This is a counters example implemented with Snabbdom, union-type and Ramda. It is similair to the counters example expect it doesn't use FRP to bootstrap the architecture. Instead it uses an asynchronously recursive main function as described in the article React-less Virtual DOM with Snabbdom.
If you want to see the difference between the FRP dependent counters example and this one you can run:
git diff --no-index -- ../counters/2/main.js 2/main.js
The only changes are in the main file and replacing forwardTo
with plain
function composition.
Install the dependencies.
npm install
Then go to either of the subdirectories and build the code with
browserify main.js -t babelify --outfile build.js
With live reloading,
npm install -g watchify browser-sync
watchify main.js -v -t babelify --outfile build.js \
& browser-sync start --server --files="index.html, build.js"