diff --git a/apis/r/R/BlockwiseIter.R b/apis/r/R/BlockwiseIter.R
index 4701803602..9913125c77 100644
--- a/apis/r/R/BlockwiseIter.R
+++ b/apis/r/R/BlockwiseIter.R
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
- reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = NA
) {
@@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
private$.coords <- coords
# Check reindex_disable_on_axis
+ if (is_scalar_logical(reindex_disable_on_axis)) {
+ reindex_disable_on_axis <- if (isTRUE(reindex_disable_on_axis)) { # TRUE
+ bit64::seq.integer64(0L, ndim)
+ } else if (isFALSE(reindex_disable_on_axis)) { # FALSE
+ } else { # NA
+ ax <- bit64::seq.integer64(0L, ndim)
+ ax[ax != self$axis]
+ }
+ }
if (!is.null(reindex_disable_on_axis)) {
"'reindex_disable_on_axis' must be a vector of integers" = (
@@ -63,11 +73,27 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
"'reindex_disable_on_axis' must be finite" = is.finite(reindex_disable_on_axis),
"'reindex_disable_on_axis' must be within the range of dimensions of the array" = all(
- reindex_disable_on_axis >= 0 && reindex_disable_on_axis <= ndim
+ reindex_disable_on_axis >= 0 & reindex_disable_on_axis <= ndim
+ reindex_disable_on_axis <- unique(bit64::as.integer64(reindex_disable_on_axis))
private$.reindex_disable_on_axis <- reindex_disable_on_axis
+ axes_to_reindex <- self$axes_to_reindex
+ private$.reindexers <- vector("list", length = length(axes_to_reindex))
+ shape <- self$array$shape()
+ dnames <- self$array$dimnames()
+ for (i in seq_along(axes_to_reindex)) {
+ ax <- as.numeric(axes_to_reindex[i]) + 1L
+ coords <- as.list(CoordsStrider$new(start = 0L, end = shape[ax] - 1L))
+ coords <- if (length(coords) == 1L) {
+ coords[[1L]]
+ } else {
+ unlist64(coords)
+ }
+ private$.reindexers[[i]] <- IntIndexer$new(coords)
+ names(private$.reindexers)[i] <- dnames[ax]
+ }
#' @description Check if the iterated read is complete or not
@@ -90,8 +116,8 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
dimnam <- self$array$dimnames()[self$axis + 1L]
- nextelems <- self$coords_axis$next_element()
- private$set_dim_points(dimnam, nextelems)
+ private$.nextelems <- self$coords_axis$next_element()
+ private$set_dim_points(dimnam, private$.nextelems)
@@ -102,6 +128,19 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
#' @field axis The axis to iterate over in a blockwise fashion
axis = function() private$.axis,
+ #' @field axes_to_reindex The axes to re-index
+ #'
+ axes_to_reindex = function() {
+ ax <- bit64::seq.integer64(0L, self$array$ndim() - 1L)
+ ax <- ax[!ax %in% self$reindex_disable_on_axis]
+ if (length(ax)) {
+ ax <- ax[ax != self$axis]
+ }
+ if (!length(ax)) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ return(ax)
+ },
#' @field coords A list of \code{\link{CoordsStrider}} objects
coords = function() private$.coords,
@@ -113,13 +152,26 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
#' @field reindex_disable_on_axis Additional axes that will not be re-indexed
- reindex_disable_on_axis = function() private$.reindex_disable_on_axis
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = function() private$.reindex_disable_on_axis,
+ #' @field reindexable Shorthand to see if this iterator is poised to be
+ #' re-indexed or not
+ #'
+ reindexable = function() length(self$axes_to_reindex) ||
+ !bit64::as.integer64(self$axis) %in% self$reindex_disable_on_axis
