diff --git a/ansible/roles/vm_set/templates/sonic_vm.xml.j2 b/ansible/roles/vm_set/templates/sonic_vm.xml.j2
index 84d3cc0cbb7..c17779d3c06 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/vm_set/templates/sonic_vm.xml.j2
+++ b/ansible/roles/vm_set/templates/sonic_vm.xml.j2
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{{ vm_name }}
- 4
+ 2
diff --git a/tests/kvmtest.sh b/tests/kvmtest.sh
index 319ab298021..13d31277c01 100755
--- a/tests/kvmtest.sh
+++ b/tests/kvmtest.sh
@@ -184,7 +184,9 @@ test_t0_sonic() {
# Run tests_1vlan on vlab-01 virtual switch
# TODO: Use a marker to select these tests rather than providing a hard-coded list here.
- tests="bgp/test_bgp_fact.py"
+ tests="\
+ bgp/test_bgp_fact.py \
+ macsec/test_macsec.py"
pushd $SONIC_MGMT_DIR/tests
./run_tests.sh $RUNTEST_CLI_COMMON_OPTS -c "$tests" -p logs/$tgname -e "--neighbor_type=sonic"
diff --git a/tests/macsec/conftest.py b/tests/macsec/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2004b8f1bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macsec/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+import pytest
+import logging
+import ipaddress
+import collections
+from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
+import natsort
+from tests.common.utilities import wait_until
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def pytest_configure(config):
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers", "macsec_required: mark test as MACsec required to run")
+def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
+ if config.getoption("--neighbor_type") == "sonic":
+ return
+ skip_macsec = pytest.mark.skip(
+ reason="Neighbor devices don't support MACsec")
+ for item in items:
+ if "macsec_required" in item.keywords:
+ item.add_marker(skip_macsec)
+def global_cmd(duthost, nbrhosts, cmd):
+ pool = ThreadPool(1 + len(nbrhosts))
+ pool.apply_async(duthost.command, args=(cmd,))
+ for nbr in nbrhosts.values():
+ pool.apply_async(nbr["host"].command, args=(cmd, ))
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+def enable_macsec_feature(duthost, nbrhosts):
+ global_cmd(duthost, nbrhosts, "sudo config feature state macsec enabled")
+ def check_macsec_enabled():
+ for nbr in [n["host"] for n in nbrhosts.values()] + [duthost]:
+ if len(nbr.shell("docker ps | grep macsec | grep -v grep")["stdout_lines"]) != 1:
+ return False
+ if len(nbr.shell("ps -ef | grep macsecmgrd | grep -v grep")["stdout_lines"]) != 1:
+ return False
+ return True
+ assert wait_until(180, 1, 1, check_macsec_enabled)
+ logger.info("Enable MACsec feature")
+ yield
+ global_cmd(duthost, nbrhosts, "sudo config feature state macsec disable")
+def profile_name():
+ return "test"
+def default_priority():
+ return 64
+@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["GCM-AES-128", "GCM-AES-256", "GCM-AES-XPN-128", "GCM-AES-XPN-256"])
+def cipher_suite(request):
+ return request.param
+def primary_ckn():
+ cak = "6162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F707172737475767778797A303132333435"
+ return cak
+def primary_cak(cipher_suite):
+ ckn = "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF"
+ if "128" in cipher_suite:
+ ckn = ckn * 1
+ elif "256" in cipher_suite:
+ ckn = ckn * 2
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown cipher suite {}".format(cipher_suite))
+ return ckn
+# Some platform cannot support "integrity_only" mode, skip this option
+# @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["integrity_only", "security"])
+@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["security"])
+def policy(request):
+ return request.param
+@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["true", "false"])
+def send_sci(request):
+ return request.param
+def find_links(duthost, tbinfo, filter):
+ mg_facts = duthost.get_extended_minigraph_facts(tbinfo)
+ for interface, neighbor in mg_facts["minigraph_neighbors"].items():
+ filter(interface, neighbor, mg_facts, tbinfo)
+def downstream_links(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts):
