This upgrade requires some manual steps to fix:
$ docker inspect slydetector/simply-nzedb | grep NZEDB_VERSION
$ mkdir data/configuration
$ mv data/config.php data/configuration/
$ mv data/ircscraper_settings.php data/configuration/
$ mv data/settings.php data/configuration/
$ touch data/configuration/install.lock
$ touch data/log/php_errors_web.log
$ chmod -R 777 data/configuration
Add new maintenance settings to the bottom of data/configuration/settings.php
/////////////////////////////////// Maintenance Mode Settings //////////////////////////////////////
* Should the site be in maintenance mode.
* If enabled, it will output the selected HTML file added below to front-end pages as well as
* outputting a properly formatted API error response with the error text "Maintenance Mode" and
* status code 503.
* This will prevent nZEDb from making any MySQL/Sphinx/Cache calls so it's good to use this if you
* need to stop/restart those services.
* @note If your site uses some form of webserver-level caching, the cache may need to be cleared
* when coming out of maintenance mode. Otherwise you'll have to wait until it expires to see
* your proper site again.
* @default false
* The fully qualified absolute path to the maintenance mode HTML file.
* This should be a fully complete HTML file and NOT a smarty template. The idea of a maintenance
* file is it should be static HTML with no dependencies on other systems.
* That way it can safely be displayed without the database running or any other services (except
* PHP and the webserver of course).
* @note On my site I ripped the rendered HTML content of my home page and swapped out the center
* container for a maintenance message. This is a good process. Be sure to remove all
* references to user data. Links to other site pages can remain intact.
* @default ''
* What IP addresses should be excluded from maintenance mode.
* Useful if you want to allow admins to access the site while everyone else sees the maintenance
* message.
* @note Keep in mind, if your site uses ipv6 you may need to enter your ipv6 address here as well.
* @default []