diff --git a/cimgen/cimgen.py b/cimgen/cimgen.py
index 73632da..abc12dc 100644
--- a/cimgen/cimgen.py
+++ b/cimgen/cimgen.py
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ def as_json(self) -> dict[str, str]:
         json_object = {}
         if self.about():
             json_object["about"] = self.about()
+        if self.namespace():
+            json_object["namespace"] = self.namespace()
         if self.comment():
             json_object["comment"] = self.comment()
         if self.datatype():
@@ -52,6 +54,13 @@ def about(self) -> str:
             return ""
+    def namespace(self) -> str:
+        if "$rdf:about" in self.json_definition:
+            about = RDFSEntry._get_about_or_resource(self.json_definition["$rdf:about"])
+            return about[: -len(self.about())]
+        else:
+            return ""
     # Capitalized True/False is valid in python but not in json.
     # Do not use this function in combination with json.load()
     def is_used(self) -> bool:
@@ -194,6 +203,7 @@ def __init__(self, rdfs_entry: RDFSEntry):
         self.superclass: str = rdfs_entry.subclass_of()
         self.subclass_list: list[str] = []
         self.stereotype: str = rdfs_entry.stereotype()
+        self.namespace = rdfs_entry.namespace()
     def attributes(self) -> list[dict]:
         return self.attribute_list
@@ -391,6 +401,13 @@ def _parse_rdf(input_dic: dict, version: str) -> dict[str, dict[str, CIMComponen
     for instance in enum_instances:
         clarse = _get_rid_of_hash(instance["type"])
         if clarse and clarse in classes_map:
+            if instance.get("comment"):
+                instance["wrapped_comment"] = _wrap_and_clean(
+                    instance["comment"],
+                    width=100,
+                    initial_indent="# ",
+                    subsequent_indent=("    # "),
+                )
             logger.info("Class {} for enum instance {} not found.".format(clarse, instance))
@@ -417,6 +434,7 @@ def _write_all_files(
             "class_location": lang_pack.get_class_location(class_name, elem_dict, version),
             "class_name": class_name,
             "class_origin": elem_dict[class_name].origins(),
+            "class_namespace": _get_namespace(elem_dict[class_name].namespace),
             "enum_instances": elem_dict[class_name].enum_instances(),
             "is_an_enum_class": elem_dict[class_name].is_an_enum_class(),
             "is_a_primitive_class": elem_dict[class_name].is_a_primitive_class(),
@@ -455,6 +473,7 @@ def _write_all_files(
             attribute["is_primitive_attribute"] = _get_bool_string(attribute_type == "primitive")
             attribute["is_datatype_attribute"] = _get_bool_string(attribute_type == "datatype")
             attribute["attribute_class"] = attribute_class
+            attribute["attribute_namespace"] = _get_namespace(attribute["namespace"])
         class_details["attributes"].sort(key=lambda d: d["label"])
         _write_files(class_details, output_path)
@@ -738,6 +757,14 @@ def _get_attribute_type(attribute: dict, class_infos: CIMComponentDefinition) ->
     return attribute_type
+def _get_namespace(parsed_namespace: str) -> str:
+    if parsed_namespace == "#":
+        namespace = cim_namespace
+    else:
+        namespace = parsed_namespace
+    return namespace
 def _get_bool_string(bool_value: bool) -> str:
     """Convert boolean value into a string which is usable in both Python and Json.