+ links = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ def filter(interface, neighbor, mg_facts, tbinfo):
+ if tbinfo["topo"]["type"] == "t0" and "Server" in neighbor["name"]:
+ port = mg_facts["minigraph_neighbors"][interface]["port"]
+ links[interface] = {
+ "name": neighbor["name"],
+ "ptf_port_id": mg_facts["minigraph_ptf_indices"][interface],
+ "port": port
+ }
+ find_links(duthost, tbinfo, filter)
+ return links
+def upstream_links(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts):
+ links = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ def filter(interface, neighbor, mg_facts, tbinfo):
+ if tbinfo["topo"]["type"] == "t0" and "T1" in neighbor["name"]:
+ for item in mg_facts["minigraph_bgp"]:
+ if item["name"] == neighbor["name"]:
+ if isinstance(ipaddress.ip_address(item["addr"]), ipaddress.IPv4Address):
+ ipv4_addr = item["addr"]
+ break
+ port = mg_facts["minigraph_neighbors"][interface]["port"]
+ links[interface] = {
+ "name": neighbor["name"],
+ "ptf_port_id": mg_facts["minigraph_ptf_indices"][interface],
+ "ipv4_addr": ipv4_addr,
+ "port": port
+ }
+ find_links(duthost, tbinfo, filter)
+ return links
+def find_links_from_nbr(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts):
+ links = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ def filter(interface, neighbor, mg_facts, tbinfo):
+ if neighbor["name"] not in nbrhosts.keys():
+ return
+ port = mg_facts["minigraph_neighbors"][interface]["port"]
+ links[interface] = {
+ "name": neighbor["name"],
+ "host": nbrhosts[neighbor["name"]]["host"],
+ "port": port
+ }
+ find_links(duthost, tbinfo, filter)
+ return links
+def ctrl_links(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts):
+ assert len(nbrhosts) > 1
+ ctrl_nbr_names = natsort.natsorted(nbrhosts.keys())[:2]
+ # ctrl_nbr_names = random.sample(nbrhosts.keys(), len(nbrhosts)//2)
+ logging.info("Controlled links {}".format(ctrl_nbr_names))
+ nbrhosts = {name: nbrhosts[name] for name in ctrl_nbr_names}
+ return find_links_from_nbr(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts)
+def unctrl_links(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts, ctrl_links):
+ unctrl_nbr_names = set(nbrhosts.keys())
+ for _, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ unctrl_nbr_names.remove(nbr["name"])
+ logging.info("Uncontrolled links {}".format(unctrl_nbr_names))
+ nbrhosts = {name: nbrhosts[name] for name in unctrl_nbr_names}
+ return find_links_from_nbr(duthost, tbinfo, nbrhosts)
diff --git a/tests/macsec/test_macsec.py b/tests/macsec/test_macsec.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cf04c264336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macsec/test_macsec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+import logging
+import time
+import ast
+import struct
+import re
+import binascii
+import sys
+import cryptography.exceptions
+import pytest
+import ptf.testutils as testutils
+import ptf.mask as mask
+import ptf.packet as packet
+import scapy.all as scapy
+import scapy.contrib.macsec as scapy_macsec
+from tests.common.utilities import wait_until
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+pytestmark = [
+ pytest.mark.macsec_required,
+ pytest.mark.topology("t0"),
+def set_macsec_profile(host, profile_name, priority, cipher_suite, primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci):
+ macsec_profile = {
+ "priority": priority,
+ "cipher_suite": cipher_suite,
+ "primary_cak": primary_cak,
+ "primary_ckn": primary_ckn,
+ "policy": policy,
+ "send_sci": send_sci,
+ }
+ cmd = "sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HMSET 'MACSEC_PROFILE|{}' ".format(
+ profile_name)
+ for k, v in macsec_profile.items():
+ cmd += " '{}' '{}' ".format(k, v)
+ host.command(cmd)
+def delete_macsec_profile(host, profile_name):
+ cmd = "sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB DEL 'MACSEC_PROFILE|{}'".format(profile_name)
+ host.command(cmd)
+def enable_macsec_port(host, port, profile_name):
+ cmd = "sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HSET 'PORT|{}' 'macsec' '{}'".format(
+ port, profile_name)
