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333 lines (240 loc) · 16.5 KB


Docker Image CI - Master Branch Docker Image CI - Develop Branch GitHub release (latest by date) Average time to resolve an issue

Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating

Bugs Code Smells Coverage Duplicated Lines (%) Lines of Code Technical Debt Vulnerabilities

Getting Started

Clone current project by using following command :

    git clone [email protected]:sonia-auv/proc_image_processing.git

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



First and foremost to run the module you will need to have docker installed.

To validate your installation of docker, simply type in docker -v

If you receive an output in the likes of :

Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea

It means you have it installed. If not, follow instructions on how to install it for your OS.


In order to use provided Docker-Compose files, you must have the latest version of Docker-Compose installed, or it must support version 3.9 of compose files.

See for installation.

Project Modes

This project has to variants, or modes, that can be built.

This is mainly due to the fact that we have both an implementation using:

  • OpenCV without CUDA support (CPU Mode)
  • OpenCV with CUDA support (GPU Mode)

If a GPU is detected, the NVIDIA Tools present and OpenCV is compiled with CUDA, then the GPU Mode is used. Otherwise, the project is built in CPU Mode.

GPU Mode requirements

In order to use GPU mode, you need:

Support for GPU mode with Windows has not been tested and is not recommended.

Environment configuration

First, you must be logged on the GitHub Docker Registry.

In order to do this:

  • Generate a personal access token on GitHub (Settings | Developper Settings | Personal acces tokens) with at least the scope read:packages.

  • Type docker login -u YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME and use your generated access token as password.

  • Pull sonia_common image:

    • CPU mode: docker pull
    • GPU mode: docker pull

IDE Configuration - VSCode

  • Install these extensions:

    • C/C++ (extension id: ms-vscode.cpptools)
    • Docker (extension id: ms-azuretools.vscode-docker)
    • Python (extension id: ms-python.python)
    • Remote - Containers (extension id: ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers)
    • ROS (extension id: ms-iot.vscode-ros)
  • Setup devcontainer extension:

    • CPU Mode: Copy .devcontainer/devcontainer-cpu.json to .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
    • GPU Mode: Copy .devcontainer/devcontainer-gpu.json to .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
  • Open the project on a remote container:

    • ctrl+shift+p
    • Type Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container (command id: remote-containers.reopenInContainer)
  • Verify that ROS core is online:

    • ctrl+shift+p
    • Type ROS: Show Core Statustart Core (command id: ros.showCoreStatus)
  • If ROS core isn't started automatically, start ROS core:

    • ctrl+shift+p
    • Type ROS: Start Core (command id: ros.startCore)

IDE Configuration - CLion

CLion provides more features than VSCode and is typically more powerful in several use case.

To get your environment setup with it, follow these steps:

  • Copy .env.example to .env and change the exposed SSH port that will be used to connect to the CLion remote environment with the CLION_SSH_PORT variable. You can use the default value of 2222.

  • Build the remote environment Docker image:

    • CPU mode: docker-compose build proc_image_processing clion_remote_env.
    • GPU mode: docker-compose -f docker-compose-gpu.yml build proc_image_processing clion_remote_env.
  • Launch the remote environment:

    • CPU mode: docker-compose up clion_remote_env.
    • GPU mode: docker-compose -f docker-compose-gpu.yml up clion_remote_env.
    • If this error happens: standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: no such file or directory, you are probably using a Windows host, and you need to make sur end of lines (EOL) for and are LF (linux).
  • Configure your Toolchain:

    • Go to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains.
    • Add a new Remote Host Toolchain:
      • Give it a name, like Remote Environment.
      • Configure the credentials by clicking on the kog icon:
        • Give it a name, like Remote Environment.
        • Use as Host value.
        • Use the value that you used for the CLION_SSH_PORT variable as Port value.
        • Use sonia as User name value.
        • Use test as Password value.
        • Leave the remaining fields with their default values.
        • Try using the Test connection button to make sure CLion can SSH into your remote environment.
      • Once you are done with the credentials, CLion should find CMake, Make, the C Compiler, the C++ Compiler and the Debugger.
  • Configure CMake:

    • Go to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake.
    • Add a new profile:
      • Use Debug or Release as the Build type value. Take note that Release is an optimized build, which does not allow you to debug.
      • Use the toolchain name you just configured as the Toolchain value.
      • Hit Apply button (you will need to close the window in order to do the next step).
      • Copy and paste the contents from the clion.env.vars file as the Environment value.
      • Make sure that Include system environment variables is checked when you click on the small icon at the end of the Environment field.
  • Configure Deployment:

    • Go to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Deployment.
    • Modify SFTP deployment that has been automatically created by the previous steps:
      • Give it a name, like Remote Environment.
      • Use your configured credentials as SSH configuration. Test that the connection still works!
      • Go to the Mappings tab:
        • Use the path of proc_image_processing as Local path value. For example: /home/yourusername/CLionProjects/proc_image_processing/.
        • Use /home/sonia/ros_sonia_ws/src/proc_image_processing as Deployment path value.
  • Reload the CMake project using File | Reload CMake Project. CLion should populate all the available launch options up top at the left of the Play icon.