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/lang_pack.py b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/lang_pack.py
index 89c89ba..8fca48d 100644
--- a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/lang_pack.py
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/lang_pack.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def _get_type_and_default(text: str, render: Callable[[str], str]) -> tuple[str,
     attribute_txt = render(text)
     attribute_json = eval(attribute_txt)
     if attribute_json["is_class_attribute"]:
-        return ("Optional[str]", "default=None")
+        return ("str | None", "default=None")
     elif attribute_json["is_list_attribute"]:
         return ("list", "default_factory=list")
     elif attribute_json["is_datatype_attribute"]:
@@ -88,14 +88,6 @@ def _get_python_type(datatype: str) -> str:
         return "float"
-def _set_imports(attributes: list[dict]) -> list[str]:
-    import_set = set()
-    for attribute in attributes:
-        if attribute["is_datatype_attribute"] or attribute["is_primitive_attribute"]:
-            import_set.add(attribute["attribute_class"])
-    return sorted(import_set)
 def _set_datatype_attributes(attributes: list[dict]) -> dict:
     datatype_attributes = {}
     datatype_attributes["python_type"] = "None"
@@ -137,13 +129,20 @@ def run_template(output_path: str, class_details: dict) -> None:
         template = class_template_file
         class_details["set_default"] = _set_default
         class_details["set_type"] = _set_type
-        class_details["imports"] = _set_imports(class_details["attributes"])
     resource_file = _create_file(output_path, class_details, template)
     _write_templated_file(resource_file, class_details, template["filename"])
 def _create_file(output_path: str, class_details: dict, template: dict[str, str]) -> Path:
-    resource_file = Path(output_path) / "resources" / (class_details["class_name"] + template["ext"])
+    if (
+        class_details["is_a_primitive_class"]
+        or class_details["is_a_datatype_class"]
+        or class_details["is_an_enum_class"]
+    ):
+        class_category = "types"
+    else:
+        class_category = ""
+    resource_file = Path(output_path) / "resources" / class_category / (class_details["class_name"] + template["ext"])
     return resource_file
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/class_template.mustache b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/class_template.mustache
index e733da3..d3af0aa 100644
--- a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/class_template.mustache
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/class_template.mustache
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Generated from the CGMES files via cimgen: https://github.com/sogno-platform/cim
 from functools import cached_property
-from typing import Optional
 from pydantic import Field
 from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
@@ -35,16 +34,17 @@ class {{class_name}}({{subclass_of}}):
             "is_used": {{#is_used}}True{{/is_used}}{{^is_used}}False{{/is_used}},
+            "namespace": "{{attribute_namespace}}",  # NOSONAR
             "is_class_attribute": {{#is_class_attribute}}True{{/is_class_attribute}}{{^is_class_attribute}}False{{/is_class_attribute}},
             "is_datatype_attribute": {{#is_datatype_attribute}}True{{/is_datatype_attribute}}{{^is_datatype_attribute}}False{{/is_datatype_attribute}},
             "is_enum_attribute": {{#is_enum_attribute}}True{{/is_enum_attribute}}{{^is_enum_attribute}}False{{/is_enum_attribute}},
             "is_list_attribute": {{#is_list_attribute}}True{{/is_list_attribute}}{{^is_list_attribute}}False{{/is_list_attribute}},
             "is_primitive_attribute": {{#is_primitive_attribute}}True{{/is_primitive_attribute}}{{^is_primitive_attribute}}False{{/is_primitive_attribute}},
-            "attribute_class": {{attribute_class}},
+            "attribute_class": "{{attribute_class}}",
-            "attribute_class": {{attribute_class}},
+            "attribute_class": "{{attribute_class}}",
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/datatype_template.mustache b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/datatype_template.mustache
index 5bf8881..e81ce7f 100644
--- a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/datatype_template.mustache
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/datatype_template.mustache
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 Generated from the CGMES files via cimgen: https://github.com/sogno-platform/cimgen
-from ..utils.datatypes import CIMDatatype
-from ..utils.profile import Profile
+from ...utils.datatypes import CIMDatatype
+from ...utils.profile import Profile
 from .{{.}} import {{.}}
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/primitive_template.mustache b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/primitive_template.mustache
index be44ab0..2a1a758 100644
--- a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/primitive_template.mustache
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/templates/primitive_template.mustache
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Generated from the CGMES files via cimgen: https://github.com/sogno-platform/cim
 from datetime import date, datetime, time
-from ..utils.datatypes import Primitive
-from ..utils.profile import Profile
+from ...utils.datatypes import Primitive
+from ...utils.profile import Profile
 {{class_name}} = Primitive(
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/base.py b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/base.py
index 8acd55f..75ad7a7 100644
--- a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/base.py
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/base.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 from functools import cached_property
 from typing import Any, TypeAlias, TypedDict
+from lxml import etree
 from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
 from .config import cgmes_resource_config
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ def possible_profiles(self) -> set[BaseProfile]:
         A resource can be used by multiple profiles. This is the set of profiles
         where this element can be found.