+ host.command(cmd)
+def disable_macsec_port(host, port):
+ cmd = "sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HDEL 'PORT|{}' 'macsec'".format(port)
+ host.command(cmd)
+def cleanup_macsec_configuration(duthost, ctrl_links, profile_name):
+ devices = set()
+ devices.add(duthost)
+ for dut_port, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ disable_macsec_port(duthost, dut_port)
+ disable_macsec_port(nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ delete_macsec_profile(nbr["host"], profile_name)
+ devices.add(nbr["host"])
+ delete_macsec_profile(duthost, profile_name)
+ # Waiting for all mka session were cleared in all devices
+ for d in devices:
+ assert wait_until(30, 1, 0, lambda: not get_mka_session(d))
+def setup_macsec_configuration(duthost, ctrl_links, profile_name, default_priority,
+ cipher_suite, primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci):
+ set_macsec_profile(duthost, profile_name, default_priority,
+ cipher_suite, primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci)
+ i = 0
+ for dut_port, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ enable_macsec_port(duthost, dut_port, profile_name)
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ priority = default_priority - 1
+ else:
+ priority = default_priority + 1
+ set_macsec_profile(nbr["host"], profile_name, priority,
+ cipher_suite, primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci)
+ enable_macsec_port(nbr["host"], nbr["port"], profile_name)
+ i += 1
+def startup_all_ctrl_links(ctrl_links):
+ # The ctrl links may be shutdowned by unexpected exit on the TestFaultHandling
+ # So, startup all ctrl links
+ for _, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ nbr_eth_port = get_eth_ifname(
+ nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ nbr["host"].shell("ifconfig {} up".format(nbr_eth_port))
+@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
+def setup(duthost, ctrl_links, unctrl_links, enable_macsec_feature, profile_name, default_priority, cipher_suite,
+ primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci, request):
+ if request.session.testsfailed > 0:
+ return
+ all_links = {}
+ all_links.update(ctrl_links)
+ all_links.update(unctrl_links)
+ startup_all_ctrl_links(ctrl_links)
+ cleanup_macsec_configuration(duthost, all_links, profile_name)
+ setup_macsec_configuration(duthost, ctrl_links, profile_name,
+ default_priority, cipher_suite, primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci)
+ logger.info(
+ "Setup MACsec configuration with arguments:\n{}".format(locals()))
+ yield
+ if request.session.testsfailed > 0:
+ return
+ cleanup_macsec_configuration(duthost, all_links, profile_name)
+def check_wpa_supplicant_process(host, ctrl_port_name):
+ cmd = "ps aux | grep 'wpa_supplicant' | grep '{}' | grep -v 'grep'".format(
+ ctrl_port_name)
+ output = host.shell(cmd)["stdout_lines"]
+ assert len(output) == 1, "The wpa_supplicant for the port {} wasn't started on the host {}".format(
+ host, ctrl_port_name)
+def get_sci(macaddress, port_identifer=1, order="network"):
+ assert order in ("host", "network")
+ system_identifier = macaddress.replace(":", "").replace("-", "")
+ sci = "{}{}".format(
+ system_identifier,
+ str(port_identifer).zfill(4))
+ if order == "host":
+ return sci
+ sci = int(sci, 16)
+ if sys.byteorder == "little":
+ sci = struct.pack(">Q", sci)
+ sci = struct.unpack("= len(nbr_egress_sa_table)
+ assert len(nbr_ingress_sa_table) >= len(dut_egress_sa_table)
+ for egress_sas, ingress_sas in \
+ ((dut_egress_sa_table, nbr_ingress_sa_table), (nbr_egress_sa_table, dut_ingress_sa_table)):
+ for an, sa in egress_sas.items():
+ assert an in ingress_sas
+ assert sa["sak"] == ingress_sas[an]["sak"]
+ assert sa["auth_key"] == ingress_sas[an]["auth_key"]
+ assert sa["next_pn"] >= ingress_sas[an]["lowest_acceptable_pn"]
+def convert_on_off_to_boolean(obj):
+ for k, v in obj.items():
+ if v == "on":
+ obj[k] = True
+ elif v == "off":
+ obj[k] = False
+ elif isinstance(v, dict):
+ obj[k] = convert_on_off_to_boolean(v)
+ return obj
