This README depicts a CLI setup guide in Macbook (M1). Things might look different in other platform, but order of setup would be the same.
First and foremost step is setting up a reproducable ML experimentation system. For that we need,
- An ML experiment tracking system - MLflow
- A database to store the experimentation tracking system data - MySQL DB
- A local object store to keep the artifacts of each experiment - MinIO
Here we are setting everything using dockers, so all three above can be actualized as containers. In the experiments
folder, we have a Dockerfile
which will setup a container that has
- Training script
- Training data
There are provisions to add test scripts, if required.
Another aspect is, the training data is added as a file. In a real setup, it won't be the case. The training data could be streaming data, or stored in a DB or anything.
Install Docker for Desktop
Start from clean slate
docker-compose down
docker system prune --force --volumes
docker-compose --env-file ./.env up
This command should give,
- Mlflow dashboard at
- MinIO dashboard at
Run the training script available in experiments
folder to simualate the training in MLflow.
cd experiments
You can see the experiments in localhost:5000
, metrics and the artifacts in localhost:9000
. This is configured in the
. If you want to run locally, edit the script.
Note: For the first time, when you docker-compose up
there could be errors with MLflow and SQL DB. In that case, stop the terminal and rerun the up
command. Follow the issue at here.
Once we've the trained models which meets the metric criterias, we can deploy it.
Seldon, is an MLOps framework, to package, deploy, monitor and manage thousands of production ML models
SeldonDeployment CRD
makes many things easy by doing an abstraction over the entire inference pipeline. Some important features are,
There are pre-built servers available for subset of ML frameworks. Eg.
. -
A/B Testings, Shadow deployments etc.
Integration with explainability, outlier detection frameworks
Integration with monitoring, logging, scaling etc.
Seldon Core is a cloud native solution built heavily on Kubernates APIs makes it easy for Seldon to run on any cloud provider. On premise providers are also supported.
There are some issues going on with latest kubernetes version and Seldon Core. Follow this thread for the details.. I used Docker Desktop with used Kubernetes 1.21.5.
Install Docker Desktop.
Enable Kubernetes in the settings.
Install Helm
brew install helm
curl -L | sh - cd istio-1.11.4 export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH istioctl install --set profile=minimal -y
Install Seldon Core with Istio, Seldon Analytics with Prometheus and Grafana
kubectl create namespace seldon kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=seldon kubectl create namespace seldon-system helm install seldon-core seldon-core-operator --repo --set istio.enabled=true --set istio.gateway="seldon-gateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local" --set usageMetrics.enabled=true --namespace seldon-system kubectl rollout status deploy/seldon-controller-manager -n seldon-system helm install seldon-core-analytics seldon-core-analytics --namespace seldon-system --repo --set grafana.adminPassword=password --set grafana.adminUser=admin
Setup the
if you would like to, from here.http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
Create deployment
kubectl get deploy -n seldon-system
This should give the following response.
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE seldon-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 93s
Install Ambassador Ingress (Install just API Gateway inorder to avoid SSL issues in Ambassador Edge Stack)
helm repo add datawire helm repo update helm install ambassador datawire/ambassador \ --set \ --set crds.keep=false \ --set enableAES=false \ --namespace seldon-system kubectl rollout status deployment.apps/ambassador
Setup MinIO - Make sure you've allotted 6-8 GB memory at Docker Desktop resource.
kubectl create ns minio-system helm repo add minio helm install minio minio/minio --set accessKey=minioadmin \ --set secretKey=minioadmin --namespace minio-system kubectl describe pods --namespace minio-system
On another terminal,
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace minio-system -l "release=minio" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 9000 --namespace minio-system
Configure the MinIO client, create bucket and copy the models
mc config host add minio-local http://localhost:9000 minioadmin minioadmin mc rb --force minio-local/models mc mb minio-local/models mc cp -r experiments/buckets/mlflow/0/<experiment-id>/artifacts/ minio-local/models/
Apply the deployment settings
kubectl apply -f seldon-rclone-secret.yaml kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
Delete the deployment and pods
kubectl delete -f deploy.yaml kubectl delete -f secret.yaml kubectl delete -f
kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces
kubectl delete --all pods --namespace=seldon-system
kubectl delete --all deployments --namespace=seldon-system
helm uninstall seldon-core --namespace seldon-system
kubectl get service --all-namespaces
kubectl get deploy -l seldon-deployment-id=mlflow -o jsonpath='{.items}'
kubectl logs -n seldon-system -l control-plane=seldon-controller-manager
kubectl get pods --namespace default
kubectl describe po <POD_NAME> --namespace default
kubectl logs mlflow-default-0-rf-regressor-5c99f87f4-hdlwk -c rf-regressor-model-initializer
kubectl logs mlflow-default-0-rf-regressor-5c99f87f4-hdlwk -c rf-regressor
[1] Alejandro Saucedo's Medium article
[4] A Simple MLOps Pipeline on Your Local Machine
[5] MLflow On-Premise Deployment - GitHub
[6] SKlearn Prepackaged Server with MinIO
[10] MLflow v2 protocol elasticnet wine example
[11] KFServing works only with Istio
[12] Serve MLFlow Elasticnet Wines Model
[1] Issue in "seldon-container-engine" with MLFLOW_SERVER
[2] Deploying custom MLflow model - stuck at "Readiness probe failed"