// https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/233
const temporaryDIV = $('
- if (!json.items.length) return;
+ if (!items.length) return;
- const author = (link.indexOf('/suggested-edits/') > -1 ? json.items[0].proposing_user.display_name : json.items[0].owner.display_name);
+ const author = (link.indexOf('/suggested-edits/') > -1 ? items[0].proposing_user.display_name : items[0].owner.display_name);
const $author = $('
', {
class: 'sox-notification-author',
text: (prependToMessage ? '' : ' by ') + temporaryDIV.html(author).text() + (prependToMessage ? ': ' : ''), //https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/347
@@ -1413,19 +1528,21 @@
const PROCESSED_CLASS = 'sox-authorNameAdded';
- sox.helpers.observe('.' + inboxClass, () => {
- const inboxDialog = document.getElementsByClassName(inboxClass)[0];
- const unprocessedElements = inboxDialog.querySelectorAll('.inbox-item:not(.' + PROCESSED_CLASS + ')');
- const lim = Math.min(unprocessedElements.length, MAX_PROCESSED_AT_ONCE);
- let element;
- for (let x = 0; x < lim; x++) {
- element = unprocessedElements[x];
- setAuthorName(element);
- element.classList.add(PROCESSED_CLASS);
- }
- });
+ const target = document.querySelector('.-dialog-container');
+ if (target) {
+ sox.helpers.observe(target, '.inbox-item', () => {
+ const inboxDialog = document.getElementsByClassName(inboxClass)[0];
+ let eligibleElements = [...inboxDialog.querySelectorAll('.inbox-item')];
+ eligibleElements = eligibleElements.slice(0, MAX_PROCESSED_AT_ONCE);
+ const unprocessedElements = eligibleElements.filter(e => !e.classList.contains(PROCESSED_CLASS));
+ for (let x = 0; x < unprocessedElements.length; x++) {
+ const element = unprocessedElements[x];
+ setAuthorName(element);
+ element.classList.add(PROCESSED_CLASS);
+ }
+ });
+ }
flagOutcomeTime: function() {
@@ -1476,7 +1593,6 @@
const type = {
- TOTAL: 'flags',
WAITING: 'waiting',
HELPFUL: 'helpful',
DECLINED: 'declined',
@@ -1490,10 +1606,10 @@
function addPercentage(group, type, percentage) {
const $span = $('
', {
- text: '({0}%)'.replace('{0}', percentage),
+ text: `(${percentage}%)`,
style: 'margin-left:5px; color: #999; font-size: 12px;',
- $('td > a[href*="group=' + group + '"]:contains("' + type + '")').after($span);
+ $(`li > a[href*="group=${group}"]:contains("${type}")`).find('div:first').after($span);
function calculatePercentage(count, total) {
@@ -1503,9 +1619,9 @@
function getFlagCount(group, type) {
let flagCount = 0;
- flagCount += Number($('td > a[href*="group=' + group + '"]:contains("' + type + '")')
- .parent()
- .prev()
+ const $groupHeader = $(`li > a[href="?group=${group}"]`);
+ flagCount += Number($groupHeader.next().find(`li:contains("${type}")`)
+ .find('div:last')
.replace(',', ''));
return flagCount;
@@ -1514,16 +1630,13 @@
// add percentages
for (const groupKey in group) {
const item = group[groupKey];
+ const total = +$(`li > a[href="?group=${item}"]`).find('div:last').text();
- const total = getFlagCount(item, type.TOTAL);
for (const typeKey in type) {
const typeItem = type[typeKey];
- if (typeKey !== 'TOTAL') {
- count = getFlagCount(item, typeItem);
- percentage = calculatePercentage(count, total);
- //sox.debug(groupKey + ": " + typeKey + " Flags -- " + count);
- addPercentage(item, typeItem, percentage);
- }
+ count = getFlagCount(item, typeItem);
+ percentage = calculatePercentage(count, total);
+ addPercentage(item, typeItem, percentage);
@@ -1532,35 +1645,30 @@
// Description: Displays linked posts inline with an arrow
function getIdFromUrl(url) {
- if (url.indexOf('/questions/tagged/') !== -1) return false;
- if (url.indexOf('/a/') > -1) { //eg. http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/26764/260841