-        raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented because not relevant in Base.")
+        return {self.recommended_profile}
     def recommended_profile(self) -> BaseProfile:
@@ -88,6 +89,24 @@ def apparent_name(cls) -> str:
         return cls.__name__
+    def get_attribute_main_profile(self, attr: str) -> BaseProfile | None:
+        """Get the profile for this attribute of the CIM object.
+        This function searches for the profile of an attribute for the CIM type of an object.
+        If the main profile of the type is a possible profile of the attribute it should be choosen.
+        Otherwise, the first profile in the list of possible profiles ordered by profile number.
+        :param attr:           Attribute to check
+        :return:               Attribute profile.
+        """
+        attr_profiles_map = self.possible_attribute_profiles
+        profiles = attr_profiles_map.get(attr, [])
+        if self.recommended_profile in profiles:
+            return self.recommended_profile
+        if profiles:
+            return sorted(profiles)[0]
+        return None
     def cgmes_attribute_names_in_profile(self, profile: BaseProfile | None) -> set[Field]:
         Returns all fields accross the parent tree which are in the profile in parameter.
@@ -131,39 +150,221 @@ def cgmes_attributes_in_profile(self, profile: BaseProfile | None) -> dict[str,
         for parent in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__[:-1]):
             for f in fields(parent):
                 shortname = f.name
-                qualname = f"{parent.apparent_name()}.{shortname}"  # type: ignore
+                qualname = f"{parent.apparent_name()}.{shortname}"
+                infos = dict()
                 if f not in self.cgmes_attribute_names_in_profile(profile) or shortname in seen_attrs:
-                    # Wrong profile or already found from a parent.
-                else:
-                    # Namespace finding
-                    # "class namespace" means the first namespace defined in the inheritance tree.
-                    # This can go up to Base, which will give the default cim NS.
-                    if (extra := getattr(f.default, "json_schema_extra", None)) is None:
-                        # The attribute does not have extra metadata. It might be a custom atttribute
-                        # without it, or a base type (int...).
-                        # Use the class namespace.
-                        namespace = self.namespace
-                    elif (attr_ns := extra.get("namespace", None)) is None:
-                        # The attribute has some extras, but not namespace.
-                        # Use the class namespace.
-                        namespace = self.namespace
-                    else:
+                # Namespace finding
+                # "class namespace" means the first namespace defined in the inheritance tree.
+                # This can go up to Base, which will give the default cim NS.
+                infos["namespace"] = self.namespace
+                extra = getattr(f.default, "json_schema_extra", None)
+                if extra and extra.get("is_used"):
+                    # adding the extras, used for xml generation
+                    extra_info = {
+                        "attr_name": qualname,
+                        "is_class_attribute": extra.get("is_class_attribute"),
+                        "is_enum_attribute": extra.get("is_enum_attribute"),
+                        "is_list_attribute": extra.get("is_list_attribute"),
+                        "is_primitive_attribute": extra.get("is_primitive_attribute"),
+                        "is_datatype_attribute": extra.get("is_datatype_attribute"),
+                        "attribute_class": extra.get("attribute_class"),
+                        "attribute_main_profile": self.get_attribute_main_profile(shortname),
+                    }
+                    if extra.get("namespace"):
                         # The attribute has an explicit namesapce
-                        namespace = attr_ns
+                        extra_info["namespace"] = extra.get("namespace", self.namespace)
+                    infos.update(extra_info)
+                infos["value"] = getattr(self, shortname)
-                    qual_attrs[qualname] = CgmesAttribute(
-                        value=getattr(self, shortname),
-                        namespace=namespace,
-                    )
-                    seen_attrs.add(shortname)
+                qual_attrs[qualname] = CgmesAttribute(infos)  # type: ignore
+                seen_attrs.add(shortname)
         return qual_attrs
+    def to_xml(self, profile_to_export: BaseProfile, id: str | None = None) -> etree._Element | None:
+        """Creates an etree element of self with all non-empty attributes of the profile_to_export
+        that are not already defined in the recommanded profile
+        This can then be used to generate the xml file of the profile_to_export
+        :param profile_to_export:       Profile for which we want to obtain the xml tree (eg. Profile.EQ)
+        :param id:                      "mRID" some objects don't have mRID attribute. Defaults to None.
