- Build a classifier that can distinguish people with cancer and people without cancer in each age group (Young and Mature groups).
- Discover the meaningful gene structures (signatures) that have an impact to the cancer detection
Usage of extrFeat.py: extract a small number of features by using HSIC Lasso
# python <script> <original_data_filepath> <label_name>
# label_name = "Diagnosis", "Class"
Usage of Bo.py: apply Bayesian Optimization to tune a classification model
python <script_name> <classifier_name> <label_name> <original_data_filepath>
# classifier_name = "SVM", "RF"
# label_name = "Diagnosis", "Class"
# original_data_filepath:
# e.g., Sample_Master_Source_and_Platform_batch_removed_Extra_Sample_Info.exported_for_AI.txt
# The script should be in the same directory level as directories where the extracted features files locate
Clustering Analysis On Extracted Features: check the notebook postAnalysis.ipynb