- return url.split('/a/')[1].split('/')[0];
- } else if (url.indexOf('/q/') > -1) { //eg. http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/26756/260841
- return url.split('/q/')[1].split('/')[0];
- } else if (url.indexOf('/questions/') > -1) {
- if (url.indexOf('#') > -1) { //then it's probably an answer, eg. http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26756/how-do-i-use-a-small-font-size-in-questions-and-answers/26764#26764
- return url.split('#')[1];
- } else { //then it's a question
- return url.split('/questions/')[1].split('/')[0];
- }
+ let idMatch;
+ if (url.match('/a|q/')) {
+ // eg. http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/26764/260841 or http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/26756/260841
+ idMatch = url.match(/\/(?:a|q)\/(\d+)/);
+ } else if (url.includes('/questions/')) {
+ // If URL includes '#', probably an answer, eg. http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26756/how-do-i-use-a-small-font-size-in-questions-and-answers/26764#26764
+ // Oherwise, it's a question
+ idMatch = url.match(/#?(\d+)/);
+ if (idMatch) return idMatch[1];
function addButton() {
$('.post-text a, .comments .comment-copy a').each(function() {
const url = $(this).attr('href');
- //https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/205 -- check link's location is to same site, eg if on SU, don't allow on M.SU
- //http://stackoverflow.com/a/4815665/3541881
+ // https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/205 -- check link's location is to same site, eg if on SU, don't allow on M.SU
+ // http://stackoverflow.com/a/4815665/3541881
if (url &&
').prop('href', url).prop('hostname') == location.hostname &&
- url.indexOf('#comment') == -1 &&
- url.indexOf('/edit') == -1 && //https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/281
- getIdFromUrl(url) && //getIdFromUrl(url) makes sure it won't fail later on
+ !url.includes('#comment') &&
+ !url.includes('/edit/') && // https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/281
+ !url.includes('/tagged/') &&
+ getIdFromUrl(url) && // getIdFromUrl(url) makes sure it won't fail later on
!$(this).prev().is('.expand-post-sox')) {
$(this).before(' ');
@@ -1580,7 +1688,7 @@
const $that = $(this);
const id = getIdFromUrl($(this).next().attr('href'));
- $.get(location.protocol + '//' + sox.site.url + '/posts/' + id + '/body', (d) => {
+ $.get(location.protocol + '//' + sox.site.url + '/posts/' + id + '/body', d => {
const div = '
' + d + '
@@ -1588,12 +1696,6 @@
- hideHotNetworkQuestions: function() {
- // Description: Hides the Hot Network Questions module from the sidebar
- $('#hot-network-questions').remove();
- },
hideHireMe: function() {
// Description: Hides the Looking for a Job module from the sidebar
@@ -1623,15 +1725,16 @@
hideLoveThisSite: function() {
- // Description: Hides the "Love This Site?"" module from the sidebar
+ // Description: Hides the "Love This Site?" (weekly newsletter) module from the sidebar
- $('#sidebar #newsletter-ad').parent().remove();
+ $('#sidebar #newsletter-ad').remove();
chatEasyAccess: function() {
// Description: Adds options to give a user read/write/no access in chat from their user popup dialog
- sox.helpers.observe('.user-popup', (node) => {
+ const target = document.getElementById('chat-body');
+ sox.helpers.observe(target, '.user-popup', node => {
const $node = $(node).parent();
const id = $node.find('a')[0].href.split('/')[4];
@@ -1691,9 +1794,7 @@
$(':not(.deleted-answer) .answercell').slice(1).sort(compareByScore).slice(0, 5).each(function() {
const id = $(this).find('.short-link').attr('id').replace('link-post-', '');
