Utilities often needed for react-mobx development
npm i -S mobx-react-utils
Decorate a function which return a disposer
function, and automatically excute it when react
component unmount
Type: method decorator
Context: React component class
Target: () => Disposer
public componentDidMount(): void {
// listen the change of query and do action
public loadStatsReaction(): () => void {
return reaction(() => this.query, () => {
}, {
fireImmediately: true,
Generate an infinite iterator from an input array
Type: Iterator factory
Context: any
Target: T[]
Produce: Iterable Iterator
const pages = [0 , 1 , 2];
const choicePack: IterableIterator<number> = packGen(pages);
Sets of comparer for using with Array.sort
// Sorters
// Preset pack (generate with packgen)
export declare type Comparer<T> = (a: T, b: T) => number;
export declare function aZComparer(a: string, b: string): number;
export declare function zAComparer(a: string, b: string): number;
export declare function INComparer(a: number, b: number): number;
export declare function NIComparer(a: number, b: number): number;
export declare const stringPack: IterableIterator<typeof aZComparer | null>;
export declare const numberPack: IterableIterator<typeof INComparer | null>;
const pack1 = numberPack();
pack1.next().value === null // true
pack1.next().value === INComparer // true
Shallow copy property from one object to another with simple typing
Type: function
Context: any
Target: object
Produce: mutation
const x: A;
const y: A;
copyFields<A>(x, y);
Group array of object by one property value into another result object
Type: function
Context: any
Target: T[]
Produce: object
export interface IGroupByResult<T> {
[key: string]: T[];
export declare function groupBy<T>(arrayInput: T[], key: keyof T): IGroupByResult<T>;
Merge two css modules styles object into one by concatenate each field
export interface IStyles {
[key: string]: string;
export declare function mergeClassName<T extends IStyles>(target: T, source?: Readonly<Partial<T>>): T;
Type guard T from undefined
or null
export declare function notEmpty<T>(value: T | null | undefined): value is T;
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