+def get_mka_session(host):
+ cmd = "docker exec syncd ip macsec show"
+ '''
+ Here is an output example of `ip macsec show`
+ admin@vlab-01:~$ ip macsec show
+ 130: macsec_eth29: protect on validate strict sc off sa off encrypt on send_sci on end_station off scb off replay off
+ cipher suite: GCM-AES-128, using ICV length 16
+ TXSC: 52540041303f0001 on SA 0
+ 0: PN 1041, state on, key 0ecddfe0f462491c13400dbf7433465d
+ 3: PN 2044, state off, key 0ecddfe0f462491c13400dbf7433465d
+ RXSC: 525400b5be690001, state on
+ 0: PN 1041, state on, key 0ecddfe0f462491c13400dbf7433465d
+ 3: PN 0, state on, key 0ecddfe0f462491c13400dbf7433465d
+ 131: macsec_eth30: protect on validate strict sc off sa off encrypt on send_sci on end_station off scb off replay off
+ cipher suite: GCM-AES-128, using ICV length 16
+ TXSC: 52540041303f0001 on SA 0
+ 0: PN 1041, state on, key daa8169cde2fe1e238aaa83672e40279
+ RXSC: 525400fb9b220001, state on
+ 0: PN 1041, state on, key daa8169cde2fe1e238aaa83672e40279
+ '''
+ output = host.command(cmd)["stdout_lines"]
+ output = "\n".join(output)
+ logging.info(output)
+ mka_session = {}
+ port_pattern = r"(\d+): (\w+): protect (on|off) validate (disabled|checked|strict) sc (on|off) sa (on|off) encrypt (on|off) send_sci (on|off) end_station (on|off) scb (on|off) replay (on|off)\s*\n +cipher suite: ([\w-]+), using ICV length (\d+)\n?((?: +[\w:, ]+\n?)*)"
+ ports = re.finditer(port_pattern, output)
+ for port in ports:
+ port_obj = {
+ "protect": port.group(3),
+ "validate": {
+ "mode": port.group(4),
+ "sc": port.group(5),
+ "sa": port.group(6),
+ },
+ "encrypt": port.group(7),
+ "send_sci": port.group(8),
+ "end_station": port.group(9),
+ "scb": port.group(10),
+ "replay": port.group(11),
+ "cipher_suite": port.group(12),
+ "ICV_length": int(port.group(13)),
+ "egress_scs": {},
+ "ingress_scs": {},
+ }
+ sc_pattern = r" +(TXSC|RXSC): ([\da-fA-F]+),? (?:(on|off) SA ([0-3])|state (on|off))\n?((?: {8}[\w:, ]+\n?)*)"
+ scs = re.finditer(sc_pattern, port.group(14))
+ for sc in scs:
+ sc_obj = {
+ "sas": {}
+ }
+ sa_pattern = r" +([0-3]): PN (\d+), state (on|off), key ([\da-fA-F]+)"
+ sas = re.finditer(sa_pattern, sc.group(6))
+ for sa in sas:
+ sa_obj = {
+ "pn": int(sa.group(2)),
+ "enabled": sa.group(3),
+ "key": sa.group(4)
+ }
+ sc_obj["sas"][int(sa.group(1))] = sa_obj
+ if sc.group(1) == "TXSC":
+ sc_obj["enabled"] = sc.group(3)
+ sc_obj["active_an"] = int(sc.group(4))
+ port_obj["egress_scs"][sc.group(2)] = sc_obj
+ elif sc.group(1) == "RXSC":
+ sc_obj["enabled"] = sc.group(5)
+ port_obj["ingress_scs"][sc.group(2)] = sc_obj
+ # Convert on|off to boolean
+ port_obj = convert_on_off_to_boolean(port_obj)
+ mka_session[port.group(2)] = port_obj
+ return mka_session
+def get_all_ifnames(host):
+ cmd = "ls /sys/class/net/"
+ output = host.command(cmd)["stdout_lines"]
+ ports = {
+ "Ethernet": [],
+ "eth": [],
+ "macsec": [],
+ }
+ for type in ports.keys():
+ ports[type] = [port.decode("utf-8")
+ for port in output if port.startswith(type)]
+ ports[type].sort(key=lambda no: int(re.search(r'\d+', no).group(0)))
+ # Remove the eth0
+ ports["eth"].pop(0)
+ return ports
+def get_eth_ifname(host, port_name):
+ if u"x86_64-kvm_x86_64" not in get_platform(host):
+ logging.info("Can only get the eth ifname on the virtual SONiC switch")
+ return None
+ ports = get_all_ifnames(host)
+ assert port_name in ports["Ethernet"]
+ return ports["eth"][ports["Ethernet"].index(port_name)]
+def get_macsec_ifname(host, port_name):
+ if u"x86_64-kvm_x86_64" not in get_platform(host):
+ logging.info(
+ "Can only get the macsec ifname on the virtual SONiC switch")
+ return None
+ ports = get_all_ifnames(host)
+ assert port_name in ports["Ethernet"]
+ eth_port = ports["eth"][ports["Ethernet"].index(port_name)]
+ macsec_infname = "macsec_"+eth_port
+ assert macsec_infname in ports["macsec"]
+ return macsec_infname
+def get_platform(host):
+ for line in host.command("show platform summary")["stdout_lines"]:
+ if "Platform" == line.split(":")[0]:
+ return line.split(":")[1].strip()
+ pytest.fail("No platform was found.")
