A small wrapper tool for Port7777 that makes sure 7777 can only run in isolation with minimal access.
- Docker
- Port7777 license
- Create a new CloudFormation stack with cloudformation.yml as input and "port7777" as name
- Set the correct parameters for VPC, RDS + ElastiCache security groups
- You can find the permissions here that you need for installation.
- Create policy port7777 with the contents of policy.json
- Create user port7777 and attach the port7777 policy from previous step
- Create credentials for this user and put them in an .env.{env} file
Note: I'm assuming you are using both RDS and ElastiCache, modify cloudformation.yml if needed.
./rds.sh {env} ({options})
./elasticache.sh {env} ({options})
Have a look in the documentation to see the available options.
Updating 7777 to the latest version can be done by updating the container:
docker pull port7777/7777:1