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[vlan] multiple test cases fail #8111

theasianpianist opened this issue Jul 7, 2021 · 9 comments

[vlan] multiple test cases fail #8111

theasianpianist opened this issue Jul 7, 2021 · 9 comments


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theasianpianist commented Jul 7, 2021

ptfadapter = <tests.common.plugins.ptfadapter.ptfadapter.PtfTestAdapter testMethod=runTest>
duthosts = <tests.common.devices.duthosts.DutHosts object at 0x7f6988380610>
rand_one_dut_hostname = 'str2-7050cx3-acs-01'
ptfhost = <tests.common.devices.ptf.PTFHost object at 0x7f698653df50>
vlan_ports_list = [{'dev': 'PortChannel0001', 'permit_vlanid': {100: {'peer_ip': '', 'remote_ip': ''}, 200: {'pe...mote_ip': ''}, 200: {'peer_ip': '', 'remote_ip': ''}}, 'port_index': [24], 'pvid': 200}]
vlan_intfs_list = [{'ip': '', 'vlan_id': 100}, {'ip': '', 'vlan_id': 200}]
cfg_facts = {'ACL_TABLE': {'DATAACL': {'policy_desc': u'DATAACL', 'ports': [u'PortChannel0001', u'PortChannel0002', u'PortChannel0..._300m_profile]'}}, 'Ethernet108': {'3-4': {'profile': u'[BUFFER_PROFILE|pg_lossless_100000_300m_profile]'}}, ...}, ...}

    @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
    def setup_vlan(ptfadapter, duthosts, rand_one_dut_hostname, ptfhost, vlan_ports_list, vlan_intfs_list, cfg_facts):
        duthost = duthosts[rand_one_dut_hostname]
        # --------------------- Setup -----------------------
            # Generate vlan info
            portchannel_interfaces = cfg_facts.get('PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE', {})
  "Shutdown lags, flush IP addresses")
            for portchannel, ips in portchannel_interfaces.items():
                duthost.command('config interface shutdown {}'.format(portchannel))
                for ip in ips:
                    duthost.command('config interface ip remove {} {}'.format(portchannel, ip))
            # Wait some time for route, neighbor, next hop groups to be removed,
            # otherwise PortChannel RIFs are still referenced and won't be removed
  "Add vlans, assign IPs")
            for vlan in vlan_intfs_list:
                duthost.command('config vlan add {}'.format(vlan['vlan_id']))
                duthost.command("config interface ip add Vlan{} {}".format(vlan['vlan_id'], vlan['ip'].upper()))
            # Delete untagged vlans from interfaces to avoid error message
            # when adding untagged vlan to interface that already have one
            if '201911' not in duthost.os_version:
      "Delete untagged vlans from interfaces")
                for vlan_port in vlan_ports_list:
                    vlan_members = cfg_facts.get('VLAN_MEMBER', {})
                    vlan_name, vid = vlan_members.keys()[0], vlan_members.keys()[0].replace("Vlan", '')
                        if vlan_members[vlan_name][vlan_port['dev']]['tagging_mode'] == 'untagged':
                            duthost.command("config vlan member del {} {}".format(vid, vlan_port['dev']))
                    except KeyError:
  "Add members to Vlans")
            for vlan_port in vlan_ports_list:
                for permit_vlanid in vlan_port['permit_vlanid'].keys():
                    duthost.command('config vlan member add {tagged} {id} {port}'.format(
                        tagged=('--untagged' if vlan_port['pvid'] == permit_vlanid else ''),
>                       port=vlan_port['dev']