+        :return:                        etree describing self for the profile_to_export, None if nothing to export
+        """
+        profile_attributes = self._get_attributes_to_export(profile_to_export)
+        if "mRID" in self.to_dict():
+            obj_id = self.mRID  # type: ignore
+        else:
+            obj_id = id
+        # if no attribute to export or no mRID, return None
+        if profile_attributes == {} or obj_id is None:
+            root = None
+        else:
+            obj_id = "_" + obj_id
+            # Create root element
+            nsmap = NAMESPACES
+            root = etree.Element("{" + self.namespace + "}" + self.resource_name, nsmap=nsmap)
+            # Add the ID as attribute to the root
+            if self.recommended_profile.value == profile_to_export.value:
+                root.set(f"""{{{nsmap["rdf"]}}}""" + "ID", obj_id)
+            else:
+                root.set(f"""{{{nsmap["rdf"]}}}""" + "about", "#" + obj_id)
+            root = self._add_attribute_to_etree(attributes=profile_attributes, root=root, nsmap=nsmap)
+        return root
+    def _get_attributes_to_export(self, profile_to_export: BaseProfile) -> dict:
+        attributes_to_export = {}
+        attributes_in_profile = self.cgmes_attributes_in_profile(profile_to_export)
+        for key, attribute in attributes_in_profile.items():
+            if attribute["attribute_main_profile"] == profile_to_export:
+                attributes_to_export[key] = attribute
+        attributes_to_export = self._remove_empty_attributes(attributes_to_export)
+        return attributes_to_export
+    @staticmethod
+    def _remove_empty_attributes(attributes: dict) -> dict:
+        for key, attribute in list(attributes.items()):
+            # Remove empty attributes
+            if attribute["value"] in [None, "", []]:
+                del attributes[key]
+            elif attribute.get("attribute_class") and attribute["attribute_class"] == "Boolean":
+                attribute["value"] = str(attribute["value"]).lower()
+        return attributes
+    @staticmethod
+    def _add_attribute_to_etree(attributes: dict, root: etree._Element, nsmap: dict) -> etree._Element:
+        rdf_namespace = f"""{{{nsmap["rdf"]}}}"""
+        for field_name, attribute in attributes.items():
+            # add all attributes relevant to the profile as SubElements
+            attr_namespace = attribute["namespace"]
+            element_name = f"{{{attr_namespace}}}{field_name}"
+            if attribute["is_class_attribute"]:
+                # class_attributes are exported as rdf: resource #mRID_of_target
+                element = etree.SubElement(root, element_name)
+                element.set(rdf_namespace + "resource", "#_" + attribute["value"])
+            elif attribute["is_enum_attribute"]:
+                element = etree.SubElement(root, element_name)
+                element.set(rdf_namespace + "resource", nsmap["cim"] + attribute["value"])
+            elif attribute["is_list_attribute"]:
+                for item in attribute["value"]:
+                    element = etree.SubElement(root, element_name)
+                    element.text = str(item)
+            else:
+                element = etree.SubElement(root, element_name)
+                element.text = str(attribute["value"])
+        return root
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         """Returns the string representation of this resource."""
