diff --git a/docs/en/09_migrating/02_gorriecoe-migration.md b/docs/en/09_migrating/02_gorriecoe-migration.md
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+# Title to shut my IDE linter up
+> This guide and the associated migration task assume all of the data for your links are in the base table for `gorriecoe\Link\Models\Link` or in automatically generated tables (e.g. join tables for `many_many` relations).
+> If you have subclassed `gorriecoe\Link\Models\Link`, there may be additional steps you need to take to migrate the data for your subclass.
+Remove the gorriecoe modules and add silverstripe/linkfield:
+composer require silverstripe/linkfield:^4
+composer remove gorriecoe/silverstripe-link gorriecoe/silverstripe-linkfield
+If you added any database columns to the `Link` class for sorting `has_many` relations, or any `has_one` relations for storing them, remove the extension or yaml configuration for that now.
+- gorriecoe\Link\Models\Link:
+- db:
+- MySortColumn: Int
+- has_one:
+- Record: App\Model\MyRecord
+- belongs_many_many:
+- BelongsRecord : App\Model\MyRecord.LinkListTwo
+Update namespaces and relations.
+ namespace App\Model;
+- use gorriecoe\Link\Models\Link;
+- use gorriecoe\LinkField\LinkField;
++ use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\Link;
++ use SilverStripe\LinkField\Form\LinkField;
++ use SilverStripe\LinkField\Form\MultiLinkField;
+ use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
+ class MyRecord extends DataObject
+ {
+ private static array $has_one = [
+ 'HasOneLink' => Link::class,
+ ];
+ private static array $has_many = [
+- 'LinkListOne' => Link::class . '.Record',
++ 'LinkListOne' => Link::class . '.Owner',
++ 'LinkListTwo' => Link::class . '.Owner',
+ ];
++ private static array $owns = [
++ 'HasOneLink',
++ 'LinkListOne',
++ 'LinkListTwo',
++ ];
+- private static array $many_many = [
+- 'LinkListTwo' => Link::class,
+- ];
+- private static array $many_many_extraFields = [
+- 'LinkListTwo' => [
+- 'Sort' => 'Int',
+- ]
+- ];
+ public function getCMSFields()
+ {
+ $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
++ $fields->removeByName(['LinkListOneID', 'LinkListOne', 'LinkListTwo']);
+ $fields->addFieldsToTab(
+ 'Root.Main',
+ [
+- LinkField::create('HasOneLink', 'Has one link', $this),
+- LinkField::create('LinkListOne', 'List list one', $this)->setSortColumn('MySortColumn'),
+- LinkField::create('LinkListTwo', 'Link list two', $this),
++ LinkField::create('HasOneLink', 'Has one link'),
++ MultiLinkField::create('LinkListOne', 'List list one'),
++ MultiLinkField::create('LinkListTwo', 'Link list two'),
+ ]
+ );
+ return $fields;
+ }
+ }
+If you had `many_many` through, delete the `DataObject` class being used as the join table.
+NOTE: If the same link appears in multiple `many_many` relation lists, the link will be duplicated so that a single link exists for each `has_many` relation list.
+Unless you were doing something custom to manage links, it's unlikely this will affect you - but if it does, just be aware of this and prepare your content authors for
+this change in their authoring workflow.
+If you applied [linkfield configuration](https://github.com/elliot-sawyer/silverstripe-linkfield?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration), update that now also.
+See [configuring links and link fields](../02_configuration.md) for more information.
++ use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\ExternalLink;
++ use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink;
+- $linkConfig = [
+- 'types' => [
+- 'SiteTree',
+- 'URL',
+- ],
+- 'title_display' => false,
+- ];
+- $linkField->setLinkConfig($linkConfig);
++ $allowedTypes = [
++ SiteTreeLink::class,
++ ExternalLink::class,
++ ];
++ $linkField->setAllowedTypes($allowedTypes);
++ $linkField->setExcludeLinkTextField(true);
+Custom link implementations you may be using include:
+- [gorriecoe/silverstripe-securitylinks](https://github.com/gorriecoe/silverstripe-securitylinks)
+- [gorriecoe/silverstripe-directionslink](https://github.com/gorriecoe/silverstripe-directionslink)
+- [gorriecoe/silverstripe-advancedemaillink](https://github.com/gorriecoe/silverstripe-advancedemaillinks)
+Other customisations you may be using that will require manual migration include:
+- [gorriecoe/silverstripe-linkicon](https://github.com/gorriecoe/silverstripe-linkicon)
+- [gorriecoe/silverstripe-ymlpresetlinks](https://github.com/gorriecoe/silverstripe-ymlpresetlinks)
+Things devs need to handle or be aware of:
+- Phone number validation
+- External URL link doesn't allow relative URLs
+- No `addExtraClass()` or related methods for templates
+- `getLinkURL()` is now just `getURL()`
+- No `SiteTree` helpers like `isCurrent()`, `isOrphaned()` etc (you can check those methods on the `Page` in `SiteTreeLink` instead)
+- Permission checks are based on `Owner` (previously just returned `true` for everything)
+- No `link_to_folders` config - uses `UploadField` instead.
+- No graphql helper methods - just use regular GraphQL scaffolding if you need to fetch the links via GraphQL.
+- No "Settings" tab
+- Can't swap link type.
+- https://github.com/elliot-sawyer/silverstripe-link/blob/master/src/extensions/DefineableMarkupID.php
+- https://github.com/elliot-sawyer/silverstripe-link/blob/master/src/extensions/DBStringLink.php
+- May want to update localisations. Link to transifex.
+One config for DB fields that are shared across all links
+ ID: 'ID'
+ OpenInNewWindow: 'OpenInNew'
+ Title: 'LinkText'
+ # Can add sort for has_many here too
+ Sort: 'Sort'
+Sort is ascending in gorriecoe's module
+One config for per-type (i.e. dependent on the "Type" column) to class
+ URL:
+ class: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\ExternalLink'
+ fields:
+ URL: 'ExternalUrl'
+ Email:
+ class: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink'
+ fields:
+ Email: 'Email'
+ Phone:
+ class: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\PhoneLink'
+ fields:
+ Phone: 'Phone'
+ File:
+ class: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\FileLink'
+ fields:
+ FileID: 'FileID'
+ SiteTree:
+ class: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink'
+ fields:
+ SiteTreeID: 'PageID'
+Note that `SiteTreeLink` also needs to take the `Anchor` column and split it out between `Anchor` and `QueryString`, and remove the `#` and `?`prefixes respectively.
+If there's no prefix, make these assumptions:
+ It's a query string if there's a `=` or `&` anywhere in it
+ It's an anchor in all other cases.
+Note also that the `Title` may be equal to the default title, which differs based on the type.
+We do not want to copy default titles into `LinkText`.
+This no longer does anything, and has no equivalent (the field is always `Sort` which is on Link by default):
+ sort_column: 'SortOrder'
diff --git a/src/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTask.php b/src/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTask.php
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index 00000000..eca96029
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+++ b/src/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTask.php
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+ 'OpenInNew',
+ 'Title' => 'LinkText',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Mapping for different types of links, including the class to map to and
+ * database column mappings.
+ */
+ private static array $link_type_columns = [
+ 'URL' => [
+ 'class' => ExternalLink::class,
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'URL' => 'ExternalUrl',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Email' => [
+ 'class' => EmailLink::class,
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'Email' => 'Email',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Phone' => [
+ 'class' => PhoneLink::class,
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'File' => [
+ 'class' => FileLink::class,
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'FileID' => 'FileID',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'SiteTree' => [
+ 'class' => SiteTreeLink::class,
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'SiteTreeID' => 'PageID',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * List any has_many relations that should be migrated.
+ *
+ * Keys are the FQCN for the class where the has_many is declared.
+ * Values are the name of the old has_one.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * // SiteConfig had two has_many relationships,
+ * // one to Link.MyHasOne and another to Link.DifferentHasOne.
+ * SiteConfig::class => [
+ * 'LinksListOne' => 'MyHasOne',
+ * 'LinksListTwo' => 'DifferentHasOne',
+ * ]
+ *
+ */
+ private static array $has_many_links_data = [];
+ /**
+ * List any many_many relations that should be migrated.
+ *
+ * Keys are the FQCN for the class where the many_many is declared. See example below for values.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * // SiteConfig had three many_many relationships:
+ * // The table name for "LinksListOne" will be guessed. It wasn't a many_many through and had no extra fields
+ * // The table name for "LinksListTwo" will be guessed. It wasn't a many_many through but did have some extra fields
+ * // The table name for "LinksListThree" is explicitly provided. It was a many_many through with some extra fields
+ * SiteConfig::class => [
+ * 'LinksListOne' => null,
+ * 'LinksListTwo' => [
+ * 'extraFields' => [
+ * 'MySort' => 'Sort',
+ * ],
+ * ],
+ * 'LinksListThree' => [
+ * 'table' => 'App_MyThroughClassTable',
+ * 'extraFields' => [
+ * 'MySort' => 'Sort',
+ * ],
+ * 'through' => [
+ * 'from' => 'FromHasOneName',
+ * 'to' => 'ToHasOneName',
+ * ],
+ * ],
+ * ]
+ *
+ */
+ private static array $many_many_links_data = [];
+ /**
+ * in-memory cache of Link relational data so we don't keep slamming the filesystem cache
+ * when checking these relations in CLI
+ */
+ private array $linkRelationData = [];
+ /**
+ * The table name for the base gorriecoe link model.
+ */
+ private string $oldTableName;
+ /**
+ * Perform the actual data migration and publish links as appropriate
+ */
+ public function performMigration(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforePerformMigration');
+ // Because we're using SQL INSERT with specific ID values,
+ // we can't perform the migration if there are existing links because there
+ // may be ID conflicts.