private = list(
.array = NULL,
.coords = list(),
.axis = integer(1L),
+ .nextelems = NULL,
.reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL,
+ .reindexers = list(),
+ # @description Throw an error saying that re-indexed
+ # iterators are not concatenatable
+ .notConcatenatable = function() stop(errorCondition(
+ message = "Re-indexed blockwise iterators are not concatenatable",
+ class = "notConcatenatableError"
+ )),
# @description Reset internal state of SOMA Reader while keeping array open
reset = function() {
if (is.null(private$soma_reader_pointer)) {
@@ -128,6 +180,48 @@ BlockwiseReadIterBase <- R6::R6Class(
+ # @description Re-index an Arrow table
+ reindex_arrow_table = function(tbl) {
+ stopifnot(
+ "'tbl' must be an Arrow table" = R6::is.R6(tbl) && inherits(tbl, 'Table')
+ )
+ dname <- self$array$dimnames()[self$axis + 1L]
+ if (!dname %in% names(tbl)) {
+ stop(
+ "Cannot find ",
+ sQuote(dname),
+ " in the provided Arrow table",
+ call. = FALSE
+ )
+ }
+ op <- options(arrow.int64_downcast = FALSE)
+ on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
+ coords <- self$coords
+ coords[[dname]] <- CoordsStrider$new(
+ private$.nextelems,
+ stride = coords[[dname]]$stride
+ )
+ if (!bit64::as.integer64(self$axis) %in% self$reindex_disable_on_axis) {
+ indexer <- IntIndexer$new(private$.nextelems)
+ tbl[[dname]] <- indexer$get_indexer(
+ tbl[[dname]]$as_vector(),
+ nomatch_na = TRUE
+ )
+ rm(indexer)
+ }
+ for (dname in names(private$.reindexers)) {
+ if (!dname %in% names(tbl)) {
+ ""
+ }
+ indexer <- private$.reindexers[[dname]]
+ tbl[[dname]] <- indexer$get_indexer(
+ tbl[[dname]]$as_vector(),
+ nomatch_na = TRUE
+ )
+ }
+ attr(tbl, "coords") <- coords
+ return(tbl)
+ },
# @description Set dimension selection on given axis
set_dim_points = function(dimname, points) {
@@ -156,14 +250,22 @@ BlockwiseTableReadIter <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "BlockwiseTableReadIter",
inherit = BlockwiseReadIterBase,
public = list(
- #' @description ...
+ #' @description Concatenate the remainder of the blockwise iterator
- #' @return ...
+ #' @return An Arrow Table with the remainder of the iterator
- concat = function() soma_array_to_arrow_table_concat(self)
+ concat = function() {
+ if (self$reindexable) {
+ private$.notConcatenatable()
+ }
+ return(soma_array_to_arrow_table_concat(self))
+ }
private = list(
- soma_reader_transform = function(x) soma_array_to_arrow_table(x)
+ soma_reader_transform = function(x) {
+ tbl <- soma_array_to_arrow_table(x)
+ return(private$reindex_arrow_table(tbl))
+ }
@@ -194,7 +296,7 @@ BlockwiseSparseReadIter <- R6::R6Class(
repr = "T",
- reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = NA
) {
@@ -204,14 +306,28 @@ BlockwiseSparseReadIter <- R6::R6Class(
reindex_disable_on_axis = reindex_disable_on_axis
- private$.repr <- match.arg(repr)
+ stopifnot(
+ "Sparse reads only work with two-dimensional arrays" = self$array$ndim() == 2L
+ )
+ reprs <- c(
+ 'T',
+ if (!bit64::as.integer64(0L) %in% self$reindex_disable_on_axis)'R',
+ if (!bit64::as.integer64(1L) %in% self$reindex_disable_on_axis) 'C'
+ )
+ private$.repr <- match.arg(repr, choices = reprs)
private$.shape <- sapply(coords, length)
- #' @description ...
+ #' @description Concatenate the remainder of the blockwise iterator
- #' @return ...