         return "\n".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in sorted(self.to_dict().items())])
+    def _parse_xml_fragment(self, xml_fragment: str) -> dict:
+        """parses an xml fragment into a dict defining the class attributes
+        :param xml_fragment:    xml string defining an instance of the current class
+        :return:                a dictionnary of attributes to create/update the class instance
+        """
+        attribute_dict = {}
+        xml_tree = etree.fromstring(xml_fragment)
+        attribute_dict.update(self._extract_mrid_from_etree(xml_tree=xml_tree))
+        # parsing attributes defined in class
+        class_attributes = self.cgmes_attributes_in_profile(None)
+        for key, class_attribute in class_attributes.items():
+            xml_attributes = xml_tree.findall(".//{*}" + key)
+            if not xml_attributes:
+                continue
+            attr = key.rsplit(".")[-1]
+            attr_value = self._extract_attr_value_from_etree(attr, class_attribute, xml_attributes)
+            if hasattr(self, attr) and attr_value not in [None, []]:
+                attribute_dict[attr] = attr_value
+        return attribute_dict
+    def _extract_mrid_from_etree(self, xml_tree: etree._Element) -> dict:
+        """Parsing the mRID from etree attributes"""
+        mrid_dict = {}
+        for key, value in xml_tree.attrib.items():
+            if key.endswith("ID") or key.endswith("about"):
+                if value.startswith("#"):
+                    value = value[1:]
+                if value.startswith("_"):
+                    value = value[1:]
+                if hasattr(self, "mRID") and value is not None:
+                    mrid_dict = {"mRID": value}
+        return mrid_dict
+    def _extract_attr_value_from_etree(
+        self, attr_name: str, class_attribute: "CgmesAttribute", xml_attributes: list[etree._Element]
+    ):
+        """Parsing the attribute value from etree attributes"""
+        attr_value = None
+        # class attributes are pointing to another class/instance defined in .attrib
+        if class_attribute["is_class_attribute"]:
+            attr_value = xml_attributes[0].values()[0]
+            attr_value = attr_value.lstrip("#_")
+        # enum attributes are defined in .attrib and has a prefix ending in "#"
+        elif class_attribute["is_enum_attribute"]:
+            attr_value = xml_attributes[0].values()[0]
+            attr_value = attr_value.split("#")[-1]
+        elif class_attribute["is_list_attribute"]:
+            attr_value = []
+            for item in xml_attributes:
+                item_value = item.values()[0]
+                attr_value.append(item_value.split("#")[-1])
+        elif class_attribute["is_primitive_attribute"] or class_attribute["is_datatype_attribute"]:
+            attr_value = xml_attributes[0].text
+            if self.__dataclass_fields__[attr_name].type == bool:
+                attr_value = {"true": True, "false": False}.get(attr_value, None)
+            else:
+                # types are int, float or str (date, time and datetime treated as str)
+                attr_value = self.__dataclass_fields__[attr_name].type(attr_value)
+        else:
+            # other attributes types are defined in .text
+            attr_value = xml_attributes[0].text
+        return attr_value
+    def update_from_xml(self, xml_fragment: str):
+        """
+        Updates the instance by parsing an xml fragment defining the attributes of this instance
+        example: updating the instance by parsing the corresponding fragment from the SSH profile
+        """
+        attribute_dict = self._parse_xml_fragment(xml_fragment)
+        if attribute_dict["mRID"] == self.mRID:  # type: ignore
+            for key, value in attribute_dict.items():
+                attr = getattr(self, key)
+                if isinstance(attr, list):
+                    getattr(self, key).extend(value)
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, key, value)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_xml(cls, xml_fragment: str):
+        """
+        Returns an instance of the class from an xml fragment defining the attributes written in the form:
+        <cim:IdentifiedObject.name>...</cim:IdentifiedObject.name>
+        example: creating an instance by parsing a fragment from the EQ profile
+        """
+        attribute_dict = cls()._parse_xml_fragment(xml_fragment)
+        # Instantiate the class with the dictionary
+        return cls(**attribute_dict)
     def get_extra_prop(field: Field, prop: str) -> Any:
         # The field is defined as a pydantic field, not a dataclass field,
@@ -184,3 +385,11 @@ class CgmesAttribute(TypedDict):