const score = $(this).prev().find('.js-vote-count').text();
let icon = 'vote-up-off';
if (score > 0) {
@@ -1720,29 +1821,25 @@
- if (count > 0) {
+ if (count > 0 && !$('#sox-top-answers').length) {
$('#answers div.answer:first').before($topAnswers);
$table.css('width', count * 100 + 'px');
tabularReviewerStats: function() {
- // Description: Adds a notification to the inbox if a question you downvoted and watched is edited
+ // Description: Display reviewer stats on /review/suggested-edits in table form
// Idea by lolreppeatlol @ http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/277446/260841 :)
- sox.helpers.observe('.review-more-instructions', () => {
+ const target = document.querySelector('.mainbar-full');
+ sox.helpers.observe(target, '.review-more-instructions', () => {
const info = {};
$('.review-more-instructions ul:eq(0) li').each(function() {
const text = $(this).text();
const username = $(this).find('a').text();
const link = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
const approved = text.match(/approved (.*?)[a-zA-Z]/)[1];
const rejected = text.match(/rejected (.*?)[a-zA-Z]/)[1];
const improved = text.match(/improved (.*?)[a-zA-Z]/)[1];
info[username] = {
'link': link,
@@ -1752,14 +1849,11 @@
const $editor = $('.review-more-instructions ul:eq(1) li');
+ if (!$editor.length) return;
const editorName = $editor.find('a').text();
const editorLink = $editor.find('a').attr('href');
const editorApproved = $editor.clone().find('a').remove().end().text().match(/([0-9]+)/g)[0];
//`+` matches 'one or more' to make sure it works on multi-digit numbers!
const editorRejected = $editor.clone().find('a').remove().end().text().match(/([0-9]+)/g)[1]; //https://stackoverflow.com/q/11347779/3541881 for fixing https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues/279
info[editorName] = {
'link': editorLink,
@@ -1779,26 +1873,38 @@
linkedToFrom: function() {
// Description: Add an arrow to linked posts in the sidebar to show whether they are linked to or linked from
- const currentId = location.href.split('/')[4];
- $('.linked .spacer a.question-hyperlink').each(function() {
- const id = $(this).attr('href').split('/')[4];
- if ($('a[href*="' + id + '"]').not('.spacer a').length) {
- const $that = $(this);
- $that.append('
- $.ajax({
- url: '/questions/' + id,
- type: 'get',
- dataType: 'html',
- async: 'false',
- success: function(d) {
- if ($(d).find('a[href*="' + currentId + '"]').not('.spacer a').length) {
- $that.append('
- }
- },
- });
- } else {
- $(this).append('
- }
+ const currentPageId = +location.href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)[1];
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'questions',
+ childEndpoint: 'linked',
+ ids: currentPageId,
+ sitename: sox.site.url,
+ filter: '!-MOiNm40Dv9qWI4dBqjO5FBS8p*ODCWqP',
+ featureId: 'linkedToFrom',
+ cacheDuration: 30, // Cache for 30 minutes
+ }, pagesThatLinkToThisPage => {
+ $('.linked .spacer a.question-hyperlink').each(function () {
+ const id = +$(this).attr('href').match(/\/(\d+)\//)[1];
+ if ($('a[href*="' + id + '"]').not('#sidebar a').length) {
+ // If a link from 'linked questions' does exist elsewhere on this page
+ // Then we know that this page definitely references the linked post
+ $(this).append('
+ // However, the linked post _might_ also reference the current page, so let's check:
+ if (pagesThatLinkToThisPage.find(question => question.question_id === currentPageId && question.qustion_id === id)) {
+ // The current page is linked to from question_id (which is also the current anchor in the loop)
+ sox.debug(`linkedToFrom: link to current page (${currentPageId}) exists on question ${id}`);
+ $(this).append('