+ if (Link::get()->exists()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException('Cannot perform migration with existing silverstripe/linkfield link records.');
+ }
+ $this->insertBaseRows();
+ $this->insertTypeSpecificRows();
+ $this->updateSiteTreeRows();
+ $this->migrateHasManyRelations();
+ $this->migrateManyManyRelations();
+ $this->setOwnerForHasOneLinks();
+ $this->print("Dropping old link table {$this->oldTableName}");
+ DB::get_conn()->query("DROP TABLE \"{$this->oldTableName}\"");
+ $this->print('-----------------');
+ $this->print('Bulk data migration complete. All links should be correct (but unpublished) at this stage.');
+ $this->print('-----------------');
+ $this->publishLinks();
+ $this->print('-----------------');
+ $this->print('Migration completed successfully.');
+ $this->print('-----------------');
+ $this->extend('afterPerformMigration');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if we actually need to migrate anything, and if not give clear output as to why not.
+ */
+ private function getNeedsMigration(): bool
+ {
+ $oldTableName = $this->getTableOrObsoleteTable(static::config()->get('old_link_table'));
+ if (!$oldTableName) {
+ $this->print('Nothing to migrate - old link table doesn\'t exist.');
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->oldTableName = $oldTableName;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert a row into the base Link table for each link, mapping all of the columns
+ * that are shared across all link types.
+ */
+ private function insertBaseRows(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforeInsertBaseRows');
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ // Get a full map of columns to migrate that applies to all link types
+ $baseTableColumnMap = $this->getBaseColumnMap();
+ // ClassName will need to be handled per link type
+ unset($baseTableColumnMap['ClassName']);
+ // Set the correct ClassName based on the type of link.
+ // Note that case statements have no abstraction, but are already used elsewhere
+ // so should be safe. See DataQuery::getFinalisedQuery() which is used for all
+ // DataList queries.
+ $classNameSelect = 'CASE ';
+ $typeColumn = $db->escapeIdentifier("{$this->oldTableName}.Type");
+ foreach (static::config()->get('link_type_columns') as $type => $spec) {
+ $toClass = $db->quoteString($spec['class']);
+ $type = $db->quoteString($type);
+ $classNameSelect .= "WHEN {$typeColumn} = {$type} THEN {$toClass} ";
+ }
+ $classNameSelect .= 'ELSE ' . $db->quoteString(Link::class) . ' END AS ClassName';
+ // Insert rows
+ $baseTable = DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataTable(Link::class);
+ $quotedBaseTable = $db->escapeIdentifier($baseTable);
+ $baseColumns = implode(', ', array_values($baseTableColumnMap));
+ $subQuery = SQLSelect::create(
+ array_keys($baseTableColumnMap),
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($this->oldTableName)
+ )->addSelect($classNameSelect)->sql();
+ // We can't use the ORM to do INSERT with SELECT, but thankfully
+ // the syntax is generic enough that it should work for all SQL databases.
+ DB::query("INSERT INTO {$quotedBaseTable} ({$baseColumns}, ClassName) {$subQuery}");
+ $this->extend('afterInsertBaseRows');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert rows for all link subclasses based on the type of the old link
+ */
+ private function insertTypeSpecificRows(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforeInsertTypeSpecificRows');
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ foreach (static::config()->get('link_type_columns') as $type => $spec) {
+ $type = $db->quoteString($type);
+ $toClass = $spec['class'];
+ $columnMap = $spec['fields'];
+ $table = $schema->tableName($toClass);
+ $quotedTable = $db->escapeIdentifier($table);
+ $baseColumns = implode(', ', array_values($columnMap));
+ $subQuery = SQLSelect::create(
+ ['ID', ...array_keys($columnMap)],
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($this->oldTableName),
+ [$db->escapeIdentifier("{$this->oldTableName}.Type") . " = {$type}"]
+ )->sql();
+ // We can't use the ORM to do INSERT with SELECT, but thankfully
+ // the syntax is generic enough that it should work for all SQL databases.
+ DB::query("INSERT INTO {$quotedTable} (ID, {$baseColumns}) {$subQuery}");
+ }
+ $this->extend('afterInsertTypeSpecificRows');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the Anchor column for SiteTreeLink
+ */
+ private function updateSiteTreeRows(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforeUpdateSiteTreeRows');
+ // We have to split the Anchor column, which means we have to fetch and operate on the values.
+ $currentChunk = 0;
+ $chunkSize = static::config()->get('chunk_size');
+ $count = $chunkSize;
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $siteTreeLinkTable = $schema->tableForField(SiteTreeLink::class, 'Anchor');
+ // Keep looping until we run out of chunks
+ while ($count >= $chunkSize) {
+ // Get data about the old SiteTree links
+ $oldLinkRows = SQLSelect::create(
+ ['ID', 'Anchor'],
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($this->oldTableName),
+ [
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($this->oldTableName . '.Type') => 'SiteTree',
+ $db->nullCheckClause($db->escapeIdentifier($this->oldTableName . '.Anchor'), false)
+ ]
+ )->setLimit($chunkSize, $chunkSize * $currentChunk)->execute();
+ // Prepare for next iteration
+ $count = $oldLinkRows->numRecords();
+ $currentChunk++;
+ // Update all links which have an anchor
+ foreach ($oldLinkRows as $oldLink) {
+ // Get the query string and anchor separated
+ $queryString = null;
+ $anchor = null;
+ $oldAnchor = $oldLink['Anchor'];
+ if (str_starts_with($oldAnchor, '#')) {
+ $parts = explode('?', $oldAnchor, 2);
+ $anchor = ltrim($parts[0], '#');
+ $queryString = ltrim($parts[1] ?? '', '?');
+ } elseif (str_starts_with($oldAnchor, '?')) {
+ $parts = explode('#', $oldAnchor, 2);
+ $queryString = ltrim($parts[0], '?');
+ $anchor = ltrim($parts[1] ?? '', '#');
+ } else {
+ // Assume it's an anchor and they just forgot the #
+ // We don't need the # so just add it directly.
+ $anchor = $oldAnchor;
+ }
+ $this->extend('updateAnchorAndQueryString', $anchor, $queryString, $oldAnchor);
+ // Update the link with the correct anchor and query string
+ SQLUpdate::create(
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($siteTreeLinkTable),
+ [
+ $schema->sqlColumnForField(SiteTreeLink::class, 'Anchor') => $anchor,
+ $schema->sqlColumnForField(SiteTreeLink::class, 'QueryString') => $queryString,
+ ],
+ [$db->escapeIdentifier($siteTreeLinkTable . '.ID') => $oldLink['ID']]
+ )->execute();
+ }
+ // If $chunkSize was null, we did everything in a single chunk
+ // but we need to break the loop artificially.
+ if ($chunkSize === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->extend('afterUpdateSiteTreeRows');
+ }
+ private function migrateHasManyRelations(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforeMigrateHasManyRelations');
+ $linksList = static::config()->get('has_many_links_data');
+ // Exit early if there's nothing to migrate
+ if (empty($linksList)) {
+ $this->print('No has_many relations to migrate.');
+ $this->extend('afterMigrateHasManyRelations');
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->print('Migrating has_many relations.');
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ $oldTableFields = DB::field_list($this->oldTableName);
+ foreach ($linksList as $ownerClass => $relations) {
+ foreach ($relations as $hasManyRelation => $hasOneRelation) {
+ // Check if HasOneID column is in the old base Link table
+ if (!array_key_exists("{$hasOneRelation}ID", $oldTableFields)) {
+ // This is an unusual situation, and is difficult to do generically.
+ // We'll leave this scenario up to the developer to handle.
+ $this->extend('migrateHasOneForLinkSubclass', $linkClass, $ownerClass, $hasOneRelation, $hasManyRelation);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $linkTable = $schema->baseDataTable(Link::class);
+ $tables = [$linkTable];
+ // Include versioned tables if link is versioned
+ if (Link::has_extension(Versioned::class)) {
+ $tables[] = "{$linkTable}_Versions";
+ $tables[] = "{$linkTable}_Live";
+ }
+ $wasPolyMorphic = array_key_exists("{$hasOneRelation}Class", $oldTableFields);
+ $wasMultiRelational = $wasPolyMorphic && array_key_exists("{$hasOneRelation}Relation", $oldTableFields);
+ // Migrate old has_one on link to the Owner relation.
+ foreach ($tables as $table) {
+ // Only set owner where the OwnerID is not already set
+ $ownerIdColumn = $db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerID');
+ $nullCheck = $db->nullCheckClause($ownerIdColumn, true);
+ $whereClause = [
+ "$ownerIdColumn = 0 OR $nullCheck",
+ $db->nullCheckClause($db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerRelation'), true),
+ ];
+ if ($wasPolyMorphic) {
+ // For polymorphic relations, don't set the owner for records belonging
+ // to a different class hierarchy.
+ $validClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($ownerClass, true);
+ $placeholders = DB::placeholders($validClasses);
+ $whereClause[] = [$db->escapeIdentifier("{$this->oldTableName}.{$hasOneRelation}Class") . " IN ($placeholders)" => $validClasses];
+ if ($wasMultiRelational) {
+ $whereClause[] = [$db->escapeIdentifier("{$this->oldTableName}.{$hasOneRelation}Relation") => $hasManyRelation];
+ }
+ }
+ $update = SQLUpdate::create(
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($table),
+ [
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerID') => [$schema->sqlColumnForField($ownerClass, 'ID') => []],
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerClass') => [$schema->sqlColumnForField($ownerClass, 'ClassName') => []],
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerRelation') => $hasManyRelation,
+ ],
+ $whereClause
+ )
+ ->addInnerJoin($this->oldTableName, $db->escapeIdentifier($this->oldTableName . '.ID') . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier("{$table}.ID"))
+ ->addInnerJoin($schema->baseDataTable($ownerClass), $schema->sqlColumnForField($ownerClass, 'ID') . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier("{$this->oldTableName}.{$hasOneRelation}ID"));
+ $update->execute();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->extend('afterMigrateHasManyRelations');
+ }
+ private function migrateManyManyRelations(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforeMigrateManyManyRelations');
+ $linksList = static::config()->get('many_many_links_data');
+ // Exit early if there's nothing to migrate
+ if (empty($linksList)) {
+ $this->print('No many_many relations to migrate.');
+ $this->extend('afterMigrateManyManyRelations');
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->print('Migrating many_many relations.');
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ $baseLinkTable = $schema->baseDataTable(Link::class);
+ $originalOldLinkTable = str_replace('_obsolete_', '', $this->oldTableName);
+ foreach ($linksList as $ownerClass => $relations) {
+ $ownerBaseTable = $schema->baseDataTable($ownerClass);
+ $ownerTable = $schema->tableName($ownerClass);
+ foreach ($relations as $manyManyRelation => $spec) {
+ $throughSpec = $spec['through'] ?? [];
+ if (!empty($throughSpec)) {
+ if (!isset($spec['table'])) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must declare the table name for many_many through relation '{$ownerClass}.{$manyManyRelation}'.");
+ }
+ $ownerIdField = $throughSpec['from'] . 'ID';
+ $linkIdField = $throughSpec['to'] . 'ID';
+ } else {
+ $ownerIdField = "{$ownerTable}ID";
+ $linkIdField = "{$originalOldLinkTable}ID";
+ }
+ $extraFields = $spec['extraFields'] ?? [];
+ $joinTable = $this->getTableOrObsoleteTable($spec['table'] ?? "{$ownerTable}_{$manyManyRelation}");
+ if ($joinTable === null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find join table for many_many relation '{$ownerClass}.{$manyManyRelation}'.");
+ }
+ $polymorphicWhereClause = [];
+ if (!empty($throughSpec)) {
+ $joinColumns = DB::field_list($joinTable);
+ if (array_key_exists($throughSpec['from'] . 'Class', $joinColumns)) {
+ // For polymorphic relations, don't set the owner for records belonging
+ // to a different class hierarchy.