+def check_mka_sc(egress_sc, ingress_sc):
+ assert egress_sc["enabled"]
+ assert ingress_sc["enabled"]
+ active_an = egress_sc["active_an"]
+ assert active_an in egress_sc["sas"]
+ assert active_an in ingress_sc["sas"]
+ assert egress_sc["sas"][active_an]["enabled"]
+ assert ingress_sc["sas"][active_an]["enabled"]
+ assert egress_sc["sas"][active_an]["key"] == ingress_sc["sas"][active_an]["key"]
+def check_mka_session(dut_mka_session, dut_sci, nbr_mka_session, nbr_sci, policy, cipher_suite, send_sci):
+ assert dut_mka_session["protect"]
+ assert nbr_mka_session["protect"]
+ if policy == "security":
+ assert dut_mka_session["encrypt"]
+ assert nbr_mka_session["encrypt"]
+ else:
+ assert not dut_mka_session["encrypt"]
+ assert not nbr_mka_session["encrypt"]
+ if send_sci == "true":
+ assert dut_mka_session["send_sci"]
+ assert nbr_mka_session["send_sci"]
+ else:
+ assert not dut_mka_session["send_sci"]
+ assert not nbr_mka_session["send_sci"]
+ assert dut_mka_session["cipher_suite"] == cipher_suite
+ assert nbr_mka_session["cipher_suite"] == cipher_suite
+ assert dut_sci in nbr_mka_session["ingress_scs"]
+ assert dut_sci in dut_mka_session["egress_scs"]
+ assert nbr_sci in dut_mka_session["ingress_scs"]
+ assert nbr_sci in nbr_mka_session["egress_scs"]
+ check_mka_sc(dut_mka_session["egress_scs"][dut_sci],
+ nbr_mka_session["ingress_scs"][dut_sci])
+ check_mka_sc(nbr_mka_session["egress_scs"][nbr_sci],
+ dut_mka_session["ingress_scs"][nbr_sci])
+class TestControlPlane():
+ def test_wpa_supplicant_processes(self, duthost, ctrl_links):
+ def _test_wpa_supplicant_processes():
+ for port_name, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ check_wpa_supplicant_process(duthost, port_name)
+ check_wpa_supplicant_process(nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ return True
+ assert wait_until(300, 1, 1, _test_wpa_supplicant_processes)
+ def test_appl_db(self, duthost, ctrl_links, policy, cipher_suite, send_sci):
+ def _test_appl_db():
+ for port_name, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ check_appl_db(duthost, port_name, nbr["host"],
+ nbr["port"], policy, cipher_suite, send_sci)
+ return True
+ assert wait_until(300, 6, 12, _test_appl_db)
+ def test_mka_session(self, duthost, ctrl_links, policy, cipher_suite, send_sci):
+ def _test_mka_session():
+ # If the DUT isn't a virtual switch that cannot support "get mka session" by "ip macsec show"
+ # So, skip this test for physical switch
+ # TODO: Support "get mka session" in the physical switch
+ if u"x86_64-kvm_x86_64" not in get_platform(duthost):
+ logging.info(
+ "Skip to check mka session due to the DUT isn't a virtual switch")
+ return True
+ dut_mka_session = get_mka_session(duthost)
+ assert len(dut_mka_session) == len(ctrl_links)
+ for port_name, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ nbr_mka_session = get_mka_session(nbr["host"])
+ dut_macsec_port = get_macsec_ifname(duthost, port_name)
+ nbr_macsec_port = get_macsec_ifname(
+ nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ dut_macaddress = duthost.get_dut_iface_mac(port_name)
+ nbr_macaddress = nbr["host"].get_dut_iface_mac(nbr["port"])
+ dut_sci = get_sci(dut_macaddress, order="host")
+ nbr_sci = get_sci(nbr_macaddress, order="host")
+ check_mka_session(dut_mka_session[dut_macsec_port], dut_sci,
+ nbr_mka_session[nbr_macsec_port], nbr_sci,
+ policy, cipher_suite, send_sci)
+ return True
