This application is designed for users to sample new music for free before making a final purchase on a different platform.
To get started with this application is simple. First create a file structure to house your HTML, CSS, and JS files. You will also need to obtain an API key from deezer in order to access their data. The easiest way to do this in my experience is to go to "" and they will generate a key for you.
The dependencies for this project are the following: -express To install express simply type "npm i express" in your terminal at the root directory of your project.
You may have noticed I am hosting this application on Heroku. This is optional to do, but if you would like to do this it is best to have a repository in Github first, as Heroku will allow you to link your github repository to your heroku application with a few different options on how deployment happens. Also, you will need to use express in node.js, so to do this go into your terminal and type "npm init" to add your package.json and "npm i express" to install the express package.