+ $validClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($ownerClass, true);
+ $placeholders = DB::placeholders($validClasses);
+ $polymorphicClassColumn = $throughSpec['from'] . 'Class';
+ $polymorphicWhereClause = [$db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$polymorphicClassColumn}") . " IN ($placeholders)" => $validClasses];
+ }
+ }
+ // If the join table for many_many through still has an associated DataObject class,
+ // something is very weird and we should throw an error.
+ // Most likely the developer just forgot to delete it or didn't run dev/build before running this task.
+ if (!empty($throughSpec) && $schema->tableClass($joinTable) !== null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Join table '{$joinTable}' for many_many through relation '{$ownerClass}.{$manyManyRelation}' still has a DataObject class.");
+ }
+ $this->copyDuplicatedLinksInThisRelation($manyManyRelation, $ownerBaseTable, $joinTable, $linkIdField, $ownerIdField, $extraFields, $polymorphicWhereClause);
+ $tables = [$baseLinkTable];
+ // Include versioned tables if link is versioned
+ if (Link::has_extension(Versioned::class)) {
+ $tables[] = "{$baseLinkTable}_Versions";
+ $tables[] = "{$baseLinkTable}_Live";
+ }
+ foreach ($tables as $table) {
+ $ownerIdColumn = $db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerID');
+ $nullCheck = $db->nullCheckClause($ownerIdColumn, true);
+ // Set owner fields
+ $assignments = [
+ $ownerIdColumn => $db->escapeIdentifier("{$ownerBaseTable}.ID"),
+ $db->escapeIdentifier("{$table}.OwnerClass") => $db->escapeIdentifier("{$ownerBaseTable}.ClassName"),
+ $db->escapeIdentifier("{$table}.OwnerRelation") => $manyManyRelation,
+ ];
+ // Set extra fields
+ foreach ($extraFields as $fromField => $toField) {
+ $assignments[$db->escapeIdentifier("{$table}.{$toField}")] = [$db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$fromField}") => []];
+ }
+ // Make the update, joining on the join table and base owner table
+ $update = SQLUpdate::create(
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($table),
+ $assignments,
+ [
+ // Don't set if there's already an owner for that link
+ "$ownerIdColumn = 0 OR $nullCheck",
+ $db->nullCheckClause($db->escapeIdentifier($table . '.OwnerRelation'), true),
+ ...$polymorphicWhereClause,
+ ]
+ )->addInnerJoin($joinTable, $db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$linkIdField}") . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier("{$table}.ID"))
+ ->addInnerJoin($ownerBaseTable, $db->escapeIdentifier("{$ownerBaseTable}.ID") . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$ownerIdField}"));
+ $update->execute();
+ }
+ // Drop the join table
+ $this->print("Dropping old many_many join table {$joinTable}");
+ DB::get_conn()->query("DROP TABLE \"{$joinTable}\"");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->extend('afterMigrateManyManyRelations');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Duplicate any links which appear multiple times in a many_many relation
+ * and remove the duplicate rows from the join table
+ */
+ private function copyDuplicatedLinksInThisRelation(
+ string $relationName,
+ string $ownerBaseTable,
+ string $joinTable,
+ string $linkIdField,
+ string $ownerIdField,
+ array $extraFields,
+ array $polymorphicWhereClause
+ ): void {
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $baseLinkTable = $schema->baseDataTable(Link::class);
+ $joinLinkIdColumn = $db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$linkIdField}");
+ $joinOwnerIdColumn = $db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$ownerIdField}");
+ // Prepare subquery that identifies which rows are for duplicate links
+ $duplicates = SQLSelect::create(
+ $joinLinkIdColumn,
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($joinTable),
+ $polymorphicWhereClause,
+ groupby: $joinLinkIdColumn,
+ having: "COUNT({$joinLinkIdColumn}) > 1"
+ )->execute();
+ // Exit early if there's no duplicates
+ if ($duplicates->numRecords() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get selection fields, aliased so they can be dropped straight into a link record
+ $selections = [
+ $joinLinkIdColumn => '"ID"',
+ $db->escapeIdentifier("{$ownerBaseTable}.ClassName") => '"OwnerClass"',
+ $db->escapeIdentifier("{$ownerBaseTable}.ID") => '"OwnerID"',
+ ];
+ // Select additional base columns except where they're mapped as extra fields (e.g. sort may come from manymany)
+ foreach ($this->getBaseColumnMap() as $baseField) {
+ if ($baseField !== 'ID' && !in_array($baseField, $extraFields)) {
+ $selections[$db->escapeIdentifier("{$baseLinkTable}.{$baseField}")] = '"' . $baseField . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ // Select extra fields, aliased as appropriate
+ foreach ($extraFields as $fromField => $toField) {
+ $selections[$db->escapeIdentifier("{$joinTable}.{$fromField}")] = '"' . $toField . '"';
+ }
+ // Select columns from subclasses (e.g. Email, Phone, etc)
+ foreach (static::config()->get('link_type_columns') as $spec) {
+ foreach ($spec['fields'] as $subclassField) {
+ $selections[$schema->sqlColumnForField($spec['class'], $subclassField)] = '"' . $subclassField . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ $toDelete = [];
+ $originalLinks = [];
+ $currentChunk = 0;
+ $chunkSize = static::config()->get('chunk_size');
+ $count = $chunkSize;
+ $duplicateIDs = implode(', ', $duplicates->column());
+ // To ensure this scales well, we'll fetch and duplicate links in chunks.
+ while ($count >= $chunkSize) {
+ $select = SQLSelect::create(
+ $selections,
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($joinTable),
+ [
+ "{$joinLinkIdColumn} in ({$duplicateIDs})",
+ ...$polymorphicWhereClause,
+ ]
+ )
+ ->addInnerJoin($ownerBaseTable, $db->escapeIdentifier("{$ownerBaseTable}.ID") . " = {$joinOwnerIdColumn}")
+ ->addInnerJoin($baseLinkTable, $db->escapeIdentifier($db->escapeIdentifier("{$baseLinkTable}.ID") . " = {$joinLinkIdColumn}"));
+ // Add joins for link subclasses
+ foreach (ClassInfo::subclassesFor(Link::class) as $class) {
+ // Skip Link (which is already joined) and anything without a table
+ if ($class === Link::class || !ClassInfo::hasTable($class)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Left join because we just want any extra data these have, rather than narrowing down the result set
+ $table = $schema->tableName($class);
+ $select->addLeftJoin(
+ $table,
+ $db->escapeIdentifier("{$table}.ID") . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier("{$baseLinkTable}.ID")
+ );
+ }
+ $linkData = $select->setLimit($chunkSize, $chunkSize * $currentChunk)->execute();
+ // Prepare for next iteration
+ $count = $linkData->numRecords();
+ $currentChunk++;
+ foreach ($linkData as $link) {
+ $ownerID = $link['OwnerID'];
+ $linkID = $link['ID'];
+ unset($link['ID']);
+ // Skip the first of each duplicate set (i.e. the original link)
+ if (!array_key_exists($linkID, $originalLinks)) {
+ $originalLinks[$linkID] = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Mark duplicate join row for deletion
+ $toDelete[] = "{$joinOwnerIdColumn} = {$ownerID} AND {$joinLinkIdColumn} = {$linkID}";
+ // Create the duplicate link - note it already has its correct owner relation and other necessary data
+ $link['OwnerRelation'] = $relationName;
+ $newLink = $link['ClassName']::create($link);
+ $this->extend('updateNewLink', $newLink, $link);
+ $newLink->write();
+ }
+ // If $chunkSize was null, we did everything in a single chunk
+ // but we need to break the loop artificially.
+ if ($chunkSize === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete the duplicate rows from the join table
+ SQLDelete::create($db->escapeIdentifier($joinTable), $polymorphicWhereClause)->addWhereAny($toDelete)->execute();
+ }
+ /**
+ * If the table exists, returns it. If it exists but is obsolete, returned the obsolete
+ * prefixed name.
+ * Returns null if the table doesn't exist at all.