+ #' @return A sparse matrix (determined by \code{self$repr}) with
+ #' the remainder of the iterator
- concat = function() soma_array_to_sparse_matrix_concat(self, private$.zero_based)
+ concat = function() {
+ if (self$reindexable) {
+ private$.notConcatenatable()
+ }
+ return(soma_array_to_sparse_matrix_concat(self, private$.zero_based))
+ }
active = list(
#' @field repr Representation of the sparse matrix to return
@@ -222,11 +338,16 @@ BlockwiseSparseReadIter <- R6::R6Class(
.repr = character(1L),
.shape = NULL,
.zero_based = FALSE,
- soma_reader_transform = function(x) arrow_table_to_sparse(
- soma_array_to_arrow_table(x),
- repr = self$repr,
- shape = private$.shape,
- zero_based = private$.zero_based
- )
+ soma_reader_transform = function(x) {
+ tbl <- private$reindex_arrow_table(soma_array_to_arrow_table(x))
+ mat <- arrow_table_to_sparse(
+ tbl,
+ repr = self$repr,
+ shape = private$.shape,
+ zero_based = private$.zero_based
+ )
+ attr(mat, "coords") <- attr(tbl, "coords", exact = TRUE)
+ return(mat)
+ }
diff --git a/apis/r/R/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.R b/apis/r/R/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.R
index 1ab0d872dd..0070aa4875 100644
--- a/apis/r/R/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.R
+++ b/apis/r/R/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.R
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ SOMASparseNDArrayRead <- R6::R6Class(
size = NULL,
- reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = NA
) {
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead <- R6::R6Class(
- reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = NA
) {
super$initialize(sr, array, coords)
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead <- R6::R6Class(
rlang::is_integerish(size, 1L, finite = TRUE) ||
(inherits(size, 'integer64') && length(size) == 1L && is.finite(size)),
"'reindex_disable_on_axis' must be a vector of integers" = is.null(reindex_disable_on_axis) ||
+ is_scalar_logical(reindex_disable_on_axis) ||
rlang::is_integerish(reindex_disable_on_axis, finite = TRUE) ||
(inherits(reindex_disable_on_axis, 'integer64') && all(is.finite(reindex_disable_on_axis)))
diff --git a/apis/r/man/BlockwiseReadIterBase.Rd b/apis/r/man/BlockwiseReadIterBase.Rd
index 6e631250af..7d406e09cb 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/BlockwiseReadIterBase.Rd
+++ b/apis/r/man/BlockwiseReadIterBase.Rd
@@ -17,11 +17,16 @@ Class that allows for blockwise read iteration of SOMA reads
\item{\code{axis}}{The axis to iterate over in a blockwise fashion}
+\item{\code{axes_to_reindex}}{The axes to re-index}
\item{\code{coords}}{A list of \code{\link{CoordsStrider}} objects}
\item{\code{coords_axis}}{The \code{\link{CoordsStrider}} for \code{axis}}
\item{\code{reindex_disable_on_axis}}{Additional axes that will not be re-indexed}
+\item{\code{reindexable}}{Shorthand to see if this iterator is poised to be
+re-indexed or not}
@@ -53,7 +58,7 @@ Create
- reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = NA
@@ -72,7 +77,14 @@ named after \code{array$dimnames()}}
\item{\code{reindex_disable_on_axis}}{Additional axes that will not be re-indexed;
-currently not yet implemented}
+the following values may be used as shorthands for common settings:
+\item \dQuote{\code{TRUE}}: disable re-indexing on all axes
+\item \dQuote{\code{NA}}: re-index only on \code{axis}, disable
+re-indexing on all others
+\item \dQuote{\code{FALSE}}: re-index on \emph{all} axes, do \strong{not}
+disable re-indexing
diff --git a/apis/r/man/BlockwiseSparseReadIter.Rd b/apis/r/man/BlockwiseSparseReadIter.Rd
index 0936be88be..1906a3e9ff 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/BlockwiseSparseReadIter.Rd
+++ b/apis/r/man/BlockwiseSparseReadIter.Rd
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Create
repr = "T",
- reindex_disable_on_axis = NULL
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = NA
@@ -69,10 +69,24 @@ named after \code{array$dimnames()}}
\item \dQuote{\code{T}}: returns a
+\item \dQuote{\code{R}}: returns an
+\item \dQuote{\code{C}}: returns a
+\strong{Note}: passing \code{repr} of \dQuote{\code{R}} or \dQuote{\code{C}}
