BioThings Studio data plugin demo
A data plugin is defined by at least a manifest file and a parser.
It contains different sections:
"dumper": tells the studio where to get data from
"data_url" : a string, or a list of strings, containins URLs. Currently supported protocols are: http, https, and ftp. http/https must not be mixed with ftp (only one protocol supported)
"uncompress": true|false. tells the studio to try to uncompress downloaded data. Currently supports zip, gz, bz2 and xz format.
"release": Optiona. Format: "module:function", refers to a function returning a string as a release.
By default, if not provided, dumper will try to find release information from data_url itself. If http is used, Last-Modified or ETag HTTP headers will be considered to set a release. If ftp, MDTM will be used. Both will result in a timestamp-like format, such as YYYY-mm-dd. If a list of URLs is specified, this logic will be applied to the latest one in the list. If no such information is available, this field can be specified as a hook returning a release number (as a string). The signature takes "self" as the only argument and will represent the active dumper instance (function will actually be monkey-patched to the dumper instance). Any method/property is available to determine the release number, specifically, self.__class__.SRC_URLS containing the URLs defined abobe. self.client can be used to inspect these URLs further, and corresponds to either an ftplib.FTP or request.Session instance.
"upload": tells the studio how to parse and upload data once it's been dumped locally
"parser" : Format "module:fuction", where function takes a data folder path as argument (ie. where the data was downloaded). While parsing data, it should return or yield dict with at least "_id" key present.
"on_duplicates" : what to do if duplicates are found (parser returns dict with same _id). Can be either error|ignore|merge. (merge will merge dict together, see biothings.utils.dataload.merge_struct function
"__metadata__": describes the datasource, exposed through /metadata endpoint.
"license_url": points to license page
"license": license name if any
"url": datasource main web page