+ */
+ private function getTableOrObsoleteTable(string $tableName): ?string
+ {
+ $allTables = DB::table_list();
+ if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($tableName), $allTables)) {
+ $tableName = '_obsolete_' . $tableName;
+ if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($tableName), $allTables)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return $tableName;
+ }
+ private function getBaseColumnMap(): array
+ {
+ $baseColumnMap = static::config()->get('base_link_columns');
+ foreach (array_keys(DataObject::config()->uninherited('fixed_fields')) as $fixedField) {
+ $baseColumnMap[$fixedField] = $fixedField;
+ }
+ return $baseColumnMap;
+ }
+ private function classIsOldLink(string $class): bool
+ {
+ return $class === 'gorriecoe\Link\Models\Link';
+ }
diff --git a/src/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTask.php b/src/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTask.php
index 558cc14f..f0958d6e 100644
--- a/src/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTask.php
+++ b/src/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTask.php
@@ -4,27 +4,13 @@
use LogicException;
use RuntimeException;
-use SilverStripe\Assets\Shortcodes\FileLink as WYSIWYGFileLink;
-use SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTreeLink as WYSIWYGSiteTreeLink;
-use SilverStripe\Control\Director;
use SilverStripe\Core\ClassInfo;
-use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config;
use SilverStripe\Dev\BuildTask;
-use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation;
-use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink;
-use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\ExternalLink;
-use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\FileLink;
use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\Link;
-use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\PhoneLink;
-use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink;
-use SilverStripe\ORM\DataList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
-use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObjectSchema;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Queries\SQLSelect;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Queries\SQLUpdate;
-use SilverStripe\Versioned\ChangeSet;
-use SilverStripe\Versioned\ChangeSetItem;
use SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned;
@@ -32,6 +18,8 @@
class LinkFieldMigrationTask extends BuildTask
+ use MigrationTaskTrait;
private static $segment = 'linkfield-tov4-migration-task';
protected $title = 'Linkfield v2/3 to v4 Migration Task';
@@ -43,18 +31,6 @@ class LinkFieldMigrationTask extends BuildTask
private static ?bool $is_enabled = false;
- /**
- * Classes which should be skipped when finding owners of links.
- * These classes and all of their subclasses will be skipped.
- */
- private static array $classes_that_are_not_link_owners = [
- // Skip models that are used for internal tracking purposes and cannot own links
- ChangeSet::class,
- ChangeSetItem::class,
- WYSIWYGFileLink::class,
- WYSIWYGSiteTreeLink::class,
- ];
* List any has_many relations that should be migrated.
@@ -86,56 +62,12 @@ class LinkFieldMigrationTask extends BuildTask
private array $linkRelationData = [];
- public function __construct()
- {
- // Use withNoReplacement() because otherwise even viewing the dev/tasks list will trigger this warning.
- Deprecation::withNoReplacement(
- fn () => Deprecation::notice('4.0.0', 'Will be removed without equivalent functionality.', Deprecation::SCOPE_CLASS)
- );
- parent::__construct();
- }
- public function run($request): void
- {
- $db = DB::get_conn();
- $baseTable = DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataTable(Link::class);
- // If we don't need to migrate, exit early.
- if (!$this->getNeedsMigration($baseTable)) {
- $this->print('Cannot perform migration.');
- return;
- }
- if (!$db->supportsTransactions()) {
- $this->print('Database transactions are not supported for this database. Errors may result in a partially-migrated state.');
- }
- $db->withTransaction([$this, 'performMigration'], [$this, 'failedTransaction']);
- if ($request->getVar('skipBrokenLinks')) {
- $this->print('Skipping broken link check as requested.');
- } else {
- $this->checkForBrokenLinks();
- }
- $this->print('Done.');
- }
- /**
- * Used in a callback if there is an error with the migration that causes a rolled back DB transaction
- */
- public function failedTransaction()
- {
- if (DB::get_conn()->supportsTransactions()) {
- $this->print('There was an error with the migration. Rolling back.');
- }
- }
* Perform the actual data migration and publish links as appropriate
- public function performMigration()
+ public function performMigration(): void
+ $this->extend('beforePerformMigration');
// Migrate data
@@ -150,14 +82,16 @@ public function performMigration()
$this->print('Migration completed successfully.');
+ $this->extend('afterPerformMigration');
* Check if we actually need to migrate anything, and if not give clear output as to why not.
- private function getNeedsMigration(string $baseTable): bool
+ private function getNeedsMigration(): bool
$needsMigration = false;
+ $baseTable = DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataTable(Link::class);
$needColumns = ['LinkText', 'Title'];
$baseDbColumns = array_keys(DB::field_list($baseTable));
$baseNeededColumns = array_intersect($needColumns, $baseDbColumns);
@@ -285,7 +219,7 @@ private function migrateHasManyRelations(): void
foreach ($relationData as $hasManyRelation => $spec) {
$linkClass = $spec['linkClass'];
$hasOneRelation = $spec['hasOne'];
- // Skip if the has_one relation still exists
+ // Stop migration if the has_one relation still exists
if (array_key_exists($hasOneRelation, $this->getLinkRelationData($linkClass, 'has_one'))) {
throw new RuntimeException("has_one relation '{$linkClass}.{$hasOneRelation} still exists. Cannot migrate has_many relation '{$ownerClass}.{$hasManyRelation}'.");
@@ -351,340 +285,8 @@ private function migrateHasManyRelations(): void
- /**
- * Find all `has_one` relations to link and set the corresponding `Owner` relation
- */
- private function setOwnerForHasOneLinks(): void
- {
- $this->extend('beforeSetOwnerForHasOneLinks');
- $this->print('Setting owners for has_one relations.');
- $allDataObjectModels = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(DataObject::class, false);
- $allLinkModels = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(Link::class, true);
- foreach ($allDataObjectModels as $modelClass) {
- if ($this->shouldSkipClassForOwnerCheck($modelClass)) {
- continue;
- }
- $hasOnes = Config::forClass($modelClass)->uninherited('has_one') ?? [];
- foreach ($hasOnes as $hasOneName => $spec) {
- // Get the class of the has_one
- $hasOneClass = $spec['class'] ?? null;
- if (!is_array($spec)) {
- $hasOneClass = $spec;
- $spec = ['class' => $hasOneClass];
- }
- // Skip malformed has_one relations
- if ($hasOneClass === null) {
- continue;
- }
- // Polymorphic has_one needs some extra handling
- if ($hasOneClass === DataObject::class) {
- if ($this->hasReciprocalRelation($allLinkModels, $hasOneName, $modelClass)) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->updateOwnerForRelation(Link::class, $hasOneName, $modelClass, $spec);
- continue;
- }
- // Skip if the has_one isn't for Link, or points at a belongs_to or has_many on Link
- if (!is_a($hasOneClass, Link::class, true)) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->hasReciprocalRelation([$hasOneClass], $hasOneName, $modelClass)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Update Owner for the relevant links to point at this relation
- $this->updateOwnerForRelation($hasOneClass, $hasOneName, $modelClass);
- }
- }
- $this->extend('afterSetOwnerForHasOneLinks');
- }
- private function shouldSkipClassForOwnerCheck(string $modelClass): bool
- {
- // This is a workaround for tests, since ClassInfo will get info about all TestOnly classes,
- // even if they're not in your test class's "extra_dataobjects" list.
- // Some classes don't have tables and don't NEED tables - but those classes also
- // won't declare has_one relations, so it's okay to skip those too.
- if (!ClassInfo::hasTable(DataObject::getSchema()->tableName($modelClass))) {
- return true;
- }
- // Skip class hierarchies that we explicitly said we want to skip
- $classHierarchiesToSkip = static::config()->get('classes_that_are_not_link_owners') ?? [];
- foreach ($classHierarchiesToSkip as $skipClass) {
- if (is_a($modelClass, $skipClass, true)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Store relation data in memory so we're not hitting config over and over again unnecessarily.
- * The task is likely run in CLI which relies on filesystem cache for config.
- */
- private function getLinkRelationData(string $linkClass, string $configName): array
- {
- if (!isset($this->linkRelationData[$linkClass][$configName])) {
- $config = Config::forClass($linkClass);
- $this->linkRelationData[$linkClass][$configName] = $config->uninherited($configName) ?? [];
- }
- return $this->linkRelationData[$linkClass][$configName];
- }
- private function hasReciprocalRelation(array $linkClasses, string $hasOneName, string $foreignClass): bool
- {
- foreach ($linkClasses as $linkClass) {
- $relationData = array_merge(
- $this->getLinkRelationData($linkClass, 'belongs_to'),
- $this->getLinkRelationData($linkClass, 'has_many'),
- );
- // Check if the given link class has a belongs_to or has_many pointing at the has_one relation
- // we're asking about
- foreach ($relationData as $relationName => $value) {
- $parsedRelation = $this->parseRelationData($value);
- if ($foreignClass !== $parsedRelation['class']) {
- continue;
- }
- // If we can't tell what relation the belongs_to or has_many points at,
- // assume it's for the relation we're asking about
- if ($parsedRelation['reciprocalRelation'] === null) {
- // Printing so developers can double check after the task is run.
- // They can manually set the owner if it turns out our assumption was wrong.
- // Not adding an extension point here because developers should use dot notation for the relation instead
- // of working around their ambiguous relation declaration.
- $this->print("Ambiguous relation '{$linkClass}.{$relationName}' found - assuming it points at '{$foreignClass}.{$hasOneName}'");
- return true;
- }
- if ($hasOneName !== $parsedRelation['reciprocalRelation']) {
- continue;
- }
- // If we get here, then the relation points back at the has_one we're
- // checking against.
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Parses a belongs_to or has_many relation class to separate the class from
- * the reciprocal relation name.
- *
- * Modified from RelationValidationService in framework.
- */
- private function parseRelationData(string $relationData): array
- {
- if (mb_strpos($relationData ?? '', '.') === false) {
- return [
- 'class' => $relationData,
- 'reciprocalRelation' => null,
- ];
- }
- $segments = explode('.', $relationData ?? '');
- // Theoretically this is the same as the mb_strpos check above,
- // but both checks are in RelationValidationService so I'm leaving
- // this here in case there's some edge case it's covering.
