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Wine Support

podiki edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 11 revisions

With enabling USEWINE (either directly in the Game Config or by adding the game to the Wine Steam Category) a Windows game is started with pure Wine instead of a Proton version. Both the currently used Wine Version and the Wine version which should be used as default can be comfortably chosen with drop down menus in the Game Config, where the dropdown menus list all wine directories found in the "Wine extract directory" WINEEXTDIR.

As source wine archives from Lutris are used, additional sources could be easily added later. Instead of using an own stl default wine version, it is also possible to simply use the default wine version from Lutris, either as "default, when no game specific wine verion has been set" or generally as default wine version for all games.

When no Wine version for the current game was set or could be determined with above settings, a requester opens automatically where either an available Wine Version can be picked or the Wine Download Requester can be opened.

The selected Wine version will not only be used for the game itself, but also for all other wine-related programs like winetricks, winecfg, custom Programs and so on.

Wine Download

It is possible to automatically download and extract a Wine Archive with the Wine Download Requester, where an Archive can easily be picked from an auto-generated Drop-Down Menu. The selected archive will be downloaded to WINEDLDIR and extracted to the productive directory WINEEXTDIR.

The Requester can either be opened via the Extra Buttons Menu, automatically when no Wine version could be determined using the Wine Support or via Command Line: stl dlwine|dw <url> (accepting direct download URL as optional argument).

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