diff --git a/web3.js/src/connection.ts b/web3.js/src/connection.ts index c4d1b3f7f603af..302ef06674680b 100644 --- a/web3.js/src/connection.ts +++ b/web3.js/src/connection.ts @@ -803,13 +803,18 @@ export type TransactionReturnData = { }; export type SimulateTransactionConfig = { + /** Optional parameter used to enable signature verification before simulation */ sigVerify?: boolean; + /** Optional parameter used to replace the simulated transaction's recent blockhash with the latest blockhash */ replaceRecentBlockhash?: boolean; + /** Optional parameter used to set the commitment level when selecting the latest block */ commitment?: Commitment; + /** Optional parameter used to specify a list of account addresses to return post simulation state for */ accounts?: { encoding: 'base64'; addresses: string[]; }; + /** Optional parameter used to specify the minimum block slot that can be used for simulation */ minContextSlot?: number; };