- if (count($segments) !== 2) {
- return [
- 'class' => $relationData,
- 'reciprocalRelation' => null,
- ];
- }
- $class = array_shift($segments);
- $relation = array_shift($segments);
- return [
- 'class' => $class,
- 'reciprocalRelation' => $relation,
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Bulk update the owner for links stored in a has_one relation
- */
- private function updateOwnerForRelation(string $linkClass, string $hasOneName, string $foreignClass, array $polymorphicSpec = []): void
- {
- $db = DB::get_conn();
- $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
- $isPolymorphic = !empty($polymorphicSpec);
- $ownerIdColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'OwnerID');
- $ownerClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'OwnerClass');
- $ownerRelationColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'OwnerRelation');
- $linkIdColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'ID');
- $relationIdColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, "{$hasOneName}ID");
- $nullCheck = $db->nullCheckClause($ownerIdColumn, true);
- $baseTable = $schema->tableForField($linkClass, 'OwnerID');
- $update = SQLUpdate::create(
- $db->escapeIdentifier($baseTable),
- [
- $ownerIdColumn => [$schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, 'ID') => []],
- $ownerClassColumn => [$schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, 'ClassName') => []],
- $ownerRelationColumn => $hasOneName,
- ],
- [
- $linkIdColumn . ' = ' . $relationIdColumn,
- // Only set the owner if it isn't already set
- // Don't check class here - see https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/issues/11165
- "$ownerIdColumn = 0 OR $nullCheck",
- $db->nullCheckClause($ownerRelationColumn, true),
- ]
- );
- // Join the table for $foreignClass
- $foreignClassTable = $schema->tableName($foreignClass);
- if ($foreignClassTable !== $baseTable) {
- $update->addInnerJoin($foreignClassTable, $relationIdColumn . ' = ' . $linkIdColumn);
- // If the table for $foreignClass is not its base table, we need to join that as well
- // so we can get the ID and classname.
- $baseForeignTable = $schema->baseDataTable($foreignClass);
- if (!$update->isJoinedTo($baseForeignTable)) {
- $update->addInnerJoin(
- $baseForeignTable,
- $db->escapeIdentifier($baseForeignTable . '.ID') . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier($foreignClassTable . '.ID')
- );
- }
- // Add join and where clauses for polymorphic relations so we don't set the wrong owners
- if ($isPolymorphic) {
- $relationClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, "{$hasOneName}Class");
- $linkClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'ClassName');
- $update->addFilterToJoin($foreignClassTable, $relationClassColumn . ' = ' . $linkClassColumn);
- // Make sure we ignore any multi-relational has_one pointing at something other than Link.Owner
- if ($polymorphicSpec[DataObjectSchema::HAS_ONE_MULTI_RELATIONAL] ?? false) {
- $update->addWhere([$schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, "{$hasOneName}Relation") => 'Owner']);
- }
- }
- }
- $update->execute();
- }
- /**
- * Publishes links unless Link isn't versioned or developers opt out.
- */
- private function publishLinks(): void
- {
- if (Link::has_extension(Versioned::class)) {
- $shouldPublishLinks = true;
- $this->extend('updateShouldPublishLinks', $shouldPublishLinks);
- if ($shouldPublishLinks) {
- $this->print('Publishing links.');
- /** @var Versioned&Link $link */
- foreach (Link::get()->chunkedFetch() as $link) {
- // Allow developers to skip publishing each link - this allows for scenarios
- // where links were Versioned in v2/v3 projects.
- $shouldPublishLink = true;
- $this->extend('updateShouldPublishLink', $link, $shouldPublishLink);
- if ($shouldPublishLink) {
- $link->copyVersionToStage(Versioned::DRAFT, Versioned::LIVE);
- }
- $link->destroy();
- }
- $this->print('Publishing complete.');
- } else {
- $this->print('Skipping publish step.');
- }
- } else {
- $this->print('Links are not versioned - skipping publish step due to project-level customisation.');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check for broken links and output information about them.
- * Doesn't actually check if file or page exists for those link types,
- * this is just about whether there's data there or not.
- */
- private function checkForBrokenLinks(): void
- {
- $this->print('Checking for broken links.');
- // Using draft stage is safe for unversioned links, and ensures we
- // get all relevant data for versioned but unpublished links.
- Versioned::withVersionedMode(function () {
- Versioned::set_reading_mode('Stage.' . Versioned::DRAFT);
- $checkForBrokenLinks = [
- EmailLink::class => [
- 'field' => 'Email',
- 'emptyValue' => [null, ''],
- ],
- ExternalLink::class => [
- 'field' => 'ExternalUrl',
- 'emptyValue' => [null, ''],
- ],
- FileLink::class => [
- 'field' => 'FileID',
- 'emptyValue' => [null, 0],
- ],
- PhoneLink::class => [
- 'field' => 'Phone',
- 'emptyValue' => [null, ''],
- ],
- SiteTreeLink::class => [
- 'field' => 'PageID',
- 'emptyValue' => [null, 0],
- ],
- ];
- $this->extend('updateCheckForBrokenLinks', $checkForBrokenLinks);
- $brokenLinks = [];
- foreach ($checkForBrokenLinks as $class => $data) {
- $field = $data['field'];
- $emptyValue = $data['emptyValue'];
- $ids = DataObject::get($class)->filter([$field => $emptyValue])->column('ID');
- $numBroken = count($ids);
- $this->print("Found $numBroken broken links for the '$class' class.");
- if ($numBroken > 0) {
- $brokenLinks[$class] = $ids;
- }
- }
- if (empty($brokenLinks)) {
- $this->print('No broken links.');
- return;
- }
- // Output table of broken links
- $this->print('Broken links:');
- if (Director::is_cli()) {
- // Output in a somewhat CLI friendly table.
- // Pad by the length of the longest class name so things align nicely.
- $longestClassLen = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($brokenLinks)));
- $paddedClassTitle = str_pad('Link class', $longestClassLen);
- $classSeparator = str_repeat('-', $longestClassLen);
- $output = <<< CLI_TABLE
- $paddedClassTitle | IDs of broken links
- $classSeparator | -------------------
- foreach ($brokenLinks as $class => $ids) {
- $paddedClass = str_pad($class, $longestClassLen);
- $idsString = implode(', ', $ids);
- $output .= "\n$paddedClass | $idsString";
- }
- } else {
- // Output as an HTML table
- $output = '
Link class | IDs of broken links |
- foreach ($brokenLinks as $class => $ids) {
- $idsString = implode(', ', $ids);
- $output .= "$class | $idsString |
- }
- $output .= '
- }
- $this->print($output);
- });
- }
- /**
- * A convenience method for printing a line to the browser or terminal with appropriate line breaks.
- */
- private function print(string $message): void
+ private function classIsOldLink(string $class): bool
- $eol = Director::is_cli() ? "\n" : '
- echo $message . $eol;
+ return is_a($class, Link::class, true);
diff --git a/src/Tasks/MigrationTaskTrait.php b/src/Tasks/MigrationTaskTrait.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a21301fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tasks/MigrationTaskTrait.php
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+ Deprecation::notice('4.0.0', 'Will be removed without equivalent functionality.', Deprecation::SCOPE_CLASS)
+ );
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ public function run($request): void
+ {
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ // If we don't need to migrate, exit early.
+ if (!$this->getNeedsMigration()) {
+ $this->print('Cannot perform migration.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$db->supportsTransactions()) {
+ $this->print('Database transactions are not supported for this database. Errors may result in a partially-migrated state.');
+ }
+ $db->withTransaction([$this, 'performMigration'], [$this, 'failedTransaction']);
+ if ($request->getVar('skipBrokenLinks')) {
+ $this->print('Skipping broken link check as requested.');
+ } else {
+ $this->checkForBrokenLinks();
+ }
+ $this->print('Done.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used in a callback if there is an error with the migration that causes a rolled back DB transaction
+ */
+ public function failedTransaction(): void
+ {
+ if (DB::get_conn()->supportsTransactions()) {
+ $this->print('There was an error with the migration. Rolling back.');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find all `has_one` relations to link and set the corresponding `Owner` relation
+ */
+ private function setOwnerForHasOneLinks(): void
+ {
+ $this->extend('beforeSetOwnerForHasOneLinks');
+ $this->print('Setting owners for has_one relations.');
+ $allDataObjectModels = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(DataObject::class, false);
+ $allLinkModels = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(Link::class, true);
+ foreach ($allDataObjectModels as $modelClass) {
+ if ($this->shouldSkipClassForOwnerCheck($modelClass)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $hasOnes = Config::forClass($modelClass)->uninherited('has_one') ?? [];
+ foreach ($hasOnes as $hasOneName => $spec) {
+ // Get the class of the has_one
+ $hasOneClass = $spec['class'] ?? null;
+ if (!is_array($spec)) {
+ $hasOneClass = $spec;
+ $spec = ['class' => $hasOneClass];
+ }
+ // Skip malformed has_one relations
+ if ($hasOneClass === null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Polymorphic has_one needs some extra handling
+ if ($hasOneClass === DataObject::class) {
+ if ($this->hasReciprocalRelation($allLinkModels, $hasOneName, $modelClass)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $this->updateOwnerForRelation(Link::class, $hasOneName, $modelClass, $spec);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Skip if the has_one isn't for Link, or points at a belongs_to or has_many on Link
+ if (!$this->classIsOldLink($hasOneClass)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->hasReciprocalRelation([$hasOneClass], $hasOneName, $modelClass)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Update Owner for the relevant links to point at this relation
+ $this->updateOwnerForRelation($hasOneClass, $hasOneName, $modelClass);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->extend('afterSetOwnerForHasOneLinks');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bulk update the owner for links stored in a has_one relation
+ */
+ private function updateOwnerForRelation(string $linkClass, string $hasOneName, string $foreignClass, array $polymorphicSpec = []): void
+ {
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $isPolymorphic = !empty($polymorphicSpec);
+ $ownerIdColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'OwnerID');
+ $ownerClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'OwnerClass');
+ $ownerRelationColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'OwnerRelation');
+ $linkIdColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'ID');
+ $relationIdColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, "{$hasOneName}ID");
+ $nullCheck = $db->nullCheckClause($ownerIdColumn, true);
+ $baseTable = $schema->tableForField($linkClass, 'OwnerID');
+ $update = SQLUpdate::create(
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($baseTable),
+ [
+ $ownerIdColumn => [$schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, 'ID') => []],
+ $ownerClassColumn => [$schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, 'ClassName') => []],
+ $ownerRelationColumn => $hasOneName,
+ ],
+ [
+ $linkIdColumn . ' = ' . $relationIdColumn,
+ // Only set the owner if it isn't already set
+ // Don't check class here - see https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/issues/11165
+ "$ownerIdColumn = 0 OR $nullCheck",
+ $db->nullCheckClause($ownerRelationColumn, true),
+ ]
+ );
+ // Join the table for $foreignClass
+ $foreignClassTable = $schema->tableName($foreignClass);
+ if ($foreignClassTable !== $baseTable) {
+ $update->addInnerJoin($foreignClassTable, $relationIdColumn . ' = ' . $linkIdColumn);
+ // If the table for $foreignClass is not its base table, we need to join that as well
+ // so we can get the ID and classname.
