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New Developers' Guide

andreaaraldo edited this page Jan 17, 2017 · 52 revisions


If you are a new developer, welcome to SimMobility! This page will help you get started with acquiring the source code, compiling it, and learning where to go for information on the various files and classes in the project.

Installing Third-Party Libraries

SimMobility is being developed, compiled and tested in Debian based operating systems. Most developers in the team have Ubuntu running on their computers. If you are new to Linux, we recommend Ubuntu. SimMobility has been tested successfully on Debian and Linux Mint as well. If you have your own preference for the OS, feel free to work with it and let us know if you have managed to compile and run SimMobility on it. The instructions below will be easy to follow if you have Ubuntu.

The Easy Libraries

You will need the following libraries to compile Sim Mobility:

  • Tiny XML
  • SOCI (database access)
  • SOCI PostgreSQL plugin
  • Boost::Thread
  • Boost::Random
  • Boost::System
  • Boost::program_options
  • Boost::MPI (optional)
  • The Xerces-C XML parser (>2.6, or >3.0)
  • CodeSynthesis: XSD (>= V3.3.0)
  • Json Cpp
  • Lua
  • MongoDB
  • g++
  • git
  • cmake
  • libcppunit-dev
  • libglpk

Note: To build the unit tests you need cppunit lib.

On Ubuntu, most of these can simply be installed via apt-get. Open a console, and type:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev 

Note: The version of boost must be 1.54 or higher. Install the libboost-all-dev metapackage only if you have a fairly recent version of Ubuntu. Please double check before installing.

Installing boost

Boost version should be 1.54 or higher. Version 1.56 or higher is preferred if you require good runtime performance for short-term. If your package tool (apt-get) lists a lower version or if you need a specific (possibly higher than listed) version of boost, follow the instructions below:

sudo apt-get install libboost1.54-all-dev```

Installing CMake 2.8.8 (or newer)

SimMobility is built by CMake 2.8.8 or newer. Please carefully check CMake version before you process through next step.

check CMake version:

cmake --version

if it is not installed or the version is not 2.8.8 or newer, you have to go to CMake download to download and install CMake 2.8.8

Installing SOCI

Unfortunately, SOCI will be slightly more complicated. SOCI is no longer bundled with Ubuntu for some reason. Previously, we've been pulling packages from natty and lucid, but both of those options are now infeasible. Moreover, there does not appear to be a viable PPA for SOCI. We recommend building and installing SOCI from source, as you will get all the latest updates and will avoid a nasty bug in older versions of the software.

Note that you only have to follow one of the following sections ("From Source" or "From Updates"), NOT both.

From Source

First, make sure you've installed libpq-dev (this should have already been done in the previous section) ---you need this to enable PostgreSQL support. Next, make sure that cmake is installed (this is covered further down in the New Developer's Guide). Finally, retrieve the source from the SOCI website. You can download the latest version here.

Now, unzip the file you downloaded, open a terminal, and change to that directory:

cd ~/Downloads
cd soci-3.2.1

Now we create a build directory and run cmake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

You should see the text "Build files have been written to:..." when the build is complete. You should ''also'' look above that line and make sure that you see "SOCI_POSTGRESQL = ON" in the console output. Once that's done, just build the library and install it:

sudo make install

At this point, Sim Mobility will build correctly. However, apt-get will not know that you installed SOCI, so you may run into problems later when trying to install the GUI. To solve this, we can create a fake package using '''equivs'''. Note that you can skip this step if you intend to build the GUI from source.

sudo apt-get install equivs

Now, tell equivs to make three packages. You can execute this command in any directory; we choose "Downloads".

cd ~/Downloads
equivs-control libsoci-core-gcc-dev
equivs-control libsoci-core-gcc
equivs-control libsoci-postgresql-gcc

You should now have three new files in that directory. Open them one-by-one in gedit and change them to look like so: libsoci-core-gcc-dev

Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: libsoci-core-gcc-dev
Version: 3.2.1
Maintainer: Your Name <[email protected]>
Description: Fake package for SOCI
 Fake package for SOCI.


Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: libsoci-core-gcc
Version: 3.2.1
Maintainer: Your Name <[email protected]>
Description: Fake package for SOCI
 Fake package for SOCI.


Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: libsoci-postgresql-gcc
Version: 3.2.1
Maintainer: Your Name <[email protected]>
Description: Fake package for SOCI
 Fake package for SOCI.

Now build these packages, making sure that you see "The package has been created." each time.

equivs-build libsoci-core-gcc-dev
equivs-build libsoci-core-gcc
equivs-build libsoci-postgresql-gcc

Finally, install them:

sudo dpkg -i libsoci*.deb

That's it! Just remember that these are fake packages; the real SOCI source is in "/usr/local".

Getting the Source

You will need git installed to retrieve the source and push your own updates to it.

In order to retrieve the source code, you will need a Github user account. Register for one here:

After activating your account, you will need to mail one of the SimMobility maintainers to be added to the "simmobility" Github project.

From a terminal, perform the following:

git clone

You will be asked to enter your username and then password. For this to work, you will need a Github account and you will need to be added to the project (email our maintainers with your git username). You will see something like the following if the git repository has been successfully cloned, but with your Github username instead of USERNAME:

Cloning into 'simmobility'...
Username for '': USERNAME
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
remote: Counting objects: 52946, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16934/16934), done.
remote: Total 52946 (delta 35357), reused 52485 (delta 34907)
Receiving objects: 100% (52946/52946), 19.19 MiB | 2.32 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (35357/35357), done.
Checking connectivity... done

The repository contains several folders. Most of the code we are interested in is located in the "dev" folder, and the "Basic" sub-folder contains the main Sim-Mobility project. This folder will be referred to as "the source folder" or "the main folder" for the remainder of this article.

Getting the Data

The default data input supply for SimMobility is a database called simmobility. Since the database content currently do not follow the open source guidelines, the access to the database is subject to Terms and Conditions.

Note: If you have not signed an NDA, we cannot provide you with our private network data. However, we have several generated road networks that you can use to demo SimMobility or test its performance. Please contact us for details; we can provide these to you.

Constructs: Describing Potential Data Sources

If you open the Sim Mobility config file (e.g., "data/test_road_network.xml"), you will see a section called . This is used to define various XML and database configurations. Note that declaring a construct does not cause it to load; you will also have to select it (later).

Currently, XML constructs are disabled, so you only need to be concerned with database ones. These looks something like this:

<database id="fm_remote" dbtype="postgres"> 
    <host value=""/>
    <port value="5432"/>
    <dbname value="simmobility"/>

Note that the database construct does not list login details (because this is insecure!) or stored-procedure mappings. The and <db_proc_groups> constructs provide these. Finally, the following tags determine which constructs are actually used to load the data:

<network_database database="fm_remote" credentials="fm_remote" proc_map="bugis_small"/>

Please read through the documentation on constructs (in the sample config file). The following sections will describe each usage in detail.

Connecting to the remote database

To connect to the database, make sure the following properties are set accordingly in your road network file:

<network_source value="database"/>
<network_database database="fm_remote" credentials="fm_remote" proc_map="bugis_small"/>

Assuming the three constructs you referenced exist (fm_remote, fm_remote, and bugis_small), this will tell SimMobility to load from the master database. Note that you will have to put the credentials file into the private directory. Just ask for it from one of the developers in the team.

Copying and then connecting to a local database

For performance and reliability purposes, it is often desirable to mirror the remote database on your machine and then connect to this. First, change your config file:

<network_source value="database"/>
<network_database database="fm_local" credentials="NAME_cred" proc_map="bugis_small"/>

Change "NAME_cred" to your own name; e.g., "seth_cred". Then, add a corresponding credentials element in the section:

    <!-- there will be some existing credentials; don't change them. -->

    <!-- At the end, add your own: -->
    <plaintext-credential id="seth_cred">
        <username value="seth"/>
        <password value="some_password"/>

The username and password can be anything you choose. Be aware that everyone will see this password if you commit it to the repository, so choose something you don't use anywhere else.

