Running xsysroot through Docker makes life a lot simpler. This document explains how run xsysroot through Docker.
The Docker image will run on X86 and ARM architectures. From the host, you first need to load the Network Block Device kernel module:
$ sudo mobprobe nbd
Then simply run scripts/
bash. You should be inside a xsysroot environment.
Type xsysroot --help for details, or follow the online document:
Prepare the host directories:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/osimages $HOME/systmp
$ chown 777 $HOME/osimages $HOME/systmp
Download the latest pipaos image from the official site:
$ curl -L | gunzip -c > $HOME/osimages/pipaos-latest.img
Execute scripts/
to enter xsysroot, and then:
$ xsysroot --renew
$ xsysroot --chroot
You should now be inside the pipaOS image.
Albert Casals, February 2020