     # Custom attributes might have something different, given as metadata.
     # See readme for more information.
     namespace: str
+    attr_name: str
+    is_class_attribute: bool
+    is_enum_attribute: bool
+    is_list_attribute: bool
+    is_primitive_attribute: bool
+    is_datatype_attribute: bool
+    attribute_class: str
+    attribute_main_profile: BaseProfile
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/datatypes.py b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/datatypes.py
index 04f3442..d9a93aa 100644
--- a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/datatypes.py
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/datatypes.py
@@ -1,27 +1,25 @@
-from typing import List, Optional, Union
 from pydantic import Field
 from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
+from .constants import NAMESPACES
-from ..resources.Currency import Currency
-from ..resources.UnitMultiplier import UnitMultiplier
-from ..resources.UnitSymbol import UnitSymbol
 from .config import cgmes_resource_config
-from .constants import NAMESPACES
 from .profile import BaseProfile
+from ..resources.types.UnitMultiplier import UnitMultiplier
+from ..resources.types.UnitSymbol import UnitSymbol
+from ..resources.types.Currency import Currency
 class Primitive:
     name: str = Field(frozen=True)
     type: object = Field(frozen=True)
+    profiles: list[BaseProfile] = Field(frozen=True)
     namespace: str = Field(frozen=True, default=NAMESPACES["cim"])
-    profiles: List[BaseProfile] = Field(frozen=True)
 class CIMDatatype(Primitive):
-    multiplier: Optional[UnitMultiplier] = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
-    unit: Optional[Union[UnitSymbol, Currency]] = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
-    denominatorMultiplier: Optional[UnitMultiplier] = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
-    denominatorUnit: Optional[UnitSymbol] = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
+    multiplier: UnitMultiplier | None = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
+    unit: UnitSymbol | Currency | None = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
+    denominatorMultiplier: UnitMultiplier | None = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
+    denominatorUnit: UnitSymbol | None = Field(default=None, frozen=True)
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/reader.py b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2619b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+import logging
+from importlib import import_module
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+from typing import Literal
+from lxml import etree
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from .profile import Profile
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Reader(BaseModel):
+    """Parses profiles to create the corresponding python objects
+    :param cgmes_version_path:  Path to the cgmes resources folder containing the class definition
+    :param custom_namespaces:   {"namespace_prefix": "namespace_uri"}
+    :param custom_folder:       "path_to_custom_resources_folder"
+    """
+    cgmes_version_path: str = "pycgmes.resources"
+    custom_namespaces: dict[str, str] | None = None
+    custom_folder: str | None = None
+    logger_grouped: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = Field(default_factory=lambda: {"errors": {}, "info": {}})
+    import_result: dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: {"meta_info": {}, "topology": {}})
+    def parse_profiles(self, xml_files: list[str], start_dict: dict | None = None):
+        """Parses all profiles contained in xml_files and returns a list containing
+        all the objects defined in the profiles "mRID": Object\n
+        Errors encounterd in the parsing can be recovered in Reader.logger_grouped
+        :param xml_files:   List of the path to all the profiles to parse
+        :param start_dict:  To parse profiles on top of an existing list dict(meta_info, topology)
+        :return:            ["topology": dict of all the objects defined in the profiles {"mRID": Object}, "meta_info"]
+        """
+        if start_dict:
+            self.import_result = start_dict
+        self.import_result["meta_info"] = dict(namespaces=self._get_namespaces(xml_files[0]), urls={})
+        namespace_rdf = self._get_rdf_namespace()
+        bases = ["{" + self.import_result["meta_info"]["namespaces"]["cim"] + "}"]
+        if self.custom_namespaces:
+            for custom_namespace in self.custom_namespaces.values():