+are only available if re-indexing is enabled on axes \code{0} or \code{1},
\item{\code{reindex_disable_on_axis}}{Additional axes that will not be re-indexed;
-currently not yet implemented}
+the following values may be used as shorthands for common settings:
+\item \dQuote{\code{TRUE}}: disable re-indexing on all axes
+\item \dQuote{\code{NA}}: re-index only on \code{axis}, disable
+re-indexing on all others
+\item \dQuote{\code{FALSE}}: re-index on \emph{all} axes, do \strong{not}
+disable re-indexing
@@ -81,13 +95,14 @@ currently not yet implemented}
\subsection{Method \code{concat()}}{
+Concatenate the remainder of the blockwise iterator
+A sparse matrix (determined by \code{self$repr}) with
+the remainder of the iterator
diff --git a/apis/r/man/BlockwiseTableReadIter.Rd b/apis/r/man/BlockwiseTableReadIter.Rd
index 9b353009e6..72db146d0d 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/BlockwiseTableReadIter.Rd
+++ b/apis/r/man/BlockwiseTableReadIter.Rd
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ as Arrow \code{\link[Arrow]{Table}s}
\subsection{Method \code{concat()}}{
+Concatenate the remainder of the blockwise iterator
+An Arrow Table with the remainder of the iterator
diff --git a/apis/r/man/IntIndexer.Rd b/apis/r/man/IntIndexer.Rd
index b67d56a9c7..2b448ea3f9 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/IntIndexer.Rd
+++ b/apis/r/man/IntIndexer.Rd
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Create a new re-indexer
\subsection{Method \code{get_indexer()}}{
Get the underlying indices for the target data
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{IntIndexer$get_indexer(target, nomatch = -1L)}\if{html}{\out{
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{IntIndexer$get_indexer(target, nomatch_na = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ Get the underlying indices for the target data
\item{\code{target}}{Data to re-index}
-\item{\code{nomatch}}{The value to be returned when no match is found; will be
-coerced to a 64-bit integer}
+\item{\code{nomatch_na}}{Set non-matches to \code{NA} instead of \code{-1}}
diff --git a/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead.Rd b/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead.Rd
index 8c22287a9e..c573600a21 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead.Rd
+++ b/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead.Rd
@@ -59,7 +59,14 @@ values; must be named after \code{array$dimnames()}}
\item{\code{size}}{The size of each blockwise chunk to generate}
\item{\code{reindex_disable_on_axis}}{Additional axes that will not be re-indexed;
-currently not yet implemented}
+the following values may be used as shorthands for common settings:
+\item \dQuote{\code{TRUE}}: disable re-indexing on all axes
+\item \dQuote{\code{NA}}: re-index only on \code{axis}, disable
+re-indexing on all others
+\item \dQuote{\code{FALSE}}: re-index on \emph{all} axes, do \strong{not}
+disable re-indexing
@@ -94,7 +101,14 @@ Read as a sparse matrix
\item \dQuote{\code{T}}: returns a
+\item \dQuote{\code{R}}: returns an
+\item \dQuote{\code{C}}: returns a
+\strong{Note}: passing \code{repr} of \dQuote{\code{R}} or \dQuote{\code{C}}
+are only available if re-indexing is enabled on axes \code{0} or \code{1},
diff --git a/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.Rd b/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.Rd
index 9089d91818..f88645dd86 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.Rd
+++ b/apis/r/man/SOMASparseNDArrayRead.Rd
@@ -87,7 +87,14 @@ Read in a blockwise fashion
\item{\code{size}}{The size of each blockwise chunk to generate}
\item{\code{reindex_disable_on_axis}}{Additional axes that will not be re-indexed;
-currently not yet implemented}
+the following values may be used as shorthands for common settings:
+\item \dQuote{\code{TRUE}}: disable re-indexing on all axes
+\item \dQuote{\code{NA}}: re-index only on \code{axis}, disable
+re-indexing on all others
+\item \dQuote{\code{FALSE}}: re-index on \emph{all} axes, do \strong{not}
+disable re-indexing
diff --git a/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-blockwise-iter.R b/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-blockwise-iter.R