cfg_facts  = {'ACL_TABLE': {'DATAACL': {'policy_desc': u'DATAACL', 'ports': [u'PortChannel0001', u'PortChannel0002', u'PortChannel0..._300m_profile]'}}, 'Ethernet108': {'3-4': {'profile': u'[BUFFER_PROFILE|pg_lossless_100000_300m_profile]'}}, ...}, ...}
duthost    = <MultiAsicSonicHost> str2-7050cx3-acs-01
duthosts   = <tests.common.devices.duthosts.DutHosts object at 0x7f6988380610>
ip         = ''
ips        = {'': {}, 'FC00::7D/126': {}}
permit_vlanid = 200
portchannel = 'PortChannel0004'
portchannel_interfaces = {'PortChannel0001': {'': {}, 'FC00::71/126': {}}, 'PortChannel0002': {'': {}, 'FC00::75/126': ...ortChannel0003': {'': {}, 'FC00::79/126': {}}, 'PortChannel0004': {'': {}, 'FC00::7D/126': {}}}
ptfadapter = <tests.common.plugins.ptfadapter.ptfadapter.PtfTestAdapter testMethod=runTest>
ptfhost    = <tests.common.devices.ptf.PTFHost object at 0x7f698653df50>
rand_one_dut_hostname = 'str2-7050cx3-acs-01'
vid        = '1000'
vlan       = {'ip': '', 'vlan_id': 200}
vlan_intfs_list = [{'ip': '', 'vlan_id': 100}, {'ip': '', 'vlan_id': 200}]
vlan_members = {'Vlan1000': {'Ethernet12': {'tagging_mode': u'untagged'}, 'Ethernet16': {'tagging_mode': u'untagged'}, 'Ethernet20': {'tagging_mode': u'untagged'}, 'Ethernet24': {'tagging_mode': u'untagged'}, ...}}
vlan_name  = 'Vlan1000'
vlan_port  = {'dev': 'PortChannel0001', 'permit_vlanid': {100: {'peer_ip': '', 'remote_ip': ''}, 200: {'peer_ip': '', 'remote_ip': ''}}, 'port_index': [28], 'pvid': 100}
vlan_ports_list = [{'dev': 'PortChannel0001', 'permit_vlanid': {100: {'peer_ip': '', 'remote_ip': ''}, 200: {'pe...mote_ip': ''}, 200: {'peer_ip': '', 'remote_ip': ''}}, 'port_index': [24], 'pvid': 200}]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
common/devices/ in _run_on_asics
    return getattr(self.sonichost, self.multi_asic_attr)(*module_args, **complex_args)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <SonicHost> str2-7050cx3-acs-01
module_args = ('config vlan member add  200 PortChannel0001',)
complex_args = {}, previous_frame = <frame object at 0x7f69840e0a50>
filename = '/var/sonicbld/workspace/NewTests/TEMPLATE_PYTEST_T0_A7050CX3/tests/common/devices/'
line_number = 89, function_name = '_run_on_asics'
lines = ['            return getattr(self.sonichost, self.multi_asic_attr)(*module_args, **complex_args)\n']
index = 0, verbose = True, module_ignore_errors = False, module_async = False

    def _run(self, *module_args, **complex_args):
        previous_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
        filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index = inspect.getframeinfo(previous_frame)
        verbose = complex_args.pop('verbose', True)
        if verbose:
            logging.debug("{}::{}#{}: [{}] AnsibleModule::{}, args={}, kwargs={}"\
                .format(filename, function_name, line_number, self.hostname,
                        self.module_name, json.dumps(module_args), json.dumps(complex_args)))
            logging.debug("{}::{}#{}: [{}] AnsibleModule::{} executing..."\
                .format(filename, function_name, line_number, self.hostname, self.module_name))
        module_ignore_errors = complex_args.pop('module_ignore_errors', False)
        module_async = complex_args.pop('module_async', False)
        if module_async:
            def run_module(module_args, complex_args):
                return self.module(*module_args, **complex_args)[self.hostname]
            pool = ThreadPool()
            result = pool.apply_async(run_module, (module_args, complex_args))
            return pool, result
        res = self.module(*module_args, **complex_args)[self.hostname]
        if verbose:
            logging.debug("{}::{}#{}: [{}] AnsibleModule::{} Result => {}"\
                .format(filename, function_name, line_number, self.hostname, self.module_name, json.dumps(res)))
            logging.debug("{}::{}#{}: [{}] AnsibleModule::{} done, is_failed={}, rc={}"\
                .format(filename, function_name, line_number, self.hostname, self.module_name, \
                        res.is_failed, res.get('rc', None)))
        if (res.is_failed or 'exception' in res) and not module_ignore_errors:
>           raise RunAnsibleModuleFail("run module {} failed".format(self.module_name), res)
E           RunAnsibleModuleFail: run module command failed, Ansible Results =>
E           {
E               "changed": true, 
E               "cmd": [
E                   "config", 
E                   "vlan", 
E                   "member", 
E                   "add", 
E                   "200", 
E                   "PortChannel0001"
E               ], 
E               "delta": "0:00:00.542122", 
E               "end": "2021-07-13 01:00:09.279728", 
E               "failed": true, 
E               "invocation": {
E                   "module_args": {
E                       "_raw_params": "config vlan member add  200 PortChannel0001", 
E                       "_uses_shell": false, 
E                       "argv": null, 
E                       "chdir": null, 
E                       "creates": null, 
E                       "executable": null, 
E                       "removes": null, 
E                       "stdin": null, 
E                       "stdin_add_newline": true, 
E                       "strip_empty_ends": true, 
E                       "warn": true
E                   }
E               }, 
E               "msg": "non-zero return code", 
E               "rc": 2, 
E               "start": "2021-07-13 01:00:08.737606", 
E               "stderr": "Usage: config vlan member add [OPTIONS] <vid> port\nTry \"config vlan member add -h\" for help.\n\nError: PortChannel0001 is a router interface!", 
E               "stderr_lines": [
E                   "Usage: config vlan member add [OPTIONS] <vid> port", 
E                   "Try \"config vlan member add -h\" for help.", 
E                   "", 
E                   "Error: PortChannel0001 is a router interface!"
E               ], 
E               "stdout": "", 
E               "stdout_lines": []
E           }