+ $baseForeignTable = $schema->baseDataTable($foreignClass);
+ if (!$update->isJoinedTo($baseForeignTable)) {
+ $update->addInnerJoin(
+ $baseForeignTable,
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($baseForeignTable . '.ID') . ' = ' . $db->escapeIdentifier($foreignClassTable . '.ID')
+ );
+ }
+ // Add join and where clauses for polymorphic relations so we don't set the wrong owners
+ if ($isPolymorphic) {
+ $relationClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, "{$hasOneName}Class");
+ $linkClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($linkClass, 'ClassName');
+ $update->addFilterToJoin($foreignClassTable, $relationClassColumn . ' = ' . $linkClassColumn);
+ // Make sure we ignore any multi-relational has_one pointing at something other than Link.Owner
+ if ($polymorphicSpec[DataObjectSchema::HAS_ONE_MULTI_RELATIONAL] ?? false) {
+ $update->addWhere([$schema->sqlColumnForField($foreignClass, "{$hasOneName}Relation") => 'Owner']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $update->execute();
+ }
+ private function shouldSkipClassForOwnerCheck(string $modelClass): bool
+ {
+ // This is a workaround for tests, since ClassInfo will get info about all TestOnly classes,
+ // even if they're not in your test class's "extra_dataobjects" list.
+ // Some classes don't have tables and don't NEED tables - but those classes also
+ // won't declare has_one relations, so it's okay to skip those too.
+ if (!ClassInfo::hasTable(DataObject::getSchema()->tableName($modelClass))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Skip class hierarchies that we explicitly said we want to skip
+ $classHierarchiesToSkip = static::config()->get('classes_that_are_not_link_owners') ?? [];
+ foreach ($classHierarchiesToSkip as $skipClass) {
+ if (is_a($modelClass, $skipClass, true)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Store relation data in memory so we're not hitting config over and over again unnecessarily.
+ * The task is likely run in CLI which relies on filesystem cache for config.
+ */
+ private function getLinkRelationData(string $linkClass, string $configName): array
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->linkRelationData[$linkClass][$configName])) {
+ $config = Config::forClass($linkClass);
+ $this->linkRelationData[$linkClass][$configName] = $config->uninherited($configName) ?? [];
+ }
+ return $this->linkRelationData[$linkClass][$configName];
+ }
+ private function hasReciprocalRelation(array $linkClasses, string $hasOneName, string $foreignClass): bool
+ {
+ foreach ($linkClasses as $linkClass) {
+ $relationData = array_merge(
+ $this->getLinkRelationData($linkClass, 'belongs_to'),
+ $this->getLinkRelationData($linkClass, 'has_many'),
+ );
+ // Check if the given link class has a belongs_to or has_many pointing at the has_one relation
+ // we're asking about
+ foreach ($relationData as $relationName => $value) {
+ $parsedRelation = $this->parseRelationData($value);
+ if ($foreignClass !== $parsedRelation['class']) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we can't tell what relation the belongs_to or has_many points at,
+ // assume it's for the relation we're asking about
+ if ($parsedRelation['reciprocalRelation'] === null) {
+ // Printing so developers can double check after the task is run.
+ // They can manually set the owner if it turns out our assumption was wrong.
+ // Not adding an extension point here because developers should use dot notation for the relation instead
+ // of working around their ambiguous relation declaration.
+ $this->print("Ambiguous relation '{$linkClass}.{$relationName}' found - assuming it points at '{$foreignClass}.{$hasOneName}'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($hasOneName !== $parsedRelation['reciprocalRelation']) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we get here, then the relation points back at the has_one we're
+ // checking against.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a belongs_to or has_many relation class to separate the class from
+ * the reciprocal relation name.
+ *
+ * Modified from RelationValidationService in framework.
+ */
+ private function parseRelationData(string $relationData): array
+ {
+ if (mb_strpos($relationData ?? '', '.') === false) {
+ return [
+ 'class' => $relationData,
+ 'reciprocalRelation' => null,
+ ];
+ }
+ $segments = explode('.', $relationData ?? '');
+ // Theoretically this is the same as the mb_strpos check above,
+ // but both checks are in RelationValidationService so I'm leaving
+ // this here in case there's some edge case it's covering.
+ if (count($segments) !== 2) {
+ return [
+ 'class' => $relationData,
+ 'reciprocalRelation' => null,
+ ];
+ }
+ $class = array_shift($segments);
+ $relation = array_shift($segments);
+ return [
+ 'class' => $class,
+ 'reciprocalRelation' => $relation,
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Publishes links unless Link isn't versioned or developers opt out.
+ */
+ private function publishLinks(): void
+ {
+ if (Link::has_extension(Versioned::class)) {
+ $shouldPublishLinks = true;
+ $this->extend('updateShouldPublishLinks', $shouldPublishLinks);
+ if ($shouldPublishLinks) {
+ $this->print('Publishing links.');
+ /** @var Versioned&Link $link */
+ foreach (Link::get()->chunkedFetch() as $link) {
+ // Allow developers to skip publishing each link - this allows for scenarios
+ // where links were Versioned in v2/v3 projects.
+ $shouldPublishLink = true;
+ $this->extend('updateShouldPublishLink', $link, $shouldPublishLink);
+ if ($shouldPublishLink) {
+ $link->copyVersionToStage(Versioned::DRAFT, Versioned::LIVE);
+ }
+ $link->destroy();
+ }
+ $this->print('Publishing complete.');
+ } else {
+ $this->print('Skipping publish step.');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->print('Links are not versioned - skipping publish step due to project-level customisation.');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check for broken links and output information about them.
+ * Doesn't actually check if file or page exists for those link types,
+ * this is just about whether there's data there or not.
+ */
+ private function checkForBrokenLinks(): void
+ {
+ $this->print('Checking for broken links.');
+ // Using draft stage is safe for unversioned links, and ensures we
+ // get all relevant data for versioned but unpublished links.
+ Versioned::withVersionedMode(function () {
+ Versioned::set_reading_mode('Stage.' . Versioned::DRAFT);
+ $checkForBrokenLinks = [
+ EmailLink::class => [
+ 'field' => 'Email',
+ 'emptyValue' => [null, ''],
+ ],
+ ExternalLink::class => [
+ 'field' => 'ExternalUrl',
+ 'emptyValue' => [null, ''],
+ ],
+ FileLink::class => [
+ 'field' => 'FileID',
+ 'emptyValue' => [null, 0],
+ ],
+ PhoneLink::class => [
+ 'field' => 'Phone',
+ 'emptyValue' => [null, ''],
+ ],
+ SiteTreeLink::class => [
+ 'field' => 'PageID',
+ 'emptyValue' => [null, 0],
+ ],
+ ];
+ $this->extend('updateCheckForBrokenLinks', $checkForBrokenLinks);
+ $brokenLinks = [];
+ foreach ($checkForBrokenLinks as $class => $data) {
+ $field = $data['field'];
+ $emptyValue = $data['emptyValue'];
+ $ids = DataObject::get($class)->filter([$field => $emptyValue])->column('ID');
+ $numBroken = count($ids);
+ $this->print("Found $numBroken broken links for the '$class' class.");
+ if ($numBroken > 0) {
+ $brokenLinks[$class] = $ids;
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($brokenLinks)) {
+ $this->print('No broken links.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Output table of broken links
+ $this->print('Broken links:');
+ if (Director::is_cli()) {
+ // Output in a somewhat CLI friendly table.
+ // Pad by the length of the longest class name so things align nicely.
+ $longestClassLen = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($brokenLinks)));
+ $paddedClassTitle = str_pad('Link class', $longestClassLen);
+ $classSeparator = str_repeat('-', $longestClassLen);
+ $output = <<< CLI_TABLE
+ $paddedClassTitle | IDs of broken links
+ $classSeparator | -------------------
+ foreach ($brokenLinks as $class => $ids) {
+ $paddedClass = str_pad($class, $longestClassLen);
+ $idsString = implode(', ', $ids);
+ $output .= "\n$paddedClass | $idsString";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Output as an HTML table
+ $output = 'Link class | IDs of broken links |
+ foreach ($brokenLinks as $class => $ids) {
+ $idsString = implode(', ', $ids);
+ $output .= "$class | $idsString |
+ }
+ $output .= '
+ }
+ $this->print($output);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * A convenience method for printing a line to the browser or terminal with appropriate line breaks.
+ */
+ private function print(string $message): void
+ {
+ $eol = Director::is_cli() ? "\n" : '
+ echo $message . $eol;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform the actual data migration and publish links as appropriate
+ */
+ abstract public function performMigration(): void;
+ /**
+ * Check if we actually need to migrate anything, and if not give clear output as to why not.
+ */
+ abstract private function getNeedsMigration(): bool;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the class represents an old link to be migrated
+ */
+ abstract private function classIsOldLink(string $class): bool;
diff --git a/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.php b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9af25cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+ ExternalLink::class,
+ 'Email' => EmailLink::class,
+ 'Phone' => PhoneLink::class,
+ 'File' => FileLink::class,
+ 'SiteTree' => SiteTreeLink::class,
+ 'Custom' => CustomLink::class,
+ ];
+ protected static $fixture_file = 'GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.yml';
+ protected static $extra_dataobjects = [
+ CustomLink::class,
+ HasManyLinkOwner::class,
+ LinkOwner::class,
+ WasManyManyJoinModel::class,
+ WasManyManyOwner::class,
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Required because of the use of fixtures with a custom table.
+ * Without this, the table (and its fixtures) won't be recreated after each test
+ * so any test that tears down the table would cause future tests to fail.