+ } else {
+ sox.debug(`linkedToFrom: link to current page not found on question ${id}`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If a link from 'linked questions' doesn't exist on the rest of the page
+ // Then it must be there _only_ due to the fact that the linked post references the current page
+ $(this).append('
+ }
+ });
@@ -1806,8 +1912,9 @@
// Description: Aligns badges by their class (bronze/silver/gold) on user profiles
const acs = {};
+ const $badges = $('.user-accounts tr .badges');
- $('.user-accounts tr .badges').each(function(i) {
+ $badges.each(function(i) {
let b; let s; let g;
if ($(this).find('>span[title*="bronze badge"]').length) {
b = $(this).find('>span[title*="bronze badge"] .badgecount').text();
@@ -1824,8 +1931,8 @@
'gold': g,
- $.each(acs, (k) => {
- const $badgesTd = $('.user-accounts tr .badges').eq(k);
+ $.each(acs, k => {
+ const $badgesTd = $badges.eq(k);
if (acs[k].gold) {
' + acs[k].gold + ' ');
@@ -1856,24 +1963,13 @@
function addLastSeen(userDetailsFromAPI) {
$('.question, .answer, .reviewable-post').each(function() {
- sox.debug('current post', $(this));
const anchor = this.querySelector('.post-signature:last-child .user-details a[href^="/users"]');
- if (!anchor) {
- return;
- }
+ if (!anchor) return;
const id = sox.helpers.getIDFromAnchor(anchor);
- sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo addLastSeen(): current id', id);
- sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo addLastSeen(): userdetailscurrent id', userDetailsFromAPI[id]);
- if (!id || !(userDetailsFromAPI[id] && !this.getElementsByClassName('sox-last-seen').length)) {
- return;
- }
+ if (!id || !(userDetailsFromAPI[id] && !this.getElementsByClassName('sox-last-seen').length)) return;
const lastSeenDate = new Date(userDetailsFromAPI[id].last_seen);
const type = userDetailsFromAPI[id].type === 'unregistered' ? ' (unregistered)' : '';
@@ -1905,37 +2001,39 @@
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('users', Object.keys(postAuthors).join(';'), sox.site.currentApiParameter, FILTER_USER_LASTSEEN_TYPE, (data) => {
- sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo api dump', data);
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'users',
+ ids: Object.keys(postAuthors),
+ sitename: sox.site.currentApiParameter,
+ sort: 'creation',
+ featureId: 'quickAuthorInfo',
+ }, items => {
const userDetailsFromAPI = {};
- data.items.forEach((user) => {
+ items.forEach(user => {
userDetailsFromAPI[user.user_id] = {
'last_seen': user.last_access_date * 1000,
'type': user.user_type,
- sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo userdetailsfromapi', userDetailsFromAPI);
+ sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo userDetailsFromAPI', userDetailsFromAPI);
$(document).on('sox-new-comment', () => { //make sure it doesn't disappear when adding a new comment!
- }, 'creation');
+ });
// key:id, value:username
const postAuthors = {};
- sox.helpers.observe('.review-content', () => {
+ $(document).on('sox-new-review-post-appeared', () => {
- sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo answerer IDs', postAuthors);
- sox.debug('quickAuthorInfo API call parameters', 'users', Object.keys(postAuthors).join(';'), sox.site.currentApiParameter);
hiddenCommentsIndicator: function() {
@@ -1944,28 +2042,24 @@
$('.question, .answer').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.js-show-link.comments-link:visible').length) {
const postId = $(this).attr('data-questionid') || $(this).attr('data-answerid');
const x = [];
const y = [];
const protocol = location.protocol;
const hostname = location.hostname;
const baseUrl = protocol + '//' + hostname;