+ assert wait_until(300, 1, 1, _test_mka_session)
+def create_pkt(eth_src, eth_dst, ip_src, ip_dst, payload=None):
+ pkt = testutils.simple_ipv4ip_packet(
+ eth_src=eth_src, eth_dst=eth_dst, ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, inner_frame=payload)
+ return pkt
+def create_exp_pkt(pkt, ttl):
+ exp_pkt = pkt.copy()
+ exp_pkt[scapy.IP].ttl = ttl
+ exp_pkt = mask.Mask(exp_pkt, ignore_extra_bytes=True)
+ exp_pkt.set_do_not_care_scapy(packet.Ether, "dst")
+ exp_pkt.set_do_not_care_scapy(packet.Ether, "src")
+ return exp_pkt
+def get_macsec_attr(host, port):
+ eth_src = host.get_dut_iface_mac(port)
+ macsec_port = sonic_db_cli(host, QUERY_MACSEC_PORT.format(port))
+ if macsec_port["enable_encrypt"] == "true":
+ encrypt = 1
+ else:
+ encrypt = 0
+ if macsec_port["send_sci"] == "true":
+ send_sci = 1
+ else:
+ send_sci = 0
+ xpn_en = "XPN" in macsec_port["cipher_suite"]
+ sci = get_sci(eth_src)
+ macsec_sc = sonic_db_cli(
+ host, QUERY_MACSEC_EGRESS_SC.format(port, sci))
+ an = int(macsec_sc["encoding_an"])
+ macsec_sa = sonic_db_cli(
+ host, QUERY_MACSEC_EGRESS_SA.format(port, sci, an))
+ sak = binascii.unhexlify(macsec_sa["sak"])
+ sci = int(get_sci(eth_src, order="host"), 16)
+ if xpn_en:
+ ssci = struct.pack('!I', int(macsec_sa["ssci"]))
+ salt = binascii.unhexlify(macsec_sa["salt"])
+ else:
+ ssci = None
+ salt = None
+ return encrypt, send_sci, xpn_en, sci, an, sak, ssci, salt
+def decap_macsec_pkt(macsec_pkt, sci, an, sak, encrypt, send_sci, pn, xpn_en=False, ssci=None, salt=None):
+ sa = scapy_macsec.MACsecSA(sci=sci,
+ an=an,
+ pn=pn,
+ key=sak,
+ icvlen=16,
+ encrypt=encrypt,
+ send_sci=send_sci,
+ xpn_en=xpn_en,
+ ssci=ssci,
+ salt=salt)
+ try:
+ pkt = sa.decrypt(macsec_pkt)
+ except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidTag:
+ # Invalid MACsec packets
+ return None
+ pkt = sa.decap(pkt)
+ return pkt
+def check_macsec_pkt(macsec_attr, test, ptf_port_id, exp_pkt, timeout=3):
+ device, ptf_port = testutils.port_to_tuple(ptf_port_id)
+ received_packets = []
+ encrypt, send_sci, xpn_en, sci, an, sak, ssci, salt = macsec_attr
+ end_time = time.time() + timeout
+ while True:
+ cur_time = time.time()
+ if cur_time > end_time:
+ break
+ ret = testutils.dp_poll(
+ test, device_number=device, port_number=ptf_port, timeout=end_time - cur_time, exp_pkt=None)
+ if isinstance(ret, test.dataplane.PollFailure):
+ break
+ # If the packet isn't MACsec type
+ pkt = scapy.Ether(ret.packet)
+ if pkt[scapy.Ether].type != 0x88e5:
+ continue
+ received_packets.append(pkt)
+ for i in range(len(received_packets)):
+ pkt = received_packets[i]
+ pn = 0
+ pkt = decap_macsec_pkt(pkt, sci, an, sak, encrypt,
+ send_sci, pn, xpn_en, ssci, salt)
+ if not pkt:
+ continue
+ received_packets[i] = pkt
+ if exp_pkt.pkt_match(pkt):
+ return
+ fail_message = "Expect pkt \n{}\n{}\nBut received \n".format(
+ exp_pkt, exp_pkt.exp_pkt.show(dump=True))
+ for packet in received_packets:
+ fail_message += "\n{}\n".format(packet.show(dump=True))
+ pytest.fail(fail_message)
+class TestDataPlane():
+ def test_server_to_neighbor(self, duthost, ctrl_links, downstream_links, upstream_links, nbr_device_numbers, nbr_ptfadapter):
+ nbr_ptfadapter.dataplane.set_qlen(TestDataPlane.BATCH_COUNT * 10)
+ down_port, down_link = downstream_links.items()[0]
+ for ctrl_port in ctrl_links.keys():
+ up_link = upstream_links[ctrl_port]
+ dut_macaddress = duthost.get_dut_iface_mac(ctrl_port)
