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Textual configuration interface

This section is a part of the TCI reference.

Regular spells are not mentioned here, you just have to follow the standard names formatting rules.


Regular buffs for this class are not mentioned here, you just have to follow the standard names formatting rules. Also, don't forget that set bonuses are added as buffs to a character. Buffs can be used in conditional expressions for actions, see ActionLists#Buffs_and_debuffs.

Time Until Next HPG

time_to_hpg will return the time until the next holy power generator is available, in seconds. It will also enforce a minimum time equal to the current GCD (i.e. if there's a holy power generator that is off cooldown, but the GCD isn't up for another 350 ms, this will evaluate to 0.350).

  #cast TV if we're at 5 holy power and a holy power generator is available next GCD

Note that this does not do any fancy calculus to figure out if the next GCD actually will be a HPG. It only returns the time until the next HPG is available. If your action list prioritizes other spells over HPGs, then the time until the next HPG is actually cast could be longer than time_to_hpg. It should never be shorter, however.

Note#2: This is only supported for Retribution Paladin at the moment.

Blessed Hammer strikes

Blessed Hammer can hit multiple times depending on the size of the target in-game. To reproduce that behavior, the blessed_hammer action has a strikes option (float, default: 2, min: 1, max: 10) that can be used to specified the number of time each cast will hit each target. If the number has decimals, they will be used as a chance to generate an extra strike for every blessed hammer cast.

# Hit every enemy 3 times per blessed hammer cast

Consecration Precombat time

When Consecration is included in the precombat APL, the spell will be used with a special behaviour based on the precombat_time option given to it (default: 2s). The ground aoe's start time will be delayed by 1s to simulate the time the boss takes to run into it. Its duration and cooldown will also be adjusted accordingly.

Negative values will be handled the same way as some users may find it more intuitive (-3 is 3s before combat starts). The absolute value has to be lower than consecration's total duration, and higher than the player's based gcd duration (1.5s).

# Use consecration 3s before combat starts

Holy Power Generators until two Dawn Stacks

Use hpg_to_2dawn to get the currently needed amount of Holy Power Generators to reach two Stacks of Dawn. This is a variable that can be between 6 (6 Holy Power Generators needed until 2 Dawn Stacks are reached) and -2 (Two Dawn Stacks are already reached and you would need one more Holy Power Generator to refresh the Dawn-Buff)

# Use Shield of the Righteous when we're about to reach the next Dawn Stack to use it with Hammer of Light

Player-scoped Options

min_dg_heal_targets (0-5, default 1) - Minimum amount of targets to heal with Lightsmith's Divine Guidance. Will affect the amount of damage Divine Guidance does. Set to 0 (in tandem with max_dg_heal_targets) to simulate a Training Dummy scenario. Set to 5 to always have it heal instead of dealing damage. max_dg_heal_targets (0-5, default 5) - Maximum amount of targets to heal with Lightsmith's Divine Guidance. Will affect the amount of damage Divine Guidance does. Set to 0 (in tandem with min_dg_heal_targets) to simulate a Training Dummy scenario. Set to 1 to simulate a solo-scenario within a multi actor environment.


We only document here non-obvious entries.


  • parry_haste: the number of times your swings have been hasted after you parried an attack.
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