under construction
Reference Architecture for the innovation lab. This system is composed of docker images from projects incubated in the lab. Some of the images support generic design patterns, while others are exact implementations of standards. Together they form a working system.
Our main docker hub can be found on: https://hub.docker.com/
The primary goal of the lab is to provide a low code platform that can tackle real world problems from a user centric design perspective, quickly and effortlessly during Innovative Hackathons and Design Sprints with multiple stakeholders. Compared to other low code platforms, the building blocks used are community driven, open source and exhibits no compiler, codegenerator, nor infrastructure vendor lock-in. It achieves this by using open standards in its 5layer technical architecture.
A free, cross platform open source implementation of the managed .NET framework. The lab develops in .NET standard whenever possible as this version is a set of APIs that all .NET platforms have to implement. This unifies the .NET platforms and prevents future fragmentation.
OData (Open Data Protocol) is an ISO/IEC approved, OASIS standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. OData RESTful APIs are easy to consume. The OData metadata, a machine-readable description of the data model of the APIs, enables the creation of powerful generic client proxies and tools.
The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and industries.
The lab implements the “triple crown” of process improvement standards. BPMN, DMN and CMMN modelling languages.
To achieve process flexibility we design / model business processes in Business Process Model Notation and evaluate open source BPMN engines.
Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is a standard approach for describing and modeling repeatable decisions within organizations to ensure that decision models are interchangeable across organizations.
For application performance management (APM). We evaluate opensource components that provide means for:
- Data Collection
- Instrumentation
- Transformation and Storage
- Usage and Value Creation
Identity Server 4 is used for OpenID Connect. It uses the in memory-store option. The server should function for authentication/authorisation, Claims for user's and API's.
IRMA offers a solution to log in in a privacy-friendly way. When logging in, you reveal as a user some relevant properties (attributes) of yourself, via an IRMA app on your own mobile phone.
It does not need a public ledger, such as blockchain or a tangle to operate.
Technical layers/overview of the docker images (in Dutch/Work in Progress):
OpenAPI / OData RESTful ODATA, the best way to RESTful. This project contains ODATA endpoint templates to write openapi services, supported by a rich ORM tool (Microsoft Entity Framework). It also integrates OpenAPM for performance logging and monitoring.
OpenID Connect IdentityServer4
This project dockerizes identityserver4.
Camunda Process Template
.NET Core console template that provides a harnas for deploying your BPMN flows as resources to Camunda and build external task workers.
Camunda Business Process Engine
Workflow and Decision Automation Platform
Open source platform for workflow and decision automation that brings business users and software developers together.
OpenAPI .NET Core test implementations for ZDS / Zaakgericht werken
Generic event hub mainly for front end signalling if an asycnhronous task has completed in the backend
BRP Basis Registratie Personen
Provides an OpenAPI service that serves a fake BRP (Basisregistratie Personen) implementation. The implementation will generate fake addresses, names based on random seed derived from a BSN (Burger Service Nummer / Social Security Number).
OpenXML Document Generator
Generates documents from html into openxml standard.
IRMA (I Reveal My Attributes) API Server
This is a server that sits between IRMA tokens such as the IRMA app on the one hand, and authorized ser
vice or identity providers on the other hand. It handles all IRMA-specific cryptographic details of issuing credentials and verifying disclosure proofs on behalf of the service or identity provider. It exposes a RESTful JSON API driven by JWTs for authentication.
MINIO Object Storage Server
Minio is an object storage server released under Apache License v2.0. It is compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. It is best suited for storing unstructured data such as photos, videos, log files, backups and container / VM images. Size of an object can range from a few KBs to a maximum of 5TB.
Here's the YAML file which composes the complete references architecture for deployment on your (development) system. Please note that the IRMA server contains a private key in the config for your convenience and should therefore not be used in production environments.