+ payload = "{} -> {}".format(down_link["name"], up_link["name"])
+ logging.info(payload)
+ # Source mac address is not useful in this test case and we use an arbitrary mac address as the source
+ pkt = create_pkt(
+ "00:01:02:03:04:05", dut_macaddress, "", up_link["ipv4_addr"], bytes(payload))
+ exp_pkt = create_exp_pkt(pkt, pkt[scapy.IP].ttl - 1)
+ testutils.send_packet(
+ nbr_ptfadapter, down_link["ptf_port_id"], pkt, TestDataPlane.BATCH_COUNT)
+ nbr_ctrl_port_id = int(
+ re.search(r"(\d+)", ctrl_links[ctrl_port]["port"]).group(1))
+ testutils.verify_packet(nbr_ptfadapter, exp_pkt, port_id=(
+ nbr_device_numbers[up_link["name"]], nbr_ctrl_port_id))
+ macsec_attr = get_macsec_attr(duthost, ctrl_port)
+ testutils.send_packet(
+ nbr_ptfadapter, down_link["ptf_port_id"], pkt, TestDataPlane.BATCH_COUNT)
+ check_macsec_pkt(macsec_attr=macsec_attr, test=nbr_ptfadapter,
+ ptf_port_id=up_link["ptf_port_id"], exp_pkt=exp_pkt, timeout=10)
+ def test_neighbor_to_neighbor(self, duthost, ctrl_links, upstream_links, nbr_device_numbers, nbr_ptfadapter):
+ for ctrl_port, nbr in ctrl_links.items():
+ for up_port, up_link in upstream_links.items():
+ if up_port == ctrl_port:
+ continue
+ ctrl_link = upstream_links[ctrl_port]
+ dut_macaddress = duthost.get_dut_iface_mac(ctrl_port)
+ nbr_macaddress = nbr["host"].get_dut_iface_mac(nbr["port"])
+ payload = "{} -> {}".format(ctrl_link["name"], up_link["name"])
+ logging.info(payload)
+ pkt = create_pkt(
+ nbr_macaddress, dut_macaddress, ctrl_link["ipv4_addr"], up_link["ipv4_addr"], bytes(payload))
+ nbr_ctrl_port_id = int(
+ re.search(r"(\d+)", ctrl_links[ctrl_port]["port"]).group(1))
+ testutils.send_packet(
+ nbr_ptfadapter, (nbr_device_numbers[ctrl_link["name"]], nbr_ctrl_port_id), pkt, TestDataPlane.BATCH_COUNT)
+ exp_pkt = create_exp_pkt(pkt, pkt[scapy.IP].ttl - 1)
+ nbr_up_port_id = int(
+ re.search(r"(\d+)", upstream_links[up_port]["port"]).group(1))
+ testutils.verify_packet(nbr_ptfadapter, exp_pkt, port_id=(
+ nbr_device_numbers[up_link["name"]], nbr_up_port_id))
+def get_portchannel(host):
+ '''
+ Here is an output example of `show interfaces portchannel`
+ admin@sonic:~$ show interfaces portchannel
+ Flags: A - active, I - inactive, Up - up, Dw - Down, N/A - not available,
+ S - selected, D - deselected, * - not synced
+ No. Team Dev Protocol Ports
+ ----- --------------- ----------- ---------------------------
+ 0001 PortChannel0001 LACP(A)(Up) Ethernet112(S) Ethernet108(D)
+ 0002 PortChannel0002 LACP(A)(Up) Ethernet116(S)
+ 0003 PortChannel0003 LACP(A)(Up) Ethernet120(S)
+ 0004 PortChannel0004 LACP(A)(Up) N/A
+ '''
+ lines = host.command("show interfaces portchannel")["stdout_lines"]
+ lines = lines[4:] # Remove the output header
+ portchannel_list = {}
+ for line in lines:
+ items = line.split()
+ portchannel = items[1]
+ portchannel_list[portchannel] = {"status": None, "members": []}
+ if items[-1] == "N/A":
+ continue
+ portchannel_list[portchannel]["status"] = re.search(
+ r"\((Up|Dw)\)", items[2]).group(1)
+ for item in items[3:]:
+ port = re.search(r"(Ethernet.*)\(", item).group(1)
+ portchannel_list[portchannel]["members"].append(port)
+ return portchannel_list
+def find_portchannel_from_member(port_name, portchannel_list):
+ for k, v in portchannel_list.items():
+ if port_name in v["members"]:
+ return v
+ return None
+class TestFaultHandling():
+ def test_link_flap(self, duthost, ctrl_links):