+ */
+ protected $usesTransactions = false;
+ protected function setUp(): void
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ // Add custom link config
+ GorriecoeMigrationTask::config()->merge('link_type_columns', [
+ 'Custom' => [
+ 'class' => CustomLink::class,
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'CustomField' => 'MyField',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ]);
+ GorriecoeMigrationTask::config()->merge('base_link_columns', [
+ 'MySort' => 'Sort',
+ ]);
+ }
+ public function onBeforeLoadFixtures(): void
+ {
+ GorriecoeMigrationTask::config()->set('old_link_table', self::OLD_LINK_TABLE);
+ // Set up migration tables
+ DB::get_schema()->schemaUpdate(function () {
+ // Old link table
+ $linkDbColumns = [
+ ...DataObject::config()->uninherited('fixed_fields'),
+ // Fields directly from the Link class
+ 'Title' => 'Varchar',
+ 'Type' => 'Varchar(50)',
+ 'URL' => 'Text',
+ 'Email' => 'Varchar',
+ 'Phone' => 'Varchar(30)',
+ 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Boolean',
+ 'SelectedStyle' => 'Varchar',
+ 'FileID' => 'ForeignKey',
+ // Fields from the LinkSiteTree extension
+ 'Anchor' => 'Varchar(255)',
+ 'SiteTreeID' => 'ForeignKey',
+ // Field for a custom link type
+ 'CustomField' => 'Varchar',
+ // Field for custom sort
+ 'MySort' => 'Int',
+ ];
+ DB::require_table(self::OLD_LINK_TABLE, $linkDbColumns, options: DataObject::config()->get('create_table_options'));
+ // many_many tables
+ $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
+ $ownerTable = $schema->tableName(WasManyManyOwner::class);
+ $normalJoinColumns = [
+ "{$ownerTable}ID" => 'ForeignKey',
+ self::OLD_LINK_TABLE . 'ID' => 'ForeignKey',
+ 'CustomSort' => 'Int',
+ ];
+ DB::require_table("{$ownerTable}_NormalManyMany", $normalJoinColumns, options: DataObject::config()->get('create_table_options'));
+ $throughJoinColumns = [
+ 'OldOwnerID' => 'ForeignKey',
+ 'OldLinkID' => 'ForeignKey',
+ 'CustomSort' => 'Int',
+ ];
+ DB::require_table('GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_manymany_through', $throughJoinColumns, options: DataObject::config()->get('create_table_options'));
+ $throughPolymorphicJoinColumns = [
+ ...$throughJoinColumns,
+ // technically it would be a DBClassName enum but this is easier and the actual type doesn't matter
+ 'OldOwnerClass' => 'Varchar',
+ ];
+ DB::require_table('GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_manymany_throughpoly', $throughPolymorphicJoinColumns, options: DataObject::config()->get('create_table_options'));
+ });
+ parent::onBeforeLoadFixtures();
+ }
+ public function provideGetNeedsMigration(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ 'no old table' => [
+ 'hasTable' => false,
+ 'expected' => false,
+ ],
+ 'original old table' => [
+ 'hasTable' => true,
+ 'expected' => true,
+ ],
+ 'obsolete old table' => [
+ 'hasTable' => 'obsolete',
+ 'expected' => true,
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideGetNeedsMigration
+ */
+ public function testGetNeedsMigration(string|bool $hasTable, bool $expected): void
+ {
+ if ($hasTable === false) {
+ DB::query('DROP TABLE "'. self::OLD_LINK_TABLE .'"');
+ } elseif ($hasTable === 'obsolete') {
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ DB::get_schema()->schemaUpdate(function () {
+ DB::dont_require_table(self::OLD_LINK_TABLE);
+ });
+ $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ }
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $result = $this->callPrivateMethod('getNeedsMigration');
+ $output = $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
+ $this->assertSame($expected ? '' : "Nothing to migrate - old link table doesn't exist.\n", $output);
+ }
+ public function testInsertBaseRows(): void
+ {
+ // Remove existing links which can cause ID conflicts.
+ // Note they would have already caused the migration to abort before this point.
+ Link::get()->removeAll();
+ // Insert the rows
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('insertBaseRows');
+ $output = $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ $select = new SQLSelect(from: DB::get_conn()->escapeIdentifier(DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataTable(Link::class)));
+ foreach ($select->execute() as $link) {
+ // Skip any links that already existed
+ if (str_starts_with($link['LinkText'], 'pre-existing')) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The owner class is likely to be some arbitrary model - see https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/issues/11165
+ unset($link['OwnerClass']);
+ $oldLinkSelect = new SQLSelect(from: DB::get_conn()->escapeIdentifier(self::OLD_LINK_TABLE), where: ['ID' => $link['ID']]);
+ $oldLinkData = $oldLinkSelect->execute()->record();
+ $expectedDataForLink = [
+ 'ID' => $oldLinkData['ID'],
+ 'ClassName' => self::TYPE_MAP[$oldLinkData['Type']],
+ 'LastEdited' => $oldLinkData['LastEdited'],
+ 'Created' => $oldLinkData['Created'],
+ 'LinkText' => $oldLinkData['Title'],
+ 'OpenInNew' => $oldLinkData['OpenInNewWindow'],
+ 'Sort' => $oldLinkData['MySort'],
+ // All of the below are just left as the default values
+ 'OwnerID' => 0,
+ 'OwnerRelation' => null,
+ 'Version' => 0,
+ ];
+ ksort($expectedDataForLink);
+ ksort($link);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedDataForLink, $link);
+ }
+ $this->assertEmpty($output);
+ }
+ public function testInsertTypeSpecificRows(): void
+ {
+ // Remove existing links which can cause ID conflicts.
+ // Note they would have already caused the migration to abort before this point.
+ Link::get()->removeAll();
+ // This test is dependent on the base rows being inserted
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('insertBaseRows');
+ $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ // Insert the rows
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('insertTypeSpecificRows');
+ $output = $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ $oldLinkSelect = new SQLSelect(from: DB::get_conn()->escapeIdentifier(self::OLD_LINK_TABLE));
+ $oldLinkData = $oldLinkSelect->execute();
+ $this->assertCount($oldLinkData->numRecords(), Link::get());
+ $typeColumnMaps = GorriecoeMigrationTask::config()->get('link_type_columns');
+ foreach ($oldLinkData as $oldLink) {
+ $link = Link::get()->byID($oldLink['ID']);
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(self::TYPE_MAP[$oldLink['Type']], $link);
+ foreach ($typeColumnMaps[$oldLink['Type']]['fields'] as $oldField => $newField) {
+ $this->assertSame(
+ $oldLink[$oldField],
+ $link->$newField,
+ "'$newField' field on Link must be the same as '$oldField' field in the old table"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assertEmpty($output);
+ }
+ public function testUpdateSiteTreeRows(): void
+ {
+ // Remove existing links which can cause ID conflicts.
+ // Note they would have already caused the migration to abort before this point.
+ Link::get()->removeAll();
+ // This test is dependent on the base and type-specific rows being inserted
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('insertBaseRows');
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('insertTypeSpecificRows');
+ $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ // Update the rows
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('updateSiteTreeRows');
+ $output = $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ $oldLinkSelect = new SQLSelect(from: DB::get_conn()->escapeIdentifier(self::OLD_LINK_TABLE));
+ foreach (SiteTreeLink::get() as $link) {
+ $oldLinkSelect = new SQLSelect(
+ from: DB::get_conn()->escapeIdentifier(self::OLD_LINK_TABLE),
+ where: ['ID' => $link->ID]
+ );
+ $oldLink = $oldLinkSelect->execute()->record();
+ $oldAnchor = $oldLink['Anchor'];
+ if ($oldAnchor === null) {
+ $anchor = null;
+ $queryString = null;
+ } elseif (str_starts_with($oldAnchor, '?')) {
+ $anchor = 'anchor-second';
+ $queryString = 'querystring=first&awesome';
+ } elseif (str_starts_with($oldAnchor, '#')) {
+ $anchor = 'anchor-first';
+ $queryString = 'querystring=second&awesome';
+ } else {
+ $anchor = 'this-will-be?treated&like-just-an-anchor=1#okiedoke';
+ $queryString = null;
+ }
+ $this->assertSame($anchor, $link->Anchor, 'Anchor must be set correctly');
+ $this->assertSame($queryString, $link->QueryString, 'Query string must be set correctly');
+ }
+ $this->assertEmpty($output);
+ }
+ public function provideMigrateHasManyRelations(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ 'no has_many' => [
+ 'hasManyConfig' => [],
+ ],
+ 'regular has_one' => [
+ 'hasManyConfig' => [
+ HasManyLinkOwner::class => [
+ 'RegularHasMany' => 'OldHasOne',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'ownerFixture' => 'legacy-relations',
+ 'addColumns' => ['OldHasOneID' => DBInt::class],
+ ],
+ 'polymorphic has_one' => [
+ 'hasManyConfig' => [
+ HasManyLinkOwner::class => [
+ 'PolyHasMany' => 'OldHasOne',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'ownerFixture' => 'legacy-relations',
+ 'addColumns' => [
+ 'OldHasOneID' => DBInt::class,
+ 'OldHasOneClass' => DBVarchar::class,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideMigrateHasManyRelations
+ */
+ public function testMigrateHasManyRelations(
+ array $hasManyConfig,
+ string $ownerFixture = null,
+ array $addColumns = []
+ ): void {
+ GorriecoeMigrationTask::config()->set('has_many_links_data', $hasManyConfig);
+ if (!empty($addColumns) && !$ownerFixture) {
+ throw new LogicException('Test scenario is broken - need owner if we are adding columns.');
+ }
+ // Set up legacy has_one columns and data
+ if ($ownerFixture) {
+ $oldTable = self::OLD_LINK_TABLE;
+ DB::get_schema()->schemaUpdate(function () use ($oldTable, $addColumns) {
+ foreach ($addColumns as $column => $fieldType) {
+ $dbField = DBField::create_field($fieldType, null, $column);
+ $dbField->setTable($oldTable);
+ $dbField->requireField();
+ }
+ });
+ $db = DB::get_conn();
+ $ownerClass = array_key_first($hasManyConfig);
+ $owner = $this->objFromFixture($ownerClass, $ownerFixture);
+ foreach (array_keys($addColumns) as $columnName) {
+ $value = str_ends_with($columnName, 'ID') ? $owner->ID : $owner->ClassName;
+ SQLUpdate::create(
+ $db->escapeIdentifier($oldTable),
+ [$db->escapeIdentifier("{$oldTable}.{$columnName}") => $value]
+ )->execute();
+ }
+ }
+ // Run the migration
+ $this->startCapturingOutput();
+ $this->callPrivateMethod('migrateHasManyRelations');
+ $output = $this->stopCapturingOutput();
+ if (empty($hasManyConfig)) {
+ $this->assertSame("No has_many relations to migrate.\n", $output);
+ return;
+ }
+ $expectedOutput = "Migrating has_many relations.\n";
+ // Owner SHOULD have been set
+ foreach ($hasManyConfig as $ownerClass => $relationData) {
+ $owner = $this->objFromFixture($ownerClass, $ownerFixture);
+ foreach ($relationData as $hasManyRelation => $spec) {
+ $list = $owner->$hasManyRelation();
+ // Check that the Owner relation got set correctly for these
+ $this->assertSame([$owner->ID], $list->columnUnique('OwnerID'));
+ $this->assertSame([$hasManyRelation], $list->columnUnique('OwnerRelation'));
+ $this->assertSame([$owner->ClassName], $list->columnUnique('OwnerClass'));
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assertSame($expectedOutput, $output);
+ }
+ public function provideMigrateManyManyRelations(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'table' => 'LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwner_NormalManyMany',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'table' => 'GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_manymany_through',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'table' => 'GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_manymany_throughpoly',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideMigrateManyManyRelations
+ */
+ public function testMigrateManyManyRelations($table): void
+ {
+ /*
+ many_many
+ many_many through
+ many_many through polymorphic
+ All of the above with duplicate links in the same relation
+ */
+ }
+ public function testMigrateManyManyRelationsJoinClassStillExists(): void
+ {
+ // @TODO many_many through but the join class still exists
+ }
+ private function startCapturingOutput(): void
+ {
+ flush();
+ ob_start();
+ }
+ private function stopCapturingOutput(): string
+ {
+ return ob_get_clean();
+ }
+ private function callPrivateMethod(string $methodName, array $args = []): mixed
+ {
+ $task = new GorriecoeMigrationTask();
+ // getNeedsMigration() sets the table to pull from.
