- Send all three messages or none by executing a commit or a rollback
Open a terminal.
Have the terminal window side-by-side with a browser window with your MQ Console
Move to your local cloned mq-dev-patterns/transactions/JMS/SE
Check you have the javax.jms-api-2.0.1
and the com.ibm.mq.allclient
Run the list command
You should see the jars in amongst the other files:
Compile the multiple message transaction sample:
javac -cp ./com.ibm.mq.allclient- com/ibm/mq/samples/jms/simpleJmsTransMulti.java
Run the compiled program:
java -cp ./com.ibm.mq.allclient- com.ibm.mq.samples.jms.simpleJmsTransMulti
Within the program a random number is generated and depending on if it is odd or even, either a COMMIT or ROLLBACK will be carried out
In the terminal, you will be prompted to refresh DEV.QUEUE.1 so you can see the effect on the queue at each stage.
When a commit is being demonstrated, you will see all 3 messages being sent to the queue, though they won't be visible. Then a commit will occur which will irreversibly put the 3 messages on to the queue, where should be visible to you.
In the event of a rollback, you will see 2 messages being sent to the queue, again they won't be visible yet. Before the third message can be sent an "error" will occur, triggering a rollback. Follow the instructions in the terminal to see what effect this has on the contents of DEV.QUEUE.1.
Go ahead and try
You can also go back to the starting README to read more and check out links to other useful topics on transactions.