  • Before you can launch something, you must copy once again the contents from the clion.env.vars file into the Environment field of the CMake Application that you want to launch. You can do that by using Edit Configurations from the toolbar at the left of the Play button.


  • The Tools menu is where you will find pretty much all the tools you need in order to interact with your remote environment. From there, you can:
    • Sync with your remote environment (this is pretty much automatic, but hey, if stuff goes sideways, you'll know where to look).
    • Upload or download specific files.
    • Start an SSH session.
    • Open a terminal of your remote environment directly into CLion's terminal.
    • Reload CMake Project.
    • Flush CMake cache.
    • And more!
  • At the bottom of your right toolbar, you should have a tab named Remote Host. When you open it, you can navigate the filesystem of your remote environment and open files seamlessly. How cool is that?
  • On your bottom toolbar, you should see a tab named File Transfer. This is where you can see everything related to the file transfers between your local and remote environment.
  • No need to commit from your remote environment contrary to VSCode. Truth is, everything you modify is done locally and then sent to your remote environment. In other words, you won't lose your changes if you don't commit them since your remote environment behaves like a server where stuff is compiled and executed.

Running ROS bags

Without an IDE

Windows is supported

  • Setup environment variables by copying .env.example to a file named .env.
  • Start the telemetry and proc_image_processing containers with:
    • docker-compose -f docker-compose-bags.yml build proc_image_processing.
    • docker-compose -f docker-compose-bags.yml up proc_image_processing octopus-telemetry.
  • Open two proc_image_processing's shells using docker exec -it proc_image_processing /bin/bash:
    • On the first shell, go to /bags (cd /bags) and start the bag playback with rosbag play -l your-bag-name.
    • On the second shell, uncompress the feed using rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=<name-of-input-feed> raw out:=<give-a-name-to-the-output> ( ex: rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/camera_array/cam0/image_raw raw out:=/camera_array/cam0/image_raw) .
  • Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to access the telemetry. You should now be good to go!

With VSCode

Only supported on linux for now (Windows does not support host mode networking) and remote containers doesn't allow VSCode to be part of the same Docker stack using a docker-compose file, which means we must use host mode networking.

  • Start the telemetry and it's requirements with using docker-compose -f docker-compose-bags-vscode.yml up octopus-telemetry.
  • From a terminal in the remote container on VSCode, go to the /bags folder (cd /bags) and start playback of your bag with rosbag play -l name_of_your_bag.
  • In another terminal in the remote container on VSCode, uncompress the feed using rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=name-of-input-feed raw out:=name-of-output-feed ( ex: rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/camera_array/cam0/image_raw raw out:=/camera_array/cam0/image_raw) .
  • Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to access the telemetry. You should now be good to go!

With CLion

Windows is supported

  • Add the bags you want to replay in the bags folder of the project
  • Start the telemetry and it's requirements with docker-compose -f docker-compose-bags.yml up octopus-telemetry.
  • Start your CLion remote environment with docker-compose up clion_remote_env if not already done.
  • Open two terminal shells using docker exec -it clion_remote_env /bin/bash.
    • From the first terminal shell, go to the /bags folder (cd /bags) and start playback of your bag with rosbag play -l name_of_your_bag
    • From the second terminal shell, uncompress the feed with rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=name-of-input-feed raw out:=name-of-output-feed ( ex: rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/camera_array/cam0/image_raw raw out:=/camera_array/cam0/image_raw)
  • Start proc_image_processing with CLion (make sure you include the environment variable ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ros-master:13111 by editing run configuration for proc_image_processing_node in CLion)
  • Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to access the telemetry. You should now be good to go!

Octopus Telemetry configuration and usage

  • In the Image Viewer module, refresh and select the compressed feed of the bag to see it (wow)
  • In the Vision UI module, create a new execution by refreshing and selecting the filter chain to apply and the media as input (the raw video feed in this case)
  • In the filter tab of the Vision UI module, refresh and select your execution to manage filters of your filter chain.
  • Click on them to see their parameters and manage them.
  • To see the result, in the Image Viewer module, refresh and select the output containing your execution name and the compressed mention.

Code Quality

This project uses SonarCloud to analyze the code base quality continuously using a GitHub Actions Workflow.

Although, a manual analysis can also be performed and submitted on SonarCloud by following these steps:

  • Copy .env.example a template for a .env file. In that file, you must specify your GitHub Token (GITHUB_TOKEN) with the necessary privileges, your SonarCloud token (SONAR_TOKEN) and the branch name that you are currently on (BRANCH).
  • Build the SonarCloud container with: docker-compose build sonarcloud.
  • Launch the SonarCloud analysis with: docker-compose up sonarcloud.
  • Go to SonarCloud and see the results for your branch.

Running tests

First of all, the environment variable NODE_CONFIG_PATH must be set in order to execute some tests. For example, since configuration files are read from disk, setting this variable allows us to use filter chain configurations file assets for testing purposes.

As such, you can either add this variable using export NODE_CONFIG_PATH=test/assets/config or by adding NODE_CONFIG_PATH=test/assets/config before catkin_make --use-ninja run_tests (ex: NODE_CONFIG_PATH=test/assets/config catkin_make --use-ninja run_tests) .

Take note that the path is relative to this project's path.

Built With

Add additional project dependencies

  • ROS - ROS robotic framework


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details