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Introduction to scientific working

LaTeX Document types

The first instruction in a LaTeX document tells the system which document type this document is.

(Some, not comprehensive list)

  • article

    • used for science articles in journals, short reports
    • has no title page, instead title is on first page with index or text.
    • one column
    • right sided, centered
  • scrartcl

    • same as article but less strident
  • minimal

    • sets only size of page and font
    • mostly used for debugging
  • report

    • used for longer reports, books, thesis with several chapters
    • one-sided
    • has title page
    • one column
    • right sided, centered
  • scrreprt

    • same as report but in a way like scrartcl is to article
  • book

    • intended for writing books
    • two-sided
    • one column, centered
    • right sided
    • title page
  • scrbook

    • same situation for book as for scrreprt, scrartcl
  • amsbook

    • tailored class for writing books for the needs of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
  • slides

    • used to create presentation slides
    • uses bigger sans-font letters
  • beamer

    • used to create projector presentations
  • letter

    • to write letters in LaTeX

How to use document classes?

In general the instruction to use LaTeX document classes is: (ex. scrbook class)


But most documentclass can be configured to change some defaults they set.

Short interception:

The general syntax of LaTeX is:

\command[optional params]{parameter}

\begin{environment}[positioning on page]

Don't reinvent the wheel!!!

LaTeX has a lot of capabilities. In the next appointments I will try to cover the most important features and concepts in LaTeX.

Beside that, there is a good tutorial that you should follow.

LaTeX Tutorial from overleaf


We will write LaTeX and from now on it is intended to be more like a workshop.

LaTeX annotations