index 1d959dc1c9..7c8d130f29 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-blockwise-iter.R
+++ b/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-blockwise-iter.R
@@ -3,4 +3,11 @@
#' @param axis Axis to iterate over in a blockwise manner
#' @param size The size of each blockwise chunk to generate
#' @param reindex_disable_on_axis Additional axes that will not be re-indexed;
-#' currently not yet implemented
+#' the following values may be used as shorthands for common settings:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item \dQuote{\code{TRUE}}: disable re-indexing on all axes
+#' \item \dQuote{\code{NA}}: re-index only on \code{axis}, disable
+#' re-indexing on all others
+#' \item \dQuote{\code{FALSE}}: re-index on \emph{all} axes, do \strong{not}
+#' disable re-indexing
+#' }
diff --git a/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-repr-read.R b/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-repr-read.R
index b5e886d566..76340ddbdb 100644
--- a/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-repr-read.R
+++ b/apis/r/man/roxygen/templates/param-repr-read.R
@@ -2,4 +2,11 @@
#' \itemize{
#' \item \dQuote{\code{T}}: returns a
#' \code{\link[Matrix:TsparseMatrix-class]{TsparseMatrix}}
+#' \item \dQuote{\code{R}}: returns an
+#' \code{\link[Matrix:RsparseMatrix-class]{RsparseMatrix}}
+#' \item \dQuote{\code{C}}: returns a
+#' \code{\link[Matrix:CsparseMatrix-class]{CsparseMatrix}}
#' }
+#' \strong{Note}: passing \code{repr} of \dQuote{\code{R}} or \dQuote{\code{C}}
+#' are only available if re-indexing is enabled on axes \code{0} or \code{1},
+#' respectively
diff --git a/apis/r/tests/testthat/test-Blockwise.R b/apis/r/tests/testthat/test-Blockwise.R
index bae331ec7c..5c5ba8f0b5 100644
--- a/apis/r/tests/testthat/test-Blockwise.R
+++ b/apis/r/tests/testthat/test-Blockwise.R
@@ -1,90 +1,250 @@
test_that("Blockwise iterator for arrow tables", {
- skip_if(!extended_tests() || covr_tests())
- skip_if_not_installed("pbmc3k.tiledb") # a Suggests: pre-package 3k PBMC data
- # see https://ghrr.github.io/drat/
- tdir <- tempfile()
- tgzfile <- system.file("raw-data", "soco-pbmc3k.tar.gz", package="pbmc3k.tiledb")
- untar(tarfile = tgzfile, exdir = tdir)
- uri <- file.path(tdir, "soco", "pbmc3k_processed")
- expect_true(dir.exists(uri))
- ax <- 0
- sz <- 1000L
- expqry <- SOMAExperimentOpen(uri)
- axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
- xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
- expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(axis=2))
- expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(size=-100))
- expect_s3_class(
- bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz),
- "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
- )
- expect_s3_class(it <- bi$tables(), "BlockwiseTableReadIter")
- expect_false(it$read_complete())
- for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
- at <- it$read_next()
- expect_s3_class(at, "ArrowTabular")
- }
- expect_true(it$read_complete())
- rm(bi, it, xrqry, axqry)
- axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
- xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
- bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz)
- it <- bi$tables()
- at <- it$concat()
- expect_s3_class(at, "Table")
+ skip_if(!extended_tests() || covr_tests())
+ skip_if_not_installed("pbmc3k.tiledb") # a Suggests: pre-package 3k PBMC data
+ # see https://ghrr.github.io/drat/
+ tdir <- tempfile()
+ tgzfile <- system.file("raw-data", "soco-pbmc3k.tar.gz", package="pbmc3k.tiledb")
+ untar(tarfile = tgzfile, exdir = tdir)
+ uri <- file.path(tdir, "soco", "pbmc3k_processed")
+ expect_true(dir.exists(uri))
+ ax <- 0
+ sz <- 1000L
+ expqry <- SOMAExperimentOpen(uri)
+ axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
+ xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
+ expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(axis=2))
+ expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(size=-100))
+ expect_s3_class(
+ bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz, reindex_disable_on_axis = TRUE),
+ "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(it <- bi$tables(), "BlockwiseTableReadIter")
+ expect_false(it$read_complete())
