diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md index 5651775..0547cd7 100644 --- a/changelog.md +++ b/changelog.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +Version `4.1.0` bumps the peer dependency range for `vue-tsc` to `^2.1.0` because there was a breaking change in its API. If you're using Vue support, upgrade both packages simultaneously, e.g. `npm i -D prettier-plugin-organize-imports vue-tsc`. + Version `4.0.0` upgrades/replaces the Volar packages used for Vue support, to use the latest `vue-tsc` package that's part of Volar 2. To migrate, you just have to remove `@volar/vue-typescript` and if you're using it, also `@volar/vue-language-plugin-pug`, and replace it with `vue-tsc` and `@vue/language-plugin-pug` respectively. There are no breaking changes other than this. Version `3.2.4` implements a fix to skip when formatting ranges (i.e. if the plugin is requested to format a range, it doesn't do anything because it would lack the full file context).