First of all you need to get involved and be a Contributor.
Once you're contributing and your work is good, one of our Maintainer or PMC member may invite you to be a committer (after we've called a vote). When that happens, if you accept, the following process kicks into place...
Note that becoming a committer is not just about submitting some patches; it‘s also about helping out on the development and user Discussion Forums, helping with documentation and the issues.
A Committer is an actual developer of the projects and comes from the Contributors.
A new Committer must be nominated by any existing Maintainer or PMC member, and is generated through the voting of PMC members.
A Committer must have accomplished one or more of the following items:
- Your commits have been approved and merged by Maintainers for over ten times.
- You have implemented a complete feature.
- You have fixed a vital bug.
- Recommend a new Organizer Committee Member
- The profile can be listed on the Committer page
- Participate in offline discussions and the design process
- If a Committer has not participated in project discussions or pushing forward the progress of the project
for over three months, then the Committer is an Inactive Committer. Concrete behavior is as follows:
- Absence of any community activity for over three months
- Committer meeting
- Project technical discussion
- No code commits (including documentation) for over three months
- If a Committer has not committed any code for over a year, then the Active Committer privilege is reclaimed.