+ for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
+ at <- it$read_next()
expect_s3_class(at, "ArrowTabular")
- expect_equal(dim(at), c(4848644, 3))
+ }
+ expect_true(it$read_complete())
+ rm(bi, it, xrqry, axqry)
+ axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
+ xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
+ bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz, reindex_disable_on_axis = TRUE)
+ it <- bi$tables()
+ at <- it$concat()
+ expect_s3_class(at, "Table")
+ expect_s3_class(at, "ArrowTabular")
+ expect_equal(dim(at), c(4848644, 3))
+test_that("Table blockwise iterator: re-indexed", {
+ skip_if(!extended_tests() || covr_tests())
+ skip_if_not_installed("SeuratObject", minimum_version = .MINIMUM_SEURAT_VERSION('c'))
+ obj <- get_data("pbmc_small", package = "SeuratObject")
+ obj <- suppressWarnings(SeuratObject::UpdateSeuratObject(obj))
+ for (lyr in setdiff(SeuratObject::Layers(obj), "data")) {
+ SeuratObject::LayerData(obj, lyr) <- NULL
+ }
+ for (reduc in SeuratObject::Reductions(obj)) {
+ obj[[reduc]] <- NULL
+ }
+ for (grph in SeuratObject::Graphs(obj)) {
+ obj[[grph]] <- NULL
+ }
+ for (cmd in SeuratObject::Command(obj)) {
+ obj[[cmd]] <- NULL
+ }
+ tmp <- tempfile("blockwise-reindexed-tables")
+ uri <- write_soma(obj, uri = tmp)
+ exp <- SOMAExperimentOpen(uri)
+ on.exit(exp$close(), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
+ ax <- 0L
+ sz <- 23L
+ query <- exp$axis_query("RNA")
+ xrqry <- query$X("data")
+ expect_s3_class(
+ bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis = ax, size = sz, reindex_disable_on_axis = NA),
+ "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(it <- bi$tables(), "BlockwiseTableReadIter")
+ expect_false(it$read_complete())
+ expect_true(it$reindexable)
+ expect_error(it$concat(), class = "notConcatenatableError")
+ expect_length(it$axes_to_reindex, 0L)
+ for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
+ at <- it$read_next()
+ expect_true(R6::is.R6(at))
+ expect_s3_class(at, "Table")
+ sd0 <- at$GetColumnByName("soma_dim_0")$as_vector()
+ expect_true(min(sd0) >= 0L)
+ expect_true(max(sd0) <= sz)
+ strider <- attr(at, 'coords')$soma_dim_0
+ expect_s3_class(strider, 'CoordsStrider')
+ expect_true(strider$start == sz * (i - 1L))
+ expect_true(strider$end < sz * i)
+ }
+ expect_s3_class(
+ bi <- suppressWarnings(xrqry$blockwise(
+ axis = ax,
+ size = sz,
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = FALSE
+ )),
+ "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(it <- bi$tables(), "BlockwiseTableReadIter")
+ expect_false(it$read_complete())
+ expect_true(it$reindexable)
+ expect_error(it$concat(), class = "notConcatenatableError")
+ expect_length(it$axes_to_reindex, it$array$ndim() - 1L)
+ for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
+ at <- it$read_next()
+ expect_true(R6::is.R6(at))
+ expect_s3_class(at, "Table")
+ sd0 <- at$GetColumnByName("soma_dim_0")$as_vector()
+ expect_true(min(sd0) >= 0L)
+ expect_true(max(sd0) <= sz)
+ }
test_that("Blockwise iterator for sparse matrices", {
- skip_if(!extended_tests() || covr_tests())
- skip_if_not_installed("pbmc3k.tiledb") # a Suggests: pre-package 3k PBMC data
- # see https://ghrr.github.io/drat/
- tdir <- tempfile()
- tgzfile <- system.file("raw-data", "soco-pbmc3k.tar.gz", package="pbmc3k.tiledb")
- untar(tarfile = tgzfile, exdir = tdir)
- uri <- file.path(tdir, "soco", "pbmc3k_processed")
- expect_true(dir.exists(uri))
- ax <- 0
- sz <- 1000L
- expqry <- SOMAExperimentOpen(uri)
- axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
- xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
- expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(axis=2))
- expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(size=-100))
- expect_s3_class(
- bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz),
- "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
- )
- expect_s3_class(it <- bi$sparse_matrix(), "BlockwiseSparseReadIter")
- expect_false(it$read_complete())
- for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
- at <- it$read_next()
- expect_s4_class(at, "dgTMatrix")
- }
- expect_true(it$read_complete())
- rm(bi, it, xrqry, axqry)
- axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
- xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
- bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz)
- it <- bi$sparse_matrix()
- at <- it$concat()
+ skip_if(!extended_tests() || covr_tests())
+ skip_if_not_installed("pbmc3k.tiledb") # a Suggests: pre-package 3k PBMC data
+ # see https://ghrr.github.io/drat/
+ tdir <- tempfile()
+ tgzfile <- system.file("raw-data", "soco-pbmc3k.tar.gz", package="pbmc3k.tiledb")
+ untar(tarfile = tgzfile, exdir = tdir)
+ uri <- file.path(tdir, "soco", "pbmc3k_processed")
+ expect_true(dir.exists(uri))
+ ax <- 0
+ sz <- 1000L
+ expqry <- SOMAExperimentOpen(uri)
+ axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
+ xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
+ expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(axis=2))
+ expect_error(xrqry$blockwise(size=-100))
+ expect_s3_class(
+ bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz, reindex_disable_on_axis = TRUE),
+ "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
+ )
+ expect_error(bi$sparse_matrix("C"))
+ expect_error(bi$sparse_matrix("R"))
+ expect_s3_class(it <- bi$sparse_matrix(), "BlockwiseSparseReadIter")
+ expect_false(it$read_complete())
+ for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
+ at <- it$read_next()
expect_s4_class(at, "dgTMatrix")
- expect_equal(dim(at), c(2638, 1838))
+ }
+ expect_true(it$read_complete())
+ rm(bi, it, xrqry, axqry)
+ axqry <- expqry$axis_query("RNA")
+ xrqry <- axqry$X("data")
+ bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis=ax, size=sz, reindex_disable_on_axis = TRUE)
+ it <- bi$sparse_matrix()
+ at <- it$concat()
+ expect_s4_class(at, "dgTMatrix")
+ expect_equal(dim(at), c(2638, 1838))
+test_that("Sparse matrix blockwise iterator: re-indexed", {
+ skip_if(!extended_tests() || covr_tests())
+ skip_if_not_installed("SeuratObject", minimum_version = .MINIMUM_SEURAT_VERSION('c'))
+ obj <- get_data("pbmc_small", package = "SeuratObject")
+ obj <- suppressWarnings(SeuratObject::UpdateSeuratObject(obj))
+ for (lyr in setdiff(SeuratObject::Layers(obj), "data")) {
+ SeuratObject::LayerData(obj, lyr) <- NULL
+ }
+ for (reduc in SeuratObject::Reductions(obj)) {
+ obj[[reduc]] <- NULL
+ }
+ for (grph in SeuratObject::Graphs(obj)) {
+ obj[[grph]] <- NULL
+ }
+ for (cmd in SeuratObject::Command(obj)) {
+ obj[[cmd]] <- NULL
+ }
+ tmp <- tempfile("blockwise-reindexed-sparse")
+ uri <- write_soma(obj, uri = tmp)
+ exp <- SOMAExperimentOpen(uri)
+ on.exit(exp$close(), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
+ ax <- 0L
+ sz <- 23L
+ query <- exp$axis_query("RNA")
+ xrqry <- query$X("data")
+ expect_s3_class(
+ bi <- xrqry$blockwise(axis = ax, size = sz, reindex_disable_on_axis = NA),
+ "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
+ )
+ expect_error(bi$sparse_matrix("C"))
+ expect_s3_class(it <- bi$sparse_matrix(), "BlockwiseSparseReadIter")
+ expect_false(it$read_complete())
+ expect_true(it$reindexable)
+ expect_error(it$concat(), class = "notConcatenatableError")
+ expect_length(it$axes_to_reindex, 0L)
+ for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
+ mat <- it$read_next()
+ expect_s4_class(mat, "TsparseMatrix")
+ expect_identical(dim(mat), rev(dim(obj)))
+ expect_true(min(mat@i) >= 0L)
+ expect_true(max(mat@i) <= sz)
+ strider <- attr(mat, 'coords')$soma_dim_0
+ expect_s3_class(strider, 'CoordsStrider')
+ expect_true(strider$start == sz * (i - 1L))
+ expect_true(strider$end < sz * i)
+ }
+ expect_s3_class(
+ bi <- suppressWarnings(xrqry$blockwise(
+ axis = ax,
+ size = sz,
+ reindex_disable_on_axis = FALSE
+ )),
+ "SOMASparseNDArrayBlockwiseRead"
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(it <- bi$sparse_matrix(), "BlockwiseSparseReadIter")
+ expect_false(it$read_complete())
+ expect_true(it$reindexable)
+ expect_error(it$concat(), class = "notConcatenatableError")
+ expect_length(it$axes_to_reindex, it$array$ndim() - 1L)
+ for (i in seq.int(1L, ceiling(it$coords_axis$length() / it$coords_axis$stride))) {
+ mat <- it$read_next()
+ expect_s4_class(mat, "TsparseMatrix")
+ expect_identical(dim(mat), rev(dim(obj)))
+ expect_true(min(mat@i) >= 0L)
+ expect_true(max(mat@i) <= sz)
+ }