Yet another repository management with auto-attaching profiles.
ghq is the most famous solution to resolve stress of our repository management currently. However, I wanted to customise the git configuration by some rules, such as using my company email in their repositories.
To achieve that, ghq was not enough for me. So I have rewritten them as simple, in Rust, the robust and modern language today.
brew install siketyan/tap/ghr
To upgrade:
brew upgrade siketyan/tap/ghr
scoop bucket add siketyan
scoop install ghr
To upgrade:
scoop update ghr
If you have not installed Rust environment, follow the instruction of rustup.
cargo install ghr
For upgrading, we recommend to use cargo-update.
cargo install-update ghr
To extend ghr features to maximum, it is recommended to install the shell extension. Add the line below to your shell configuration script to enable it.
source <(ghr shell bash)
To enable completions, add the line into ~/.bash_completion
source <(ghr shell bash --completion)
ghr shell fish | source
To enable completions, add the line into ~/.config/fish/completions/
ghr shell fish --completion | source
Usage: ghr <COMMAND>
cd Change directory to one of the managed repositories (Shell extension required)
clone Clones a Git repository to local
delete Deletes a repository from local
init Initialises a Git repository in local
list Lists all managed repositories
open Opens a repository in an application
browse Browse a repository on web
path Prints the path to root, owner, or a repository
profile Manages profiles to use in repositories
shell Writes a shell script to extend ghr features
version Prints the version of this application
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-q, --quiet Operates quietly. Errors will be reported even if this option is enabled
-v, --verbose Operates verbosely. Traces, debug logs will be reported
-h, --help Print help
ghr supports many patterns or URLs of the repository to clone:
ghr clone <owner>/<repo>
ghr clone<owner>/<repo>
ghr clone<owner>/<repo>.git
ghr clone ssh://<owner>/<repo>.git
ghr clone<owner>/<repo>.git
If you have installed the shell extension, you can change directory to the cloned repository:
ghr clone <url_or_pattern> --cd
If you often use repositories of a specific owner, you can set the default owner to be resolved.
owner = "siketyan"
ghr clone <repo>
You can change directory to one of the managed repositories on the shell. It requires installing the shell extension.
ghr cd <url_or_pattern>
Create ~/.ghr/ghr.toml
and edit as you like:
[profiles.default] = "Your Name" = ""
[] = "Your Name (ACME Inc.)" = ""
[[rules]] = "company"
owner = "acme" # Applies company profiles to all repositories in `acme` org
[[rules]] = "default"
Edit ~/.ghr/ghr.toml
and add entries as you like:
cmd = "code"
args = ["%p"]
will be replaced by the repository path.
ghr path # Root directory
ghr path <owner>/<repo> # Repository directory
ghr path <url> # Repository directory resolved by URL
ghr path<owner>/<repo> # Repository directory of the specified host
ghr path --owner=<owner> # Owner root
ghr path # Host root
ghr path --owner=<owner> # Owner root of the specified host
You can change the root of repositories managed by ghr by setting environment variable GHR_ROOT
in your shell profile.
ghr path # ~/.ghr
GHR_ROOT=/path/to/root ghr path # /path/to/root