- Date: 2021-05-04
- Sarven Capadisli
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Justin Bingham
- Ruben Verborgh
- Kjetil Kjernsmo
- Kjetil Kjernsmo
- Justin Bingham
- Specification Features / Versioning - See minutes from last session
- Open issue: #8
JB: ACP draft is getting close, we need to make sure that we have a plan for how to incorporate into spec
TBL: Is there a core (minimum) plus extensions
JB: definitely a core, can't speak to extensions yet. likely would be in additional matchers (like time based)
TBL: Every server has to keep track of the owner of the pod in an implementation defined way. Owner is first set at pod provisioning time. Owner should get implicit control access on everything in the pod.
RV: Will implement in CSS: CommunitySolidServer/CommunitySolidServer#720
SC: If the server keeps track of who the owner is, it bypasses the ACL fully.
SC: Different than how a client can find the owner (acl:owner). When a client wants to find the owner of a pim:Storage, it looks for the acl:owner Link relation at the root (/) of the pod
SC: Should we have a solid:owner property for protocol wide? * +1 JB, +1 RV, +1 TBL, +1 SC, +1 KK * acl:owner subPropertyOf solid:owner? * Sarven to eventually PR to solid/vocab * acl:owner rdfs:comment "The person or other agent which owns this.\n For example, the owner of a file in a filesystem.\n There is a sense of right to control. Typically defaults to the agent who craeted\n something but can be changed."
JB: Do we have the same issue on the resource level where someone is provisioned a slice of a pod (e.g. like their home directory in a single pod). Should we have solid:resourceOwner?
SC: dcterms:creator type of property for initial creator.. provenance record
JB: +1 that owner and creator should be separate. A bot might provision some resources and be the creator, but the agent it is provisioned for would be the owner.
JB: Implementation seem to disagree about whether describedBy should be used only for containers / binaries or for all resources.
SC: Need to firmly work out lifecycle of auxiliary resources (e.g. should they always be removed on primary resource delete).