+ # Only pick one link for link flap test
+ assert ctrl_links
+ port_name, nbr = ctrl_links.items()[0]
+ _, _, _, dut_egress_sa_table_orig, dut_ingress_sa_table_orig = get_appl_db(
+ duthost, port_name, nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ nbr_eth_port = get_eth_ifname(
+ nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ # Flap < 6 seconds
+ nbr["host"].shell("ifconfig {} down && sleep 1 && ifconfig {} up".format(
+ nbr_eth_port, nbr_eth_port))
+ _, _, _, dut_egress_sa_table_new, dut_ingress_sa_table_new = get_appl_db(
+ duthost, port_name, nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ assert dut_egress_sa_table_orig == dut_egress_sa_table_new
+ assert dut_ingress_sa_table_orig == dut_ingress_sa_table_new
+ # Flap > 6 seconds but < 90 seconds
+ nbr["host"].shell("ifconfig {} down && sleep {} && ifconfig {} up".format(
+ nbr_eth_port, TestFaultHandling.MKA_TIMEOUT, nbr_eth_port))
+ def check_new_mka_session():
+ _, _, _, dut_egress_sa_table_new, dut_ingress_sa_table_new = get_appl_db(
+ duthost, port_name, nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ assert dut_egress_sa_table_new
+ assert dut_ingress_sa_table_new
+ assert dut_egress_sa_table_orig != dut_egress_sa_table_new
+ assert dut_ingress_sa_table_orig != dut_ingress_sa_table_new
+ return True
+ assert wait_until(12, 1, 0, check_new_mka_session)
+ # Flap > 90 seconds
+ pc = find_portchannel_from_member(
+ port_name, get_portchannel(duthost))
+ assert pc["status"] == "Up"
+ nbr["host"].shell("ifconfig {} down && sleep {}".format(
+ nbr_eth_port, TestFaultHandling.LACP_TIMEOUT))
+ assert wait_until(6, 1, 0, lambda: find_portchannel_from_member(
+ port_name, get_portchannel(duthost))["status"] == "Dw")
+ nbr["host"].shell("ifconfig {} up".format(nbr_eth_port))
+ pc = find_portchannel_from_member(
+ port_name, get_portchannel(duthost))
+ assert wait_until(12, 1, 0, lambda: find_portchannel_from_member(
+ port_name, get_portchannel(duthost))["status"] == "Up")
+ def test_mismatch_macsec_configuration(self, duthost, unctrl_links,
+ profile_name, default_priority, cipher_suite,
+ primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci, request):
+ # Only pick one uncontrolled link for mismatch macsec configuration test
+ assert unctrl_links
+ port_name, nbr = unctrl_links.items()[0]
+ disable_macsec_port(duthost, port_name)
+ disable_macsec_port(nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ delete_macsec_profile(nbr["host"], profile_name)
+ # Set a wrong cak to the profile
+ primary_cak = "0" * len(primary_cak)
+ enable_macsec_port(duthost, port_name, profile_name)
+ set_macsec_profile(nbr["host"], profile_name, default_priority,
+ cipher_suite, primary_cak, primary_ckn, policy, send_sci)
+ enable_macsec_port(nbr["host"], nbr["port"], profile_name)
+ def check_mka_establishment():
+ _, _, dut_ingress_sc_table, dut_egress_sa_table, dut_ingress_sa_table = get_appl_db(
+ duthost, port_name, nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ return dut_ingress_sc_table or dut_egress_sa_table or dut_ingress_sa_table
+ # The mka should be establishing or established
+ # To check whether the MKA establishment happened within 90 seconds
+ assert not wait_until(90, 1, 12, check_mka_establishment)
+ # Teardown
+ disable_macsec_port(duthost, port_name)
+ disable_macsec_port(nbr["host"], nbr["port"])
+ delete_macsec_profile(nbr["host"], profile_name)