- Date: 2022-02-02T14:00:00Z
- Call: https://meet.jit.si/solid-specification
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- Sarven Capadisli
- Justin Bingham
- Kjetil Kjernsmo
- Tim Berners-Lee
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- Sarven Capadisli
- name: text
URL: #353
- SC: Minor: rebase PR.. just need to call if we're okay with Allow not touching authz. AFAIK, KK and I have the same view on this.
- KK: Distinction b/w Allow, WAC-Allow and Accept-* headers. My interpretation of HTTP is to not have Allow header touching authorization. TO make sure not to jump through hoops for an expensive operation.
- KK: Aaron's concern was exposing various Accept-* headers.
- JB: You can discover information about a resource that you shouldn't know. If you're not authenticated, what can you learn. That seems to be what Aaron and Emelia are concerned about. First can you know a resource exists or not. Brute forcing.. what can you learn. If something exists, what else can you learn about it. Conctainer or not. RDF or not. If we can directly answer those questions and A and E's satistfaction, the enumeration is reasonable then we are good.
- SC: Allow does not entail resource exists.
- JB: If true, security concern is not valid. Is this the right type of response expected by client eg. I'm not authorized give 4xx.
- KK: Aaron's comment was to hide if something is an RDF document. Initially it was about not having authnz requirement for that section.. then I changed the patch to authnz only for Accept-* but not Allow. After that he hasn't returned with concerns.
- KK: If we skip the Allow header then you can still guess and get a 405. Infer the same knowledge but with a great cost.