diff --git a/Resources/config/core.xml b/Resources/config/core.xml
index 466845c780..26cc938a45 100644
--- a/Resources/config/core.xml
+++ b/Resources/config/core.xml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
diff --git a/Resources/doc/reference/action_create_edit.rst b/Resources/doc/reference/action_create_edit.rst
index fa41134497..cd2e4b4e9f 100644
--- a/Resources/doc/reference/action_create_edit.rst
+++ b/Resources/doc/reference/action_create_edit.rst
@@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ To do:
- options available when adding fields, inc custom templates
- link to the field_types document for more details about specific field types
+Global options
+There are some options about create and edit actions you might want to set
+globally rather than on an admin-by-admin basis. This can done with the bundle
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ sonata_admin:
+ options:
+ label_translator_strategy: sonata.admin.label.strategy.native
+ Defaults to ``sonata.admin.label.strategy.native``. The value should be the
+ id of a service that implements
+ ``Sonata\AdminBundle\Translator\LabelTranslatorStrategyInterface``. For
+ more information, see
+ `the dedicated document `_
FormGroup options
diff --git a/Resources/doc/reference/translation.rst b/Resources/doc/reference/translation.rst
index c09eb616ec..550afda499 100644
--- a/Resources/doc/reference/translation.rst
+++ b/Resources/doc/reference/translation.rst
@@ -134,18 +134,37 @@ labels are generated by using a simple rule:
isValid => Is Valid
+A label translator strategy processes labels so that they can follow a given
+naming policy. It implements
+``Sonata\AdminBundle\Translator\LabelTranslatorStrategyInterface``, which
+consists of one method, with the following signature :
+``public function getLabel($label, $context = '', $type = '');``. In the context
+of a form with an ``isValid`` field, it is called as follows :
+``$strategy->getLabel('isValid', 'form', 'label')``
The ``AdminBundle`` comes with different key label generation strategies:
-* ``sonata.admin.label.strategy.native``: DEFAULT - Makes the string human readable
- ``isValid`` => ``Is Valid``
-* ``sonata.admin.label.strategy.form_component``: The default behavior from the Form Component
- ``isValid`` => ``Isvalid``
-* ``sonata.admin.label.strategy.underscore``: Changes the name into a token suitable
- for translation by prepending "form.label" to an underscored version of the field name
+ DEFAULT - Makes the string human readable ``isValid`` => ``Is Valid``
+ The default behavior from the Form Component
+ ``isValid`` => ``Isvalid``
+ Changes the name into a token suitable for translation by prepending
+ "form.label" to an underscored version of the field name.
``isValid`` => ``form.label_is_valid``
-* ``sonata.admin.label.strategy.noop``: does not alter the string
- ``isValid`` => ``isValid``
+ does not alter the string ``isValid`` => ``isValid``
+ Backwards-Compatible label translator strategy. Labels are as they where
+ before label translator strategies where introduced.
+ ``isValid`` => ``Isvalid``
+ Avoid it if you are creating a new project.
``sonata.admin.label.strategy.underscore`` will be better for i18n applications
and ``sonata.admin.label.strategy.native`` will be better for native (single) language
@@ -153,6 +172,9 @@ apps based on the field name. It is reasonable to start with the ``native`` stra
and then, when the application needs to be translated using generic keys, the
configuration can be switched to ``underscore``.
+If you cannot find a strategy that fits your use case, you can easily implement
+and use your own. If you do, consider contributing your strategy.
The strategy can be quickly configured when the Admin class is registered in
the Container: