This example uses the same sample application that is used in the go/linux example.
It also uses the Docker image that was built for this sample application in the go/k8s example. If you'd like to build your own image, then please follow the steps in that example to do so.
Otherwise, we'll demonstrate how to use the existing Docker image that's hosted in GitHub's container repository to deploy a Go application in Amazon ECS.
The following tools are required to build and deploy the Go application and the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector:
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Helm 3
- An AWS account with an ECS cluster and appropriate permissions
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a managed orchestration service that allows you to deploy and scale containerized applications.
It comes in two flavors:
- EC2: containers are deployed onto EC2 instances that are provisioned for your ECS cluster
- Fargate: containers are deployed in a serverless manner
We'll demonstrate how to deploy the Go application and OpenTelemetry collector using ECS Fargate, however EC2 is similar.
To instrument a Go service running in ECS Fargate with OpenTelemetry, we need to add the
We've already done this in the go/k8s example, and the container image
is available with an image name of
The next step is to update the ECS Task definition for our application.
For our application container, we first need to add several environment variables:
"environment": [
"value": "helloworld-go-ecs"
"value": "deployment.environment=test,service.version=1.0"
"value": "true"
We then need to add a second container to the ECS task definition for the Splunk distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector:
"name": "splunk-otel-collector",
"image": "",
"cpu": 0,
"portMappings": [],
"essential": true,
"environment": [
"name": "SPLUNK_CONFIG",
"value": "/etc/otel/collector/fargate_config.yaml"
"name": "SPLUNK_REALM",
"value": "<Realm - us0, us1, etc>"
"value": "<Access Token>"
"value": "[\"\"]"
We've prepared a task-definition.json file that you can use as an example. Open this file for editing, and replace the:
- <Splunk Realm>
- <Access Token>
- <AWS Region>
- <AWS Account ID>
placeholders with appropriate values for your environment.
We have what we need now to deploy our task definition to Amazon ECS.
So navigate to the AWS console and go to the Amazon Elastic Container Service page. Assuming that you've already got an ECS cluster setup, click on Task definitions and then Create a new task definition from JSON. Copy and paste your task-definition.json file as in the following screenshot:
Once the task definition is created successfully, navigate to the ECS cluster where you'd like to deploy the application, then create a new service:
Specify "FARGATE" as the launch type:
Then configure the service deployment as follows:
While this goes beyond the scope of this example, you may need to configure the networking details for the service, such as the VPC and subnet it belongs to, as well as the security group to allow traffic on port 8080. We'll configure the service to use a public IP address and put it in a public subnet for our testing, though in production it would be better to put a load balancer in front of the service. Refer to Connect Amazon ECS applications to the internet for further details.
It will take a few minutes to deploy the service. But once it's up and running, it should look like this in the AWS console:
Let's get the IP address for the helloworld-Go container:
If you're using a load balancer for your deployment, then use the load balancer IP instead.
Point your browser to http://<ECS IP Address>:8080/hello.
The application should return "Hello, World!".
After a minute or so, you should start to see traces for the Go application appearing in Splunk Observability Cloud:
Note that the trace has been decorated with ECS attributes, such as aws.ecs.cluster.arn
This allows us to retain context when we navigate from APM to
infrastructure data within Splunk Observability Cloud.
Metrics are collected by the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Go automatically. For example,
the runtime.go.mem.heap_alloc
metric shows us the bytes of heap objects allocated by the
Go process:
With the default ECS task configuration, any logs generated by an ECS task are sent to AWS CloudWatch.
Our application uses zap for logging, and trace context was added to the code as explained in go/linux.
Here's an example log entry, which includes the trace_id and span_id:
"level": "info",
"ts": 1733175861.1912444,
"caller": "app/main.go:33",
"msg": "In httpHandler()",
"trace_id": "eb2c0895bb66e39cd0f45830b91044e8",
"span_id": "ae3f72e53af29e24",
"trace_flags": "01"
The logs can be ingested into Splunk platform from AWS CloudWatch, and then made available to Splunk Observability Cloud using Log Observer Connect.