2020 Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/2020) personal solutions
Requires Python (developed with Python 3.9)
NOTE: The code within is to quickly solve the problems for the Advent of Code for my specific inputs. It is NOT coded with maintainability or for all possible Advent of Code inputs and hasn't been optimized for performance. Also, I get bored of it rather easily.. Last year, I stopped after hitting a problem where my first solution didn't solve it immediately. Expect more of the same this year.
Restrictions (imposed on myself):
Cannot move on to the next day until current day is complete Only standard python libraries (ie: no installing extra libraries via pip, conda, etc.) No google searching for answers for advent code, but searching for generic concepts (like having print not output a newline or how to capture output of stdout) is allowed All code was run on MacOS. Other OSes may or may not work.