Gerion Herbst | Sören Räuchle | Nadav Babai | Raphael Tilgner | Elyess Eleuch | Aleksejs Spiridonovs @ 3pc GmbH
GraphQL Apollo Federation Gateway which builds a Data Graph by stitching multiple Sub-Graphs together. This implementation is responsible for:
- Application Gateway
- Client Entrypoint
- Authorization (OpenID Connect)
- Session Management
- GraphQL Gateway
- Node.js >=14.x || >=16.x
- Express.js
- Apollo GraphQL (Federation)
- Docker
More Info: ./package.json
- Keycloak | Identity Provider
- BLM IDP | Identity Provider
- Redis | Central Session Storage
More Info: docker-compose.yml
Image is available on
Docker repository
GraphQL Service(s) which need to implement the Federation Spec
- Login
docker login
- Enter credentials
- Pull
docker pull
Name | Description | Default Value | Example Value |
GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT_LIST | Takes a string of services separated by , and each service is a pair of name & url separated by a space (leading and trailing spaces are trimmed) |
- | product-service http:://, asset-service |
GATEWAY_PORT | string, sets the port for the gateway service. | 8080 |
- |
GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT | string, sets the GraphQL endpoint for the gateway service. | /graphql |
- |
GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND_ENDPOINT | string, sets the GraphQL endpoint for the playground. | /playground |
- |
GATEWAY_MAX_DEPTH | integer, accept or reject a request based on its depth. | 3 |
- |
KEYCLOAK_ENABLED | string, should protect the playground of graphql API, eg. /playground | false |
false |
REDIS_SETUP_TYPE | string, defines, if Redis is clustered or not. Different configuration syntax is being used in ioredis | standalone |
standalone or cluster |
REDIS_HOST | string, sets the host for the redis connection url. | localhost |
- |
REDIS_PORT | integer, sets the port for the redis connection url. | 6379 |
- |
REDIS_PASSWORD | string, sets the password used for the redis connection. | - | - |
DEBUG_ENABLED | boolean, starts the Apollo Server in debug mode. | false |
- |
ENVIRONMENT | string, controls behavior. In PRODUCTION, restart until all endpoints can be contacted. In DEVELOPMENT, start with incomplete set | DEVELOPMENT |
IS_STAGING_OR_PRODUCTION | boolean, determines if we are running on staging or production to disable introspection (fetching graphql schema) (DUPLICATE OF ENVIRONMENT, NOTE: check this) | false |
false |
SESSION_SECRET | string, this should be a long secret | - | - |
N.B. For Xcurator project there are some new variables regarding IDP, please check the env.local.example file.
- Modify the service list in the
e.g. q8r-graphql-gateway-config-map.yaml (for Q8R project)
. Commit will trigger Jenkins job that will apply configuration in Kubernetes. - Gracefully restart Kubernetes Deployment.
- Automatically done by Kubernetes controller
. - If not, for manual steps see for small guide to do it.
⚠️ : With graceful restart approach if the new version is not built successfully, it won't replace the older version (which will continue to run). In this case, check k9s or Kubernetes Dashboard for logs.
ℹ️: Killing the process(pod) from Kubernetes will force recreation and may lead to errors during gateway startup - leading to downtime of whole solution.
INFO: Requires an
file in root folder with required variables.
- Install dependencies:
- Run in Development Mode:
yarn dev
| In development mode we are reading the environment variables from.env.local
. - Run in Production Mode
yarn start
- Apollo Gateway Docs
- KeyCloak Auth on Apollo Server Tutorial
- Medium: KeyCloak Apollo Authentication including Directives
- Apollo Federation Blog - Authentication
- KeyCloak Connect Graphql
- OAuth2
Linting errors are always visible in your terminal. However, if you want to see linting errors right in your editor you can do so by installing the proper ESLint
plugin for your editor. Everything else is already set up.
To enable auto-fixing, follow the instructions for your specific editor below:
Visual Studio Code
Install the following plugins:
In your settings.json
file add following lines:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[typescript]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
Furthermore, you want to add the editorconfig plugin, so you have the same coding style settings as your co-workers.
Webstorm / PhpStorm
ESLint is built into PhpStorm. Make sure to enable it in the preference pane.
- ESLint: Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality Tools > ESLint
To enable auto-fix on save you have to add some file watchers. To add a watcher go to Tools > File Watchers and click on the +
- Name: ESLint
- File Type: JavaScript
- Scope: Choose frontend directory and include files recursively
- Program: PATH/TO/PROJECT/node_modules/.bin/eslint
- Arguments: --fix
$FilePath$ - Output paths to refresh:
You can control when the watchers should run under Advanced Options. If you run into troubles with auto-fixing, uncheck the PHPStorm auto-saving under Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Synchronization > Use "safe write".