+                bases.append("{" + custom_namespace + "}")
+        bases = tuple(bases)
+        for xml_file in xml_files:
+            self._instantiate_classes(xml_file=xml_file, bases=bases, namespace_rdf=namespace_rdf)
+        return self.import_result
+    def _instantiate_classes(self, xml_file: str, bases: tuple, namespace_rdf: str):
+        """creates/updates the python objects with the information of xml_file
+        :param xml_file:        Path to the profile
+        :param bases:           Contains the possible namespaces uris defining the classes, can be custom
+        :param namespace_rdf:   rdf namespace uri
+        """
+        context = etree.iterparse(xml_file, ("start", "end"))
+        level = 0
+        for event, elem in context:
+            if event == "end":
+                level -= 1
+            if event == "start":
+                level += 1
+            class_namespace = next((namespace for namespace in bases if str(elem.tag).startswith(namespace)), None)
+            if event == "start" and class_namespace is not None and level == 2:
+                class_name, uuid = self._extract_classname_uuid(elem, class_namespace, namespace_rdf)
+                if uuid is not None:
+                    self._process_element(class_name, uuid, elem)
+            # Check which package is read
+            elif event == "end":
+                self._check_metadata(elem)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_classname_uuid(elem, class_namespace: str, namespace_rdf: str) -> tuple:
+        """Extracts class name and instance uuid ("mRID")
+        :param elem: description of the instance for the given profile
+        :param class_namespace: namespace uri defining the class
+        :param namespace_rdf: rdf namespace uri
+        :return:    class_name, uuid  (example "ACLineSgement", instance_uuid: "mRID")
+        """
+        class_name = elem.tag[len(class_namespace) :]
+        uuid = elem.get("{%s}ID" % namespace_rdf)
+        if uuid is None:
+            uuid = elem.get("{%s}about" % namespace_rdf)
+        if uuid and uuid.startswith("#"):
+            uuid = uuid[1:]
+        if uuid and uuid.startswith("_"):
+            uuid = uuid[1:]
+        return class_name, uuid
+    def _process_element(self, class_name: str, uuid: str, elem):
+        """Creates or updates (if an object with the same uuid exists)
+        an instance of the class based on the fragment of the profile
+        :param class_name:      Name of the class of the instance to create/update (example: ACLineSegment)
+        :param uuid:            mRID
+        :param elem:            description of the instance for the given profile
+        """
+        topology = self.import_result["topology"]
+        elem_str = etree.tostring(elem, encoding="utf-8")
+        try:
+            # Import the module for the CGMES object.
+            module_name = self._get_path_to_module(class_name)
+            module = import_module(module_name)
+            klass = getattr(module, class_name)
+            if uuid not in topology:
+                topology[uuid] = klass().from_xml(elem_str)
+                info_msg = "CIM object {} created".format(module_name.split(".")[-1])
+            else:
+                obj = topology[uuid]
+                obj.update_from_xml(elem_str)
+                info_msg = "CIM object {} updated".format(module_name.split(".")[-1])
+            self._log_message("info", info_msg)
+        except ModuleNotFoundError:
+            error_msg = "Module {} not implemented".format(class_name)
+            self._log_message("errors", error_msg)
+        except Exception as e:
+            error_msg = "Could not create/update {}, {}".format(uuid, e)
+            self._log_message("errors", error_msg)
+    def _check_metadata(self, elem):
+        if "Model.profile" in elem.tag:
+            for package_key in [e.value for e in Profile]:
+                if package_key in elem.text:
+                    break
+        # the author of all imported files should be the same, avoid multiple entries
+        elif "author" not in self.import_result["meta_info"].keys():
+            if any(author_field in elem.tag for author_field in ("Model.createdBy", "Model.modelingAuthoritySet")):
+                self.import_result["meta_info"]["author"] = elem.text
+    # Returns a map of class_namespace to namespace for the given XML file.
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_namespaces(source) -> dict:
+        """Recovers the namespaces defined at the beginning of the xml file without reading the complete file."""
