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Short term Output

Neeraj Deshmukh edited this page Jul 17, 2017 · 6 revisions

The following are the outputs of short-term:

  • out.txt - Actual movement trajectories to be simulated. This file is used to visualize the simulation. The informations in out.txt as the following:
    • Role. Roles: Driver (Car/Taxi driver), Bus Driver.
    • Frame_no. The number of frame interval.
    • agent_id.
    • X_pos, Y_pos. The location of vehicles.
    • angle. The angle of the vehicle, units in degree.
    • vehicle's length.
    • vehicle's width.
    • Current waypoints. For private vehicles and taxi, it included information of vehicle name, speed (meters/seconds) acceleration (meters/seconds). For buses, current waypoint information includes no. of passengers, bus line id.
    • debug information.

The following are the configurable outputs:


The number of vehicles counted by every loop detector, accumulated over the specified period of time (in milliseconds). This file can be generated or not by enabling or disabling loop-detector_counts in the simrun_ShortTerm.xml file respectively. Sample of this section is as follows.
<loop-detector_counts frequency= <user_defined_value> outputEnabled= "false" file-name= <file-path> />
If outputEnabled is set to false, the file will not be generated. If it is set to true, loop detector counts will be output to the file that is mentioned in the file-name path. The generated output file format is given below:

  • TimeStep: Loop detector count freqeuncy, units in millisecond.
  • IntersectionId: Traffic signal id.
  • SegmentId.
  • LaneId.
  • VehicleCount: The count of vehicles per lane.


The density of vehicles at every road segment is updated in the file at the end of update interval. This file can be generated or not by enabling or disabling short-term_density-map in the simrun_ShortTerm.xml file respectively. Sample of this section is as follows.
<short-term_density-map updateInterval= <user_defined_value> outputEnabled="true" file-name=<file-path> />
If outputEnabled is set to false, the file will not be generated. If it is set to true, vehicle density will be output to the file that is mentioned in the file-name path. The generated output file format is given below:

  • CurrentTick: Interval of recordings road density, no units.
  • SegmentId.
  • Density: No. of vechiles per lane per kilometer


The amount of time a vehicle takes to travel a specific link at a certain point of time is updated in this file. The time step for which this file should be updated is mentioned in travel_time_update in the simrun_ShortTerm.xml file as follows.
<travel_time_update interval= "300" alpha= "0.5" />
The file that is generated is later used to update the link_travel_time table in supply schema of the database. These simulated travel time information is fed back into the network as an input. The generated output file format is given below:

  • LinkId.
  • DownstreamLinkId.
  • StartTime
  • EndTime.
  • TravelTime: The travel time of the link, (units: seconds).


The amount of time a vehicle takes to travel a specific segment at a certain point of time is updated in this file. The name of this file, whether or not it is to be generated and the travel time collection interval (in milliseconds), are configurable in simrun_ShortTerm.xml. <segment_travel_time enabled="true" file-name="segment_travel_time.csv" interval="300000"/> The generated output file format is given below:

  • Interval (units: milliseconds).
  • Travel mode.
  • Segment id
  • Travel time: The travel time of the segment (units: seconds).
  • Observation count: The number of vehicles that traveled over the segment in the time interval


Gives information on the arrival times, dwell times and occupancy for every bus/train line for every stop in its route. The name of this file is configurable in simrun_ShortTerm.xml.
<journey_time file="journeytime.csv"/> The output is generated in the following CSV format.

  • PT stop: Public transit stop code.
  • PT line: Public Transit line id.
  • Trip id: The run number of that pt line.
  • % Occupancy: Percentage of occupancy of that vehicle at that stop.
  • Sequence Id: Sequence id of the stop in the route of the PT line.
  • Arrival time: Arrival time of the vehicle at that stop.
  • Dwell time: The dwell time of vehicle at that stop.


Gives information on the amount of time each person agent has waited at a particular bus stop or train station. The name of this file is configurable in simrun_ShortTerm.xml file as follows.
<waiting_time file="waitingtime.csv"/>

The CSV file that is generated has the following format:

  • Person id.
  • PT Stop: origin bus/train stop code for person's trip
  • Destination: destination node id
  • End stop: Ending bus/train stop
  • Bus line: Bus line id/ MRT line
  • Time: time at which the person was able to board the PT line he was waiting for
  • Waiting time: Waiting time of the person at the bus stop/MRT stop, Unit: seconds
  • Denied boarding count: No. of times the person was denied boarding at that bus stop/MRT stop, for the same PT line.


This output lists the number of passengers waiting at each PT stop in every update interval. The name of this file is configurable in simrun_ShortTerm.xml file as follows.
<waiting_count file="waitingcount.csv"/>

The CSV file that is generated has following format.

  • Stop
  • Time
  • Number of people waiting: Number of people waiting at the stop.


This output file name is configured in simrun_ShortTerm.xml file as follows.
<travel_time file="traveltime.csv"/>
This file contains the travel time for each person for each public transit trip. It also includes the waiting time for Public Transit

Currently it includes the following travel modes: ON_BUS, ON_MRT, WALK, WAIT_BUS, WAIT_MRT

The format of the CSV that is generated is given below:

  • person_id.
  • trip_origin_id: Trip Starting node id.
  • trip_dest_id: Trip Ending node id.
  • subtrip_origin_id.
  • subtrip_dest_id.
  • subtrip_origin_type: Node/Bus stop/MRT station.
  • subtrip_dest_type: Node/Bus stop/MRT station.
  • travel_mode.
  • arrival_time.
  • travel_time: unit: seconds


Gives PT statistics collected for every 5 minute interval of the simulation. This output is meant to be fed back into the supply.pt_stop_stats table to guide the route choices of subsequent simulations. The file name is configurable through simrun_ShortTerm.xml as follows:
<pt_stop_stats file="ptstopstats.csv"/>

The format of the CSV that is generated is given below:

  • Interval: index of a 5 min interval in the day. 0 => 12:00 to 12:05 AM; 1 => 12:05 to 12:10 AM; ... 287 => 11:55 PM to 12:00 AM.
  • StopCode: public transit stop code.
  • PT-Line: public transit line id.
  • AverageWaitingTime: Average time a person is expected to wait if he arrives at the corresponding StopCode at the corresponding Interval and wants to board the corresponding PT-Line in that record.
  • AverageDwellTime: Average time a PT vehicle of the corresponding PT-Line dwells at the corresponding StopCode if it arrives at the corresponding Interval in that record.
  • NumPT-Arrivals: The count of PT vehicles of the corresponding PT-Line arriving at the corresponding StopCode at the corresponding Interval in that record
  • NumberofPersonsBoarding: The count of individuals boarding the corresponding PT-Line from the corresponding StopCode at the corresponding Interval in that record.


This output file name is configured in simrun_ShortTerm.xml file as follows.
<od_travel_time enabled="true" file-name="od_travel_time.csv" interval="900000"/>
The interval is in terms of milliseconds and is the interval of aggregating the data. This file contains the OD travel time for each person for each trip completed by private transport.
The format of the CSV that is generated is given below:

  • OD time interval: The aggregation interval
  • Origin id: Trip Starting node id.
  • Destination id: Trip Ending node id.
  • OD Travel Time: unit: seconds
  • Observation count: Number of observations for the given OD in the interval
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