Furthermore you want to add the editorconfig
plugin, so you have the same coding style settings as your co-workers.
Install the plugin by searching for editorconfig
in Plugins > Browse repositories....
This gateway is responsible for initiating authentication through OpenID Connect using the Resource Password Owner Flow.
- Identity Provider (IP) e.g. KeyCloak
- Set up a
Client inside the IDP - Redis Storage
Authorization Flow | Resource Owner Password Flow
- User does login through gateway's login mutation
mutation{ login(username: "example-user", password: "example-password){ user { id } }
- The Gateway is using the credentials including the IDP's Client ID (
) and Client Secret, requesting an AccessToken + RequestToken. (IP Token Endpoint + JWKS Endpoint) - If the gateway receives the token successfully, a session is started and stored inside Redis and the client application is receiving a cookie including the session id.
After a successful Login, the (signed) cookie is sent in all client requests to the Gateway and unsigned to all graphql subgraphs (services)
- Name: connect.sid
- Value: Session ID
- Session Key:
- Session Data:
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJVM3J4NjFVaTFrOFNLVGJYSTZJVmYtN3k5R0ZvaVN6Z0s0RlR1UnBkSDIwIn0.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.DcE5rz__16tYU2yf7cvnouEMYv09yAEMA040nVaRH8AYsYcUjAU8GhNQWHC0VFd5b1Y4UnCldV0SigXNW5l8Xic3p5LtHqWRyHkxDmxybrKTck7c3cLSHgb3txzMCtF0nzPN6s8Qhv5_UVBHX4a1vpLaRsPNeeSe3sp0gYOg7lsgG34WI49R3ouGJISqAiEWbB-XOVslfRVnht1ISU_RlPUzDQXGQ2LpCjDPNN0TA2_h10VT9svAQfFQbnEEOZaayU0fuwwilOdFsl2HiNWq2m7LoL1NnyIF7yfer6vMBy24f-pMqS0xkvSRS49gDBfEGRA2G7DFcwA5Os0hGpyKfw",
"refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICI4MGFjYjE0NS1lMjc5LTQ2NDgtOWVhMS1lYjdhNmJlMGY2MmQifQ.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.vonz-6i_G6LiCjaWGYkNPoNtCHQ_Z0Kgg1MgpGduo4Q",
"expires": 1667319891900,
"user": {
"id": "a52a889b-4ea7-4f34-a893-171fa5e8e920",
"roles": {
"asset-management": "editor",
"story-editor": "admin"
"data": {
Name | Description | Requirement |
accessToken | string. RS256 encrypted JWT Token provided by the Identity Provider short lifetime, e.g. 3 minutes. | yes (Gateway) |
refreshToken | string. RS256 encrypted JWT Token provided by the Identity Provider long lifetime, e.g. 24 hours. | yes (Gateway) |
user | object. user data including identifier and attributes needed by the application. | yes (Services) | | string. unique identifier für the logged in user provided by the identity provider. | yes (Services) |
user.roles | key-value map. resource based role definition. - key: string, representing a Identity Provider Client-ID, - value: string, representing the role name |
yes (Services) |
data | key-value object, storage for services want to store some data e.g. search history | yes (Services) |
- User does login in the client
- User sends encrypted access_token and refresh token to the gateway (rn: Keycloak and BLM IDP are supported)
mutation{ authenticate(access_token, refresh_token, expires_in){ user { id } }
- The gateway decrypts the tokens and validates them against the certificate.
- If they are valid a session is started and stored inside Redis and the client application is receiving a cookie including the session id.
After a successful authenticate mutation, the (signed) cookie is sent in all client requests to the Gateway and unsigned to all graphql subgraphs (services)
implementation relies on a X-Forwarded-Proto
In case 2 chained proxies are present, where downstream one works via HTTP, X-Forwarded-Proto
may require explicit 'https' setting.
Related options:
curl "$GATEWAY_URL" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"operationName":"Projects","variables":{"first":100,"skip":0},"query":"query Projects($first: Int = 100, $skip: Int = 0) {\n projects(first: $first, skip: $skip, orderBy: {name: ASC}) {\n edges {\n node {\n id\n name\n imageUrl\n updatedAt\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}' \
| jq
GATEWAY_URL= # testing Nginx reverse proxy
curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url "$GATEWAY_URL" \
--data '{"query":"query { __typename }"}' \
| jq