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Deploying a 2FA enabled Bastion

One of the core components of Cuttle is the two factor enabled secure Bastion. This document will talk through how to use the composable nature of Cuttle to install just the necessary parts to create a secure Bastion with two factor authentication and secure logging.

We will deploy two bastion servers for HA that utilize Google Authenticator for 2FA and sshagentmux for group based access control. To do this we will use Vagrant and the envs/example/bastion inventory. Take the time to explore the inventory files in that directory before starting.

The majority of our settings are in group_vars/all but you may find some in [defaults.yml](group_vars/all or some vagrant overrides in vagrant.yml.

Ordinarily you would use ansible-vault to encrypt the variables found in here, especially the ones that include keys and passwords, however for the sake of demonstration they're left plain text here.

Before we set up the 2 Factor Authentication we will kick off a basic install of Bastion and Logging servers.

$ ursula --provisioner=vagrant envs/example/bastion site.yml
ringing machine 'ttyspy01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'bastion01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'bastion02' up with 'virtualbox' provider...

Explore user management

Cuttle creates users on your machines based on the users and user_groups sections of your ansible inventory. Both are fairly straight forward in their content and have some extra settings for bastion like servers.

If you set _users.manage_authorized_keys: true then instead of placing the user's authorized_keys files in their ~/.ssh like normal it places them in a root only writable location /etc/ssh/authorized_keys which means the users need to provide their public keys via ansible inventory and cannot modify them on the system themselves. This is accomplished by the setting AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u.keys in sshd_config.

Because we did this in the example we also had to set a vagrant user in the users variable so that we could add its public key back in.

You can even set common.ssh.github_authorized_keys which enabled a very rudimentary script that scrapes the github API upon login to grab the user's valid public keys. This is very useful for dev enivornments, but ties your ability to login to the availability of the github api. It is turned off in this example.

Explore group based access controls with sshagentmux

sshagentmux is a tool written by the Blue Box team to emulate a ssh-agent and provide an private keys via ssh-agent to a user based on group membership. Giving them access to the keys via ssh-agent allows it to keep the user from ever viewing or changing the key.

private and public keys are assigned to groups in the user_groups variable in the ansible inventory (it can even support keys with passphrases) and then flow onto the users who are in those groups.

This means that I can restrict access to groups of servers by having an admin user and adding the admin group's public key to its authorized_keys.

Demonstrate ACLs with sshagentmux

$ ssh -F envs/example/bastion/.ssh_config bobsmith@bastion01               
bobsmith@bastion01:~$ ssh-add -l
2048 ee:53:dc:40:87:49:6e:96:88:3d:02:5d:ca:f2:ac:c6 pczarkowski@czark (RSA)
2048 64:f3:60:f0:33:ed:8b:a3:af:33:c3:c1:e6:c8:41:bf /root/.ssh/admin-id_rsa (RSA)
bobsmith@bastion01:~$ exit

You'll see in the above I have two keys in my agent. One is forwarded from my desktop (the ssh config that we created from the Vagrantfile has agent forwarding enabled) and the other key is my admin group's key.

Try to view that key! you can't.

We have created an admin user in our users dictionary with this public key in its authorized_keys, so you should be able to ssh into one of the other servers using this key:

ssh -F envs/example/bastion/.ssh_config bobsmith@bastion01               
bobsmith@bastion01:~$ ssh admin@ttyspy01
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-117-generic x86_64)
admin@ttyspy01:~$ exit
bobsmith@bastion01:~$ exit

Explore ttyspy

ttyspy is a fairly simple concept that emulates the linux script command to log sessions, but instead of logging to a file it sends it over a TLS secured connection to the ttyspyserver. It can nearly be done by tying script and netcat (or curl -X POST) together with a named pipe.

The server is a fairly simple daemon that is run by an installed service. the client is made up of two parts a daemon that drops a socket file and a ForceCommand config setting in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf that forces all ssh connections to pipe through ttyspy.

You can set a backdoor (bastion.backdoor_user: vagrant) user in your ansible inventory that skips the ForceCommand and thus logging/2fa etc. This can be useful for the initial setup or for dev work, but we recommend against doing it in production use cases unless you are very careful.

Both the TTY Spy client and Servers have TLS keys which are secured by a common CA certificate. The ones in the example inventory we're using was generated via the command docker run -ti -e SSL_SUBJECT=server.test paulczar/omgwtfssl and we set the ansible variable etc_hosts to fake out DNS for this ttyspy server so that we don't have to fight TLS with IP addresses.

In this example we are putting our session transcripts in /tmp/transcripts which is not particularly secure. We can quite easily put it in an encrypted volume, one that is encrypted before cuttle is run, or by utilizing the mange_disks role which can create luks encrypted LVM volumes.

Demonstrate ttyspy

SSH into a bastion server and run some commands, since we set a backdoor for the vagrant user we'll need to use the bobsmith user we created:

$ ssh -F envs/example/bastion/.ssh_config bobsmith@bastion02
$ echo hello
$ cat /etc/passwd
$ exit

Now we'll check out the logs for the session we just had on bastion02:

each user session gets its own log file based on the date-time of the login.

$ vagrant ssh ttyspy01
vagrant@ttyspy01:~$ sudo cat /tmp/transcripts/bobsmith/bastion02/2017/06/25/transcript_2017-06-25T18\:22\:06Z_308648827
Username: bobsmith
GECOS: Bob Smith; [email protected]
Hostname: bastion02
Session started: 2017-06-25T18:22:06Z
SSH_Client: 53914 22
bobsmith@bastion02:~$ echo hello
bobsmith@bastion02:~$ cat /etc/passwd
bobsmith@bastion02:~$ exit
Session ended: 2017-06-25T18:22:13Z

Explore 2 Factor Authentication

2FA is achieved by utilizing either Google Authenticator or yubikeys.

The easiest of the options is Google Authenticator as there are plenty of OTP clients to use, including the Google Authenticator phone app.

To enable 2FA for the bobsmith user we can do a targeted ansible run by setting the necessary tags and setting the twofa_enabled variable.

$ ursula --provisioner=vagrant envs/example/bastion \
  site.yml --tags ssh,google-2fa \
  -e "twofa_enabled=true" \
  -e "usernames=bobsmith"

The twofa_enabled variable we set above is a shortcut in the bastion inventory so that we can easily toggle it on and is not how you would normally enable 2fa

We preload the google authenticator details in the users variable in inventory and host the files in a directory that only root can read so that users cannot remove or mess with their google authenticator id.

You can create google authenticator keys needed for the inventory by running the command $ google-authenticator -t -d -f -r 3 -R 30 -W on a machine with the google authenticator pam module already installed. This will output a URL and a QR Code that the user you've created can access/scan to set up their 2fa client.

Since I have an example 2fa code for the bobsmith user you can just browse here to set up your google authenticator client for it.

For this demo we have enabled nullok in our inventory so that the vagrant user can login without 2fa, in production you would probably want to disable nullok.

Demonstrate 2 Factor Authentication

ssh -F envs/example/bastion/.ssh_config bobsmith@bastion01
Verification code:
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