complex_args = {}
filename   = '/var/sonicbld/workspace/NewTests/TEMPLATE_PYTEST_T0_A7050CX3/tests/common/devices/'
function_name = '_run_on_asics'
index      = 0
line_number = 89
lines      = ['            return getattr(self.sonichost, self.multi_asic_attr)(*module_args, **complex_args)\n']
module_args = ('config vlan member add  200 PortChannel0001',)
module_async = False
module_ignore_errors = False
previous_frame = <frame object at 0x7f69840e0a50>
res        = {'stderr_lines': [u'Usage: config vlan member add [OPTIONS] <vid> port', u'Try...: [], u'start': u'2021-07-13 01:00:08.737606', u'msg': u'non-zero return code'}
self       = <SonicHost> str2-7050cx3-acs-01
verbose    = True

common/devices/ RunAnsibleModuleFail
@theasianpianist theasianpianist added Dual ToR Platform ♊ Issues found on dual ToR platforms Issue for 202012 labels Jul 7, 2021
@theasianpianist theasianpianist self-assigned this Jul 7, 2021
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akokhan commented Jul 8, 2021

We see the same issue on SONiC master - VLAN TCs are failing.

This is because of IP add/remove validation added by sonic-net/sonic-utilities#1414 . The validate_ip_mask() ( not just validate user-provided IP but also can modify it.

E.g., "FC00::71/126" will be converted to "fc00::71/126", "" to "".

As a result, sudo config interface ip remove PortChannel0001 FC00::71/126 fails because Redis key was created from config_db.json as PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|PortChannel0001|FC00::71/126 but we are trying to access PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|PortChannel0001|fc00::71/126 (config command converts FC to fc).

Not sure what's the right way to fix this.
I've created the following PR which still may not work for all cases: sonic-net/sonic-utilities#1709

Probably we should update validate_ip_mask() just to make it validate IP but not modify it on create/remove...

Another option, just to revert original PR for now...

@d-dashkov, please comment.

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akokhan commented Jul 8, 2021

@lguohan , @prsunny , @jleveque , how would you suggest to proceed?

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@akokhan A case with IP address transformation was added to resolve this issue #6776 and validate_ip_mask() should check the mask and IPs, but additionally it turned out that ipaddress.ip_address() could correct similar cases "" to " ". If this causes problems, I propose to slightly change validate_ip_mask() and return 0 instead of changing the IP.

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akokhan commented Jul 9, 2021

@d-dashkov , thanks for providing details. I believe that the function that intent to validate input parameters should not modify them. In this case, the IP addresses are used as a part of Redis keys. So, the impact can be unexpected like in case of VLAN TCs failure. So, as for me, it totally make sense to modify validate_ip_mask() to return 0 instead of changing the IP.
Could you fix it proper way? Thanks.

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akokhan commented Jul 13, 2021

PR with the fix under review: sonic-net/sonic-utilities#1709

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@akokhan could you share the failure messages you were seeing for the VLAN tests prior to the fix? Want to check if it has the same symptoms as the failures I am seeing.

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akokhan commented Jul 14, 2021

@akokhan could you share the failure messages you were seeing for the VLAN tests prior to the fix? Want to check if it has the same symptoms as the failures I am seeing.

@theasianpianist , will do
meanwhile, could you please update the issue with the description? Thanks.

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@akokhan I believe I am seeing the same issue that is described here and in the linked PR, as I see IPv6 addresses not being deleted after running the deletion CLI command. Thanks for your assistance on this issue.

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akokhan commented Jul 15, 2021

@theasianpianist , thank you for providing details. I see the issue with exactly the same logs.

The problem is that IPv6 address was added through config_db.json as FC00::71/126 and when we remove through config command, the address is converted to fc00::71/126. So, the RIF is not get removed. You may want to try sonic-net/sonic-utilities#1709 fix.

@theasianpianist theasianpianist removed the Dual ToR Platform ♊ Issues found on dual ToR platforms label Jul 21, 2021
@yxieca yxieca closed this as completed Jul 23, 2021
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