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+# The Objective-C-Plus-Plus UDL
+User Defined Languages (UDL) is a feature of [Notepad++ editor](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/), allowing user to define syntax
+highlights / folding rules of any programming languages. This UDL highlights some fundamental classes in Cocoa, keywords in C++/
+Objective-C, and escape characters in Objective-C++ programming languages.
Please refer to [Notepad++ Offical UDL Collection Repository](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/userDefinedLanguages)
+for more infomation of UDLs. You can also find this UDL is avaliable [in this repository](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/userDefinedLanguages/blob/master/UDLs/Objective-C%2B%2B_byLattHsiang.xml).
+## Usage
+0. Download the raw file.
+1. Launch Notepad++, click 'Language' on toolbar, then go to 'User Defined Language', and select 'Define your language...'.
+2. Click 'Import...', select the UDL in the popped up window.
+3. You can specify your highlights / folding rule in User-Defined window. When all your works done, click 'x' button on the upper right of the window.
+4. Push 'Language' button again, you will find 'Objective-C++' option on the down side of 'User Defined Language' menu. Choose it, Notepad++ will apply these highlights
+/ folding rules immediately.
+## Enhancement