- $.get(baseUrl + '/posts/' + postId + '/comments', (d) => {
+ $.get(baseUrl + '/posts/' + postId + '/comments', d => {
const $commentCopy = $('#comments-' + postId + ' .comment-text .comment-copy');
$(d).find('.comment-text').each(function() {
- $commentCopy.filter((d) => {
+ $commentCopy.filter(d => {
- for (var i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
if (y[i] != y[i + 1] - 1) {
$commentCopy.filter(function() {
return $(this).text() == x[y[i]];
@@ -2036,10 +2130,15 @@
this.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() {
if (!this.dataset.tags) {
- sox.helpers.getFromAPI('questions', id, sitename, FILTER_QUESTION_TAGS, (d) => {
- this.dataset.tags = d.items[0].tags.join(', ');
+ sox.helpers.getFromAPI({
+ endpoint: 'questions',
+ ids: id,
+ sitename,
+ useCache: false, // Single ID, so no point
+ }, items => {
+ this.dataset.tags = items[0].tags.join(', ');
this.dataset.tags = PLACEHOLDER;
} else if (typeof this.dataset.tags !== 'undefined' && this.dataset.tags !== PLACEHOLDER) {
@@ -2065,7 +2164,7 @@
function checkAndAddReminder() {
- if (!sox.user.loggedIn && !sox.location.on('winterbash2016.stackexchange.com')) {
+ if (!sox.user.loggedIn && !sox.location.match('winterbash')) {
if (!$('#loggedInReminder').length) $('.container').append(div);
} else {
@@ -2129,14 +2228,14 @@
- .on('click', '.newreply.added-by-sox', (e) => {
+ .on('click', '.newreply.added-by-sox', e => {
const $message = $(e.target).closest('.message');
const id = $message.attr('id').split('-')[1];
const rest = $('#input').focus().val().replace(/^:([0-9]+)\s+/, '');
$('#input').val(':' + id + ' ' + rest).focus();
- var replySpan = $('
', {
+ const replySpan = $('
', {
class: 'newreply added-by-sox',
'title': 'link my next chat message as a reply to this',
@@ -2190,19 +2289,17 @@
// Description: Adds a coloured percentage bar above the pane on the right of the flag summary page to show percentage of helpful flags
let helpfulFlags = 0;
- $('td > a:contains(\'helpful\')').parent().prev().each(function() {
- helpfulFlags += parseInt($(this).text().replace(',', ''));
+ $('li > a:contains(\'helpful\')').each(function() {
+ helpfulFlags += parseInt($(this).find('div:last').text().replace(',', ''));
let declinedFlags = 0;
- $('td > a:contains(\'declined\')').parent().prev().each(function() {
- declinedFlags += parseInt($(this).text().replace(',', ''));
+ $('li > a:contains(\'declined\')').each(function() {
+ declinedFlags += parseInt($(this).find('div:last').text().replace(',', ''));
if (helpfulFlags > 0) {
let percentHelpful = Number(Math.round((helpfulFlags / (helpfulFlags + declinedFlags)) * 100 + 'e2') + 'e-2');
if (percentHelpful > 100) percentHelpful = 100;
let percentColor;
@@ -2215,12 +2312,12 @@
//this is for the dynamic part; the rest of the CSS is in the main CSS file
- GM_addStyle('#sox-flagPercentProgressBar:after {\
- background: ' + percentColor + ';\
- width: ' + percentHelpful + '%;\
- }');
+ GM_addStyle(`#sox-flagPercentProgressBar:after {
+ background: ${percentColor};
+ width: ${percentHelpful}%;
+ }`);
- $('#flag-stat-info-table').before('
' + percentHelpful + '% helpful');
+ $('#flag-summary-filter').after('
' + percentHelpful + '% helpful');
$('#sox-flagPercentHelpful span#percent').css('color', percentColor);
@@ -2235,7 +2332,7 @@
const metaUrl = sox.Stack.options.site.childUrl;
const requestUrl = proxyUrl + metaUrl + '/review';
- $.get(requestUrl, (d) => {
+ $.get(requestUrl, d => {
const $doc = $(d);
let total = 0;
const $metaDashboardEl = $('.dashboard-item').last().find('.dashboard-count');
@@ -2285,9 +2382,11 @@
$(document).on('click', '.sox-copyCodeButton', function() {
try {
- if (!$('.sox-copyCodeTextarea').length) $('body').append('