+ // If we're not testing that method, we need to set the table ourselves.
+ if ($this->getName() !== 'testGetNeedsMigration') {
+ $reflectionProperty = new ReflectionProperty($task, 'oldTableName');
+ $reflectionProperty->setAccessible(true);
+ $reflectionProperty->setValue($task, self::OLD_LINK_TABLE);
+ }
+ $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($task, $methodName);
+ $reflectionMethod->setAccessible(true);
+ return $reflectionMethod->invoke($task, ...$args);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.yml b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e43a753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ email-link01:
+ LinkText: 'pre-existing link 01'
+ Email: 'email@example.com'
+ email-link02:
+ LinkText: 'pre-existing link 02'
+ Email: 'another-email@example.com'
+ sitetree-link01:
+ LinkText: 'pre-existing link 01'
+ Anchor: 'an-anchor'
+ # Doesn't matter if this is a real page or not for our purposes
+ PageID: 7
+ sitetree-link02:
+ LinkText: 'pre-existing link 02'
+ PageID: 1
+ url-link01:
+ Title: 'url link 01'
+ Created: '2019-12-02T12:21:12'
+ LastEdited: '2019-12-23T12:21:18'
+ Type: 'URL'
+ URL: null
+ OpenInNewWindow: true
+ MySort: 1
+ url-link02:
+ Title: 'url link 02'
+ Type: 'URL'
+ URL: '/some-relative-path/hahaha'
+ OpenInNewWindow: false
+ MySort: 2
+ url-link03:
+ Title: 'url link03'
+ Type: 'URL'
+ URL: 'https://www.example.com/'
+ MySort: 3
+ email-link01:
+ Title: 'email link 01'
+ Type: 'Email'
+ Email: null
+ OpenInNewWindow: true
+ email-link02:
+ Title: 'email link 02'
+ Type: 'Email'
+ Email: 'email@example.com'
+ OpenInNewWindow: false
+ email-link03:
+ Title: 'email link03'
+ Type: 'Email'
+ Email: 'email2@example.com'
+ phone-link01:
+ Title: 'phone link 01'
+ Type: 'Phone'
+ Phone: null
+ OpenInNewWindow: true
+ phone-link02:
+ Title: 'phone link 02'
+ Type: 'Phone'
+ Phone: '123456789'
+ OpenInNewWindow: false
+ phone-link03:
+ Title: 'phone link03'
+ Type: 'Phone'
+ Phone: '04-555-call-me'
+ file-link01:
+ Title: 'file link 01'
+ Type: 'File'
+ FileID: 0
+ OpenInNewWindow: true
+ file-link02:
+ Title: 'file link 02'
+ Type: 'File'
+ FileID: 0
+ OpenInNewWindow: false
+ file-link03:
+ Title: 'file link03'
+ Type: 'File'
+ # Doesn't matter if this is a real file or not for our purposes
+ FileID: 1
+ sitetree-link01:
+ Title: 'sitetree link 01'
+ Type: 'SiteTree'
+ SiteTreeID: 0
+ OpenInNewWindow: true
+ Anchor: null
+ sitetree-link02:
+ Title: 'sitetree link 02'
+ Type: 'SiteTree'
+ SiteTreeID: 0
+ OpenInNewWindow: false
+ Anchor: 'this-will-be?treated&like-just-an-anchor=1#okiedoke'
+ sitetree-link03:
+ Title: 'sitetree link03'
+ Type: 'SiteTree'
+ # Doesn't matter if this is a real page or not for our purposes
+ SiteTreeID: 1
+ Anchor: '#anchor-first?querystring=second&awesome'
+ sitetree-link04:
+ Title: 'sitetree link04'
+ Type: 'SiteTree'
+ Anchor: '?querystring=first&awesome#anchor-second'
+ custom-link01:
+ Title: 'custom link 01'
+ Type: 'Custom'
+ CustomField: null
+ OpenInNewWindow: true
+ custom-link02:
+ Title: 'custom link 02'
+ Type: 'Custom'
+ CustomField: 'Some value'
+ OpenInNewWindow: false
+ custom-link03:
+ Title: 'custom link03'
+ Type: 'Custom'
+ CustomField: 'another value'
+ # We can't add the relations here, because that would set them against a real has_one, but we want
+ # them to be added against columns that aren't added through the regular ORM to simulate legacy data
+ legacy-relations:
+# many_many relation migrations
+ manymany-owner1:
+ Title: 'Owner 1'
+ manymany-owner2:
+ Title: 'Owner 2'
+ manymany-owner3:
+ Title: 'Owner 3'
+ normal-join1:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 1
+ normal-join2:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link02
+ CustomSort: 2
+ normal-join3:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink.sitetree-link01
+ CustomSort: 3
+ normal-join4:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 1
+ normal-join5:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink.sitetree-link02
+ CustomSort: 2
+ normal-join6:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link02
+ CustomSort: 3
+ normal-join7:
+ LinkFieldTest_Tasks_WasManyManyOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner3
+ GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest_OldLinkTableID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 4
+ through-join1:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 1
+ through-join2:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link02
+ CustomSort: 2
+ through-join3:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink.sitetree-link01
+ CustomSort: 3
+ through-join4:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 1
+ through-join5:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink.sitetree-link02
+ CustomSort: 2
+ through-join6:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link02
+ CustomSort: 3
+ through-join7:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner3
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 4
+ through-poly-join1:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 1
+ through-poly-join2:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link02
+ CustomSort: 2
+ through-poly-join3:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner1
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink.sitetree-link01
+ CustomSort: 3
+ through-poly-join4:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 1
+ through-poly-join5:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\SiteTreeLink.sitetree-link02
+ CustomSort: 2
+ through-poly-join6:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner2
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link02
+ CustomSort: 3
+ through-poly-join7:
+ OldOwnerID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner.manymany-owner3
+ OldOwnerClass: 'SilverStripe\LinkField\Tests\Tasks\GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest\WasManyManyOwner'
+ OldLinkID: =>SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink.email-link01
+ CustomSort: 4
diff --git a/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest/WasManyManyJoinModel.php b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest/WasManyManyJoinModel.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d31fb455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest/WasManyManyJoinModel.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ WasManyManyOwner::class,
+ 'Link' => Link::class,
+ ];
diff --git a/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest/WasManyManyOwner.php b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest/WasManyManyOwner.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e564716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/php/Tasks/GorriecoeMigrationTaskTest/WasManyManyOwner.php
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ 'Varchar',
+ ];
+ private static array $has_many = [
+ 'NormalManyMany' => Link::class . '.Owner',
+ 'ManyManyThrough' => Link::class . '.Owner',
+ 'ManyManyThroughPolymorphic' => Link::class . '.Owner',
+ // These two are here just as a sanity check that additional relationships don't affect the task
+ 'LinkButNotIncluded' => Link::class . '.Owner',
+ 'NotLink' => SiteTree::class,
+ ];
diff --git a/tests/php/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTaskTest.php b/tests/php/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTaskTest.php
index a3ef9dba..b03e5edc 100644
--- a/tests/php/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTaskTest.php
+++ b/tests/php/Tasks/LinkFieldMigrationTaskTest.php
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Core\Environment;
use SilverStripe\Core\Manifest\ClassLoader;
-use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation;
use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest;
use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\EmailLink;
use SilverStripe\LinkField\Models\ExternalLink;
@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ public function testGetNeedsMigration(bool $hasTitleColumn, bool $hasLinkTextCol
OverrideMigrationStepsExtension::$needsMigration = $extensionOverride;
- $needsMigration = $this->callPrivateMethod('getNeedsMigration', [$baseTable]);
+ $needsMigration = $this->callPrivateMethod('getNeedsMigration');
$output = $this->stopCapturingOutput();
$this->assertSame($expected, $needsMigration);
@@ -1117,7 +1116,7 @@ private function stopCapturingOutput(): string
private function callPrivateMethod(string $methodName, array $args = []): mixed
- $task = Deprecation::withNoReplacement(fn() => new LinkFieldMigrationTask());
+ $task = new LinkFieldMigrationTask();
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($task, $methodName);
return $reflectionMethod->invoke($task, ...$args);