At this point, your config file is all set up. Now you need to clone the database. Follow the following instructions on your Ubuntu box to obtain a copy of the above database:

From the command line:

sudo apt-get install postgresql
pg_dump -h  -U postgres simmobility > my_SimMobility_DB_bkp.sql

At this point you will have to supply the remote database password (just ask for it). Or put SimMobility in Debug mode and grab the unencrypted password from the credentials file. Then:

chmod 777  my_SimMobility_DB_bkp.sql
su postgres

In the postgres console, run:

create database "SimMobility_DB";
\c  SimMobility_DB
\i  my_SimMobility_DB_bkp.sql

This will take some time to complete. Then:

\password postgres

It will ask for the password twice. At this point, enter YOUR OWN password (the one you put in the section. WARNING: do NOT use the remote password here, since you will then have to add it to the constructs file in plain text.

At this point, you can run SimMobility and it should connect to the local database without issue.

Loading the Project in Eclipse

For now, all building takes place in Eclipse --specifically the Eclipse CDT. Once you have that installed (along with gcc, g++ and the java sdk), open Eclipse and click on "File" then "Import...", then choose "Existing Projects into Workspace" from the "General" tab.

In this new dialog, select "Browse" from the line "Select root directory" and browse to the folder "dev" in the main source folder. You should see several projects, including "Basic", which contains the main SimMobility code.

framework image

Click "Finish" when you have selected the projects you want to import.

Once the project(s) has loaded, you should see "Basic" on the left in the Project Explorer. Double-click on this, and the various folders and files in the project will be visible. Double-click on "main.cpp" to open the primary source file for Sim Mobility.

framework image

If you are not familiar with Eclipse, you should take some time to read up on it --there are some excellent Eclipse guides on the web. There are a few things you may consider in addition:

  • Eclipse tries to constantly build your project as you are coding. You may find this restrictive; in that case click "Project" and then un-tick "Build automatically". Now, you will have to choose "Project->Build Project" every time you want to compile your new code.
  • Eclipse uses "make", which tries to only rebuild the files that need rebuilding. Obviously, C++ is a very complicated language, and things such as macros and templates occasionally trip make up. In that case, right-click on your project in the Project Explorer and choose "Clean Project". This will remove all object files and will force a full rebuild.

Building SimMobility

If you are unable to perform any of the following steps, please check that Eclipse CDT features are correctly installed. Try to follow these instructions, if needed.

Generate Makefiles by CMake

SimMobility uses the "CMake" build system internally. Most of the details of this are hidden by Eclipse. Still, you should be aware of a few things. First, CMake is used to generate the Makefiles which Eclipse then uses to build the project. Any file named CMakeLists.txt is a CMake file. To force CMake to run, click on "Windown -> Show View -> Make Targets" in Eclipse. Then, expand the "Basic" project, right-click on CMake [D.1] Short for short-term simulation or CMake [D.2] Medium for mid-term simulation and choose "Build Target".

framework image

If Eclipse complains, manually creating a new folder Basic/Debug may solve the problem.

The first time you run this, you should see something like the following for output:

**** Build of configuration Debug_M for project Basic ****
cmake -E chdir Debug/ cmake -G Unix Makefiles ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug 
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/me/simmobility/dev/Basic/Debug

Normally, the Makefiles generated by CMake will link back to CMakeLists.txt, so if the latter changes, the former will force a full re-compile. There are a few cases where you have to force a rebuild:

  • The first time you download the source, CMake must be run.
  • If you add a new *.cpp file to the project, CMake must be run manually. It will then auto-detect the file.
  • If you are making lots of changes to CMakeLists.txt, or if you want to be sure that you are running a clean build.

After Makefiles are generated, you can start to compile the source code to get binary executable file in the Debug folder.

A Note About Compilers

Sim Mobility has been tested on GCC 4.7 and 4.8 and has been shown to build with no errors. The project currently uses new features of C++11, so it would noy build in earlier versions of GCC.