+        namespaces = {}
+        events = ("end", "start-ns")
+        for event, elem in etree.iterparse(source, events):
+            if event == "start-ns" and elem is not None:
+                # Corresponds to the attributes defined in <rdf:RDF ...>
+                class_namespace, ns = elem
+                namespaces[class_namespace] = ns
+            elif event == "end":
+                # Stops once the first attribute that is not a namespace is read (</...>)
+                break
+        return namespaces
+    # Returns the RDF Namespace from the namespaces dictionary
+    def _get_rdf_namespace(self) -> str:
+        try:
+            namespace = self.import_result["meta_info"]["namespaces"]["rdf"]
+        except KeyError:
+            namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"  # NOSONAR
+            logger.warning("No rdf namespace found. Using %s" % namespace)
+        return namespace
+    def _get_path_to_module(self, class_name: str) -> str:
+        if self.custom_folder and find_spec(self.custom_folder + "." + class_name):
+            path_to_module = self.custom_folder + "." + class_name
+        else:
+            path_to_module = self.cgmes_version_path + "." + class_name
+        return path_to_module
+    def _log_message(self, log_type: Literal["errors", "info"], message: str):
+        self.logger_grouped[log_type].setdefault(message, 0)
+        self.logger_grouped[log_type][message] += 1
diff --git a/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/writer.py b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4545ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cimgen/languages/modernpython/utils/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+from lxml import etree
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from .constants import NAMESPACES
+from .profile import BaseProfile, Profile
+class Writer(BaseModel):
+    """Class for writing CIM RDF/XML files
+    :param objects:          Mapping {mRID: CIM object}
+    :param writer_metadata:  Any additional data in header (default: {"modelingAuthoritySet": "www.sogno.energy"})
+    """
+    objects: dict
+    writer_metadata: dict[str, str] = {"modelingAuthoritySet": "www.sogno.energy"}
+    def write(
+        self,
+        outputfile: str,
+        model_id: str,
+        custom_profiles: list[BaseProfile] = [],
+        custom_namespaces: dict[str, str] = {},
+    ) -> dict[BaseProfile, str]:
+        """Write CIM RDF/XML files.
+        This function writes CIM objects into one or more RDF/XML files separated by profiles.
+        Each CIM object will be written to its corresponding profile file depending on class_profile_map.
+        But some objects to more than one file if some attribute profiles are not the same as the class profile.
+        :param outputfile:          Stem of the output file, resulting files: <outputfile>_<profile.long_name>.xml.
+        :param model_id:            Stem of the model IDs, resulting IDs: <model_id>_<profile.long_name>.
+        :param custom_profiles:     List of custom profiles to export.
+        :param custom_namespaces:   {"namespace_prefix": "namespace_uri"}
+        :return:                    Mapping of profile to outputfile.
+        """
+        profile_list: list[BaseProfile] = list(Profile)
+        profile_list += {p for p in custom_profiles if p not in profile_list}
+        profile_file_map: dict[BaseProfile, str] = {}
+        for profile in profile_list:
+            profile_name = profile.long_name
+            full_file_name = outputfile + "_" + profile.long_name + ".xml"
+            output = self._generate(profile, model_id + "_" + profile_name, custom_namespaces)
+            if output:
+                output.write(full_file_name, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8")
+                profile_file_map[profile] = full_file_name
+        return profile_file_map
+    def _generate(
+        self, profile: BaseProfile, model_id: str, custom_namespaces: dict[str, str] = {}
+    ) -> etree._ElementTree | None:
+        """Write CIM objects as RDF/XML data to a string.
+        This function creates RDF/XML tree corresponding to one profile.
+        :param profile:             Only data for this profile should be written.
+        :param model_id:            Stem of the model IDs, resulting IDs: <modelID>_<profileName>.
+        :param custom_namespaces:   {"namespace_prefix": "namespace_uri"}
+        :return:                    etree of the profile
+        """
+        fullmodel = {
+            "id": model_id,
+            "Model": self.writer_metadata,
+        }
+        fullmodel["Model"].update({"profile": profile.uris})
+        nsmap = NAMESPACES
+        nsmap.update(custom_namespaces)
+        rdf_namespace = f"""{{{nsmap["rdf"]}}}"""
+        md_namespace = f"""{{{nsmap["md"]}}}"""
+        root = etree.Element(rdf_namespace + "RDF", nsmap=nsmap)
+        # FullModel header
+        model = etree.Element(md_namespace + "FullModel", nsmap=nsmap)
+        model.set(rdf_namespace + "about", fullmodel["id"])
+        for key, value in fullmodel["Model"].items():
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                for item in value:
+                    element = etree.SubElement(model, md_namespace + "Model." + key)
+                    element.text = item
+            else:
+                element = etree.SubElement(model, md_namespace + "Model." + key)
+                element.text = value
+        root.append(model)
+        count = 0
+        for id, obj in self.objects.items():
+            obj_etree = obj.to_xml(profile_to_export=profile, id=id)
+            if obj_etree is not None:
+                root.append(obj_etree)
+                count += 1
+        if count > 0:
+            output = etree.ElementTree(root)
+        else:
+            output = None
+        return output