For Azure container instances, please visit the following page: Container Group Deployment to Azure
version: '3.4'
# GEMMA ZDS Document Registratie OpenAPI
image: wigo4it/openapi-drc:alpha
hostname: drc
- "5094:5094"
# GEMMA BRP Basis Registratie Personen OpenAPI (fake generator)
image: wigo4it/openapi-brp-fake
hostname: brp
- "5080:5080"
# Business Process Engine, Rule Engine and Case Management
image: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest
hostname: camunda
- "8080:8080"
# Intelligent Text Processing, document generator
image: wigo4it/oxmldocgen-api
hostname: itp
- "5091:5091"
# SignalR Event hun, websocket event streaming
image: wigo4it/signalr-event-hub
hostname: signalr-event-hub
- "5051:5051"
# OpenID Identityserver
image: wigo4it/identityserver4
hostname: identity-server
- "5099:80"
# Redis In Memory Key/Value Store
image: redis
hostname: redis
- "6379:6379"
# MINIO S3 Bucket Storage
image: minio/minio
hostname: minio
command: server /data
- "9050:9000"
# IRMA API Server
image: privacybydesign/irma_api_server
hostname: irma-api-server
- "8088:8080"
- IRMA_API_CONF_BASE64_JWT_PUBLICKEY=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxScmLzY25uKDaTldNn1cCKYOtwH5dxQtBo764zN0NZ4uwpTsq8Vyuc24LUBZMlYZfwjIDV41y9Nd2OUiDxgbEOaxVUIwJ8GQ4YEg+UdXmOeULxN0Ixdl7rM0HnRslGhu3UUbv9NBhWCBBewnA3Tr3oogzrznjDbW+JM7ahju169qAUDRM1iyhDwau87nK4/Zyjipdf0ZTWvnojlfvXpWsrSCiXYa/JSgo8wDz3kHyWO3sm1MHKFs5WZfG9J1On7ySqAzUzJOMhCt0m3hb8TimDho9nuhRkyjIl5IX7xAwJCSycCpHVVkhUY4G/+zwNb9ufSpld4JN09a0OuvtvTq0QIDAQAB
- IRMA_API_CONF_BASE64_JWT_PRIVATEKEY=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
- 'IRMA_API_CONF_AUTHORIZED_IDPS={"wigo4it": ["*"]}'
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating 5layer_signalr-event-hub_1 ... done
Creating 5layer_itp_1 ... done
Creating 5layer_brp_1 ... done
Creating 5layer_camunda_1 ... done
Creating 5layer_identity-server_1 ... done
Creating 5layer_drc_1 ... done
Creating 5layer_redis_1 ... done
$ docker ps
74cefb82c5c1 wigo4it/openapi-drc:alpha "dotnet drc.dll" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>5094/tcp 5layer_drc_1
e5d0be01a8bf redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>6379/tcp 5layer_redis_1
4413fec4cb29 wigo4it/openapi-brp-fake "dotnet Org.OpenAPIT…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>8080/tcp 5layer_brp_1
240e75000c35 wigo4it/oxmldocgen-api "dotnet oxmldocgen-a…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>5091/tcp 5layer_itp_1
65342d42d155 wigo4it/identityserver4 "dotnet Host.dll" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>80/tcp 5layer_identity-server_1
fbccc0280ea0 camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest "/sbin/tini -- ./cam…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 8000/tcp,>8080/tcp 5layer_camunda_1
a904577e4f32 wigo4it/signalr-event-hub "dotnet signalr-even…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>5051/tcp 5layer_signalr-event-hub_1
Attach a shell (not your docker container Id for Redis instance might vary:
$ docker exec -it e5d0be01a8bf39723c899de6ac6e602a7f71912b38de39929e67b33834c0582a /bin/sh
# redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 ping
If you like a GUI for your docker containers. Portainer is easy to setup:
$ docker volume create portainer_data
$ docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer
Pull requests are accepted
- Sjef van Leeuwen - Initial work - github
This project is licensed under the GPL-V3 License - see the LICENSE file for details