A Note About CMake Build Flags

There are some flags in CMakeLists.txt, like "SIMMOB_DISABLE_OUTPUT", which you may want to change. It is important that you do not edit CMakeLists.txt to change these. Instead, browse to dev/Basic/Debug or dev/Basic/Release and change CMakeCache.txt. Then, re-run CMake. This way, no-one else will be affected by your changes (since the cache is not part of the repository). The only time that CMakeLists.txt should be changed is if a feature becomes stable, and that flag should now be permanently on.

As a side note, do not edit GenConfig.h; either edit or re-run CMake to re-generate the header file.

Running Sim Mobility

To test that everything is working, click on "Run->Run", or click the green arrow button in the main toolbar. If you get an error about run configurations, don't worry: just go to the next step.

Creating a Run Configuration

The previous output was just a test run of the simulator. No agents were created, and no actual simulation took place. You should take the time now to create a "Run Configuration", which will help you manage your own experiment runs.

Click on "Run->Run Configuations...". You should see a box with several options. Double-click on "C++ Application" and Eclipse will try to guess the configuration you want.

framework image

If you see something similar (or anything sensible, really), click on "Run" and you should see the same output as in the previous section. Now, go back into the Run Configurations dialog, select your "Basic Debug" configuration, and click on the "Arguments" tab. Here, you can specify the command-line arguments the simulator will receive using the "Program Arguments" box. SimMobility has two command-line paramaters, both optional:

  • The first parameter specifies the generic config file to use to set up the simulation.
  • The second parameter specifies the level specific config file for running mid-term or short-term.

Add the following two parameters to your Program Arguments tab and run the simulation again:

data/simulation.xml data/simrun_<Short/Mid>Term.xml

framework image

At this point, the simulation should run to completion. You will see much of the same output on the console, but you will also have a new file called out.txt which contains much more detailed output from the simulation. (If you do not have a file named out.txt anywhere, check your configuration file for a flag called "merge_log_files" and make sure it is set to "true".)

Have a look in the data folder inside the Basic project; it contains a lot of other configuration files you can try out.

Installing the Sim Mobility XML Library

NOTE: This functionality is broken at the moment

Who needs this: If you are developing something that uses Sim Mobility's Road Network data structures, and you need access to our XML parser, you need to install the Sim Mobility library. This includes the Qt visualizer team, and perhaps others, but does not include normal Sim Mobility developers.

** What this does:** This will "install" Sim Mobility, putting the header files and shared object (library) files in a place where your compiler can find them. After installation, you can treat Sim Mobility like any other shared library (TinyXML, Xerces, etc.)


First, run either a Debug or Release build, and make sure it completes successfully. The library component of Sim Mobility is built automatically, and located in Debug/ (or Release/ At this point, you can simply open a terminal and type the following to install the library:

cd Debug
sudo make install

Optionally, if you have [ auto-sudo] set up, you can click on the Install [Debug] target in the "Make Targets" window in Eclipse. (In general, though, you should prefer the command line for administrative work.)

framework image

Using the Library

NOTE: This functionality is broken at the moment

At this point, Sim Mobility's header files have been copied to /usr/local/include, and the library file has been copied to /usr/local/lib. In order to find the header files, you'll have to add /usr/local/include to your include paths (how you do this differs between CMake and QMake).

To get the library to load, edit /etc/, and add the following line at the end of the file


Building the (Qt) GUI

The latest visualizer is written in Qt, and is stored in a separate repository. You'll need to retrieve it:

git clone

Following that, you'll need to install a few more dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev qtcreator

Building the Project in Qt Creator

Start Qt Creator and then click on "File -> Open File or Project...". In the dialog box that opens, browse to the ''dynavis/visual'' directory. At this point, you have two options: --- This is the current project file (using qmake), and is fully-featured. 2.CMakeLists.txt --- This cmake-based project file adds support for building .deb packages.

If you choose the qmake project file, you will have to configure the project the first time you load it. In the menu screen that opens, just click "Configure Project". This should cause the "visual" project to load in the "Projects" tab on the left. At this point, you should choose "Build -> Run qmake" from the menu. (It is sometimes necessary to run qmake before building the project.)

If you choose the cmake project file, you will be presented with the following window. The default location for project builds is the "visual-build" directory, which will be placed at the same level as "visual". There is no need